November 22, 2021
CCSD 89 families:
With report cards going home last week, it means we’re already one-third of the way through this school year. I hope you find time over the next few days to celebrate your child’s accomplishments from first trimester, and discuss their goals for the rest of the school year.
It has been wonderful to have all our students back in the building for these 14 weeks. Your student’s ability to manage mitigation practices has allowed many beloved traditions to return, and our teaching staff is working incredibly hard to ensure every single student will reach the greatest possible levels of success.
As I reflect on the start of this school year, I’m so grateful for the contributions of CCSD 89 families. Parents and guardians have helped us run book fairs and veterans ceremonies, fundraisers and dances, fall festivals and Halloween socials. You have embraced the mitigation requirements so our schools can be healthy, consistent places to learn. You have volunteered for committees and clinics. Although each of those events required modifications from past practices, you adapted and moved forward.
The camaraderie at these events isn’t marked on a report card, but they are an essential part of the school community. These traditions help bond the students to their school, and they lead them to greater acceptance and investment in their education.
I hope you all have a safe and relaxing break. Everyone at Community Consolidated School District 89 is deeply thankful for your support.
Dr. Emily Tammaru
CCSD 89 Superintendent
CCSD 89 updates snow day and half-day plans
Community Consolidated School District 89 has made changes to the half-day and “snow day” plans.
‘Snow days’ will become online learning days
When buildings cannot open due to severe weather, the district will now provide online learning throughout that day. This change will significantly reduce the likelihood that any days would need to be added to the end of the school year.
In the event that severe weather closes school buildings, teachers will provide live or recorded lessons that students would participate in through their Chromebook or iPad. The school day would follow regular school hours, including a break for lunch.

Over the next few weeks, students will practice logging on to Google Meets through their Chromebook or iPads so they are prepared ahead of any severe weather.
When there is a forecast of severe weather, students should plan to bring their Chromebook or iPad home the day before. The district will make every effort to communicate a potential online learning day as early as possible. If a student cannot connect to the internet for an online learning day, their guardian should call them in as absent.
This change in policy will not cause the district to close the buildings more often when there is bad weather. In-person learning is still the preferred instructional method when travel conditions are safe.
An eLearning plan was approved in the previous school year but was not put in use during the 2020-21 school year. You can read the resolution to adopt eLearning here.
Reducing the number of half days in 2022-23
More than 350 people shared feedback on the 2022-23 school calendar. (You can see that feedback here.) The district is reviewing all of the feedback that was shared. One area where there was wide agreement among families was reducing the number of school improvement and institute half-days on the calendar. 
The district has filed a waiver with the state to convert four half days into two full days off for students. (Staff would still be in the buildings to work on school improvement plans and professional development.)

A 2022-23 calendar with these changes is expected to be presented to the Board of Education at the January meeting. The district will share that final calendar via email once it is approved. 
Video: GECRC program supports Glen Crest learners
At the November 2021 Board of Education meeting, Glen Crest Middle School highlighted its after-school mentoring and tutoring program. The program is run in partnership with the Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center (GECRC). The video below shares more information about this program.
The Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center is largely funded by donations and staffed by volunteers. To donate or volunteer with the GECRC, go to:
Suggestion boxes give students more opportunities for input
This year’s CCSD 89 Student Board Members are giving students more ways to share their ideas for school.

Student Board Members Jillian DeMayo and Kavya Uppal have brought back student suggestion boxes. The suggestion boxes are now available at all five CCSD 89 schools. Students can share their ideas for how they would make their school better by filling out a yellow card and dropping it in the box.

The boxes were introduced by the first-ever CCSD 89 Student Board Members in 2019. DeMayo and Uppal updated the boxes and created a commercial to encourage students to share their ideas. 
Volunteers need for December 11 pediatric vaccination clinic
Volunteers are needed at the December 11 vaccination clinics to assist visitors. Volunteers will help greet people, collect paperwork, and hand out forms. There are two-hour shifts from 9:30 to 3:30 p.m., but people can sign up for more than one shift. Sign up here: You will be contacted prior to December 11 to let you know where you are needed.
CCSD 89 will no longer be participating in SHIELD testing
Community Consolidated School District 89 will no longer be participating in the SHIELD COVID-19 testing program. In November, the company providing SHIELD testing to CCSD 89 informed the district that they would no longer be able to provide the surveillance screening. SHIELD testing was being used to screen students who are participating in higher-risk activities (indoor sports, chorus, band) but are not vaccinated against COVID-19. The district will no longer provide screening for these students. Free Binax COVID-19 tests are available at all five schools for any student who has COVID-19 symptoms.
Upcoming events
November 22: Evening conferences for elementary
November 23: Morning attendance (conferences)
November 24-26: No school (Thanksgiving break)
November 29: School resumes after Thanksgiving break
December 13: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.