November 21, 2022
CCSD 89 families:

In Community Consolidated School District 89, there is so much to be thankful for this year.

Our classrooms are filled with joy, learning, and celebrations. Kids are collaborating in small groups, working on science labs, meeting new PE challenges, and supporting each other.

There are new clubs and opportunities in our schools to inspire and connect students.

Families regularly go above and beyond to support learning at home. Our PTCs are hosting well-attended events that build up the community. Volunteers make time to help in classrooms, on the playgrounds, and in the libraries.

In short: I’m incredibly grateful for this learning community. Each of you makes CCSD 89 a special place – a place that welcomes every single student, gets to know them, and creates learning opportunities to help all students flourish.

On behalf of the staff at CCSD 89, thank you for sharing your wonderful kids with us for a few hours each day. It is certainly something we are thankful for.

I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving that is filled with the people you love.

Dr. Emily Tammaru
CCSD 89 Superintendent
Join the community conversation on Thursday, December 1
All residents are invited to learn more about the school district at the Conversations with the Community event on December 1. The first community conversations are scheduled for noon and 6 p.m. at the district office. Superintendent Dr. Emily Tammaru will present information about social-emotional learning. After the presentation, community members can ask any additional questions related to the district. Learn more:
Video: Get a book, share a book at Glen Crest Little Free Library
Do you have a book you’d love to share? Interested in finding a literary surprise? Everyone in the community is invited to stop by the Little Free Library posted near Glen Crest Middle School's main entrance. The little library is filled with books anyone in the community can take and enjoy at no cost. Community members are also invited to leave books for the next person who stops by. The project was started last year by the Glen Crest Library Teen Advisory Board.
Registration for 2023-24 new students will begin in January
Families interested in having their student attend tuition preschool in the 2023-24 school year will begin registration in January 2023. Families will have to provide an original birth certificate and proof of residency to be placed in a lottery for preschool openings. Families not selected in the lottery are put on a waitlist.

Registration for kindergarten students who will be new to the district in the 2023-24 school year will open in February 2023. All new students have to provide an original birth certificate and prove residency.

More information about registration will be posted on the district’s website ( in December. Registration for returning students will open in April 2023. 
All schools closed November 23-25 for Thanksgiving break
Tuesday, November 22, will be morning attendance for all CCSD 89 students. Dismissal on the half-day will be at 11:15 a.m. for Glen Crest and 11:50 a.m. for elementary schools. Elementary parent-teacher conferences will be held in the afternoon.

All CCSD 89 schools will be closed from Wednesday, November 23, through Friday, November 25. The district office will be closed Thursday, November 24, and Friday, November 25. School will resume on a normal schedule on Monday, November 28.
LMC director shares special reminder on how to care for books
To remind students of how they should treat the school's books, Arbor View Elementary librarian Joy Yerly leads students through a special song before they leave the library.
No online learning on 'snow days' this school year
When school buildings need to close due to extreme weather (such as heavy snow), CCSD 89 will not be providing online learning this school year. If a snow day is necessary, schools will be closed and the day will be added to the end of the school year. This change is a result of feedback from parent groups. More info:
Enjoy student musical performances at December concerts
The community is invited to enjoy student musical performances throughout December. The chorus concert will be on December 8 at Glen Crest Middle School. The band concerts (December 13) and orchestra concerts (December 14) will be at Glenbard South High School. More info:
Upcoming events
November 21: Evening conferences for elementary
November 21: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
November 22: HALF DAY - conferences
November 23-25: NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving
November 28: School resumes after Thanksgiving break
December 1: Conversations with the Community, noon and 6 p.m.
December 8: Chorus concert at Glen Crest, 7:30 p.m.
December 12: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
December 13: Band concerts at Glenbard South, 6 p.m.
December 14: Orchestra concerts at Glenbard South, 6 p.m.
December 19-30: NO SCHOOL - Winter break