CCSD 89 families:
I wanted to provide an update to families about a topic that is always on the minds of our staff members: the safety of your children. On Friday, October 7, our entire staff received safety training from Glen Ellyn Police Sgt. Craig Holstead and DuPage Sheriff Sgt. Joshua Schindlbeck.
Sgts. Holstead and Schindlbeck shared strategies for keeping our buildings safe and advice about what to do in an emergency situation. They walked through the basics of the run-hide-fight approach to protecting students and staff in a crisis. It was a heavy topic but one that is critical for our preparedness.
Our staff also participated in two other recent safety events. I was on a panel of presenters at the September 22 event titled “Preventing Gun Violence through a Community of Care”, which was hosted by the Glen Ellyn League of Women Voters. (You can view the slides from that presentation here.) Then, on October 11, several CCSD 89 staff members and parents attended a presentation from former Aurora police chief Kristen Ziman. One of the main takeaways from that event was Ziman’s reminder: If you see something, say something.
These presentations were another reminder that safety is everyone’s responsibility. Any time you know of any safety issue related to our schools, you must reach out to the school or local police. Don’t assume someone else has already called. Your call or email can make a huge difference.
Students or families can confidentially call, email, or text the “SpeakUp” safety line at (630) 348-2033 or email The “SpeakUp” email address is loaded as an automatic contact in all “” student email accounts.
Safety will continue to be the first thing I think about every morning and the last thing I think about when I leave at the end of the day. I hope our staff's commitment to safety means kids don’t have to think about it as often, so they can focus on being kids.
Dr. Emily Tammaru
CCSD 89 Superintendent
October 26: share your priorities for next Glen Crest principal
Glen Crest Principal Kim Price will be retiring at the end of the 2022-23 school year after an amazing career in education. As the district prepares for the next school year, Superintendent Dr. Emily Tammaru is meeting with groups of students, staff, and families to learn about their middle-school priorities.
Any current or future Glen Crest family is welcome to attend an open discussion at 6 p.m. Wednesday, October 26, in the district office, 22W600 Butterfield Road, Glen Ellyn. Anyone in attendance will be able to share the qualities they are looking for in the next principal at Glen Crest.
Video: Meet the family engagement liaisons
The CCSD 89 family-engagement liaisons are community members who are focused on helping parents navigate and succeed in the school system. They are a multilingual team that can help connect families with resources.
Get to know our family-engagement liaisons:
Considering running for school board? November 3 open house
Anyone who is considering running for the CCSD 89 Board of Education is invited to an open house at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, November 3, in the district office, 22W600 Butterfield Road, Glen Ellyn. Potential candidates can learn more about the role of a Board member and ask questions of the superintendent and a current Board member.
District's upgraded bond rating will help with bond sale
Maureen Jones, the CCSD 89 Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations, was recently notified that the district’s bond rating improved to AA+. Only the most conservative and financially secure districts receive this rating from Standard & Poor's, which is a testament to the finance department's work and the Board of Education's commitment to fiscal responsibility. This AA+ rating is expected to help the insurance requirements for the upcoming bond sale and reduce interest costs for taxpayers.
Jones was also recently honored by the Illinois Association of School Business Officials for her three years on the IASBO Board. IASBO made a $1,000 donation in Jones’ name to the Glen Ellyn Children’s Resource Center, which provides afterschool tutoring and mentoring to Glen Crest Middle School students. IASBO treasurer Dr. David Bein said Jones as an amazing leader.
“IASBO, your district, and all of the school districts around the state of Illinois are better because of what you have done,” Bein said.
Community members can donate blood November 2 at Glen Crest
The next blood CCSD 89 blood drive will be held from 2 to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 2, at Glen Crest Middle School. The community is welcome to donate.
Future blood drives: January 18, 2023; March 15, 2023; May 10, 2023; August 23, 2023; and November 1, 2023.
FirstView app helps families keep up with bus travel
Many CCSD 89 families will now be able to track their student’s bus trips to and from school through a free busing app.
Parents can download the FirstView app. The app can show an estimated number of minutes until the bus arrive at bus stops, and when buses arrive at school. Learn more:
Upcoming events
October 26: Glen Crest principal conversation, 6 p.m.
November 3: Meeting for potential School Board candidates, 6:30 p.m.
November 7: Evening conferences for middle school
November 8: NO SCHOOL – Election Day
November 10: First trimester ends
November 17: Evening conferences for elementary schools
November 21: Evening conferences for elementary
November 21: Board of Education meeting
November 22: HALF DAY - conferences
November 23-25: NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving
CCSD 89 | (630) 469-8900 |