CCSI News and Updates
We’re excited to share this month’s newsletter, which focuses specifically on our work in the education sector. For over 20 years, CCSI has worked to develop innovative ways to support schools in creating trauma-responsive, equity-focused learning environments. When students and staff feel safe, secure, valued, and affirmed, they thrive and achieve. This is more important than ever given the new and complex challenges schools and communities have faced over the past 18 months – and will continue to face as we look to the new school year. Here are just a few highlights:
Coordinated Care Services, Inc.
  • The Consortium on Trauma, Illness, and Grief in Schools (TIG) Core Curriculum Series is now available virtually! To enhance convenience and accessibility, regions can now select in-person training, virtual, or a hybrid. In honor of TIG’s 20th anniversary, virtual TIG training with online access to the curriculum was made available to educators in NYS and beyond.
  • The Student Coalition on Race and Equity (SCORE) was recently awarded a New York Attorney General Triple C Award, which recognizes the courage, character, and commitment of New York State’s outstanding students. We continue to be amazed by the incredible work of the SCORE team!  
  • Learn more about the Trauma Responsive Understanding Self-Assessment Tool for Schools (TRUST-S), and how educators are using this free web-based resource to look at their school environment and strengthen trauma-informed practices.
  • And, in case you missed it, be sure to watch the webinar series – Best Practices for Educators During a Global Pandemic: Conversations on Grief, Trauma and Healing During a Pandemic.

For more about how CCSI is partnering with schools and school districts across NYS and beyond, just visit our website or connect with us at
Special Edition Newsletter:
Focus on Education
As TIG Approaches 20 Year Anniversary, Schools Receive Additional Support Throughout the Two Pandemics of COVID and Systemic Racism
The Consortium on Trauma Illness and Grief in Schools (TIG) has invested 20 years in increasing trauma-sensitive practices, procedures and policies in K-12 Education settings. Given CCSI’s longstanding relationships working with school districts through TIG, many of these districts already had a strong foundation of knowledge and experience in crisis response. However, with the complex and truly unprecedented needs of this time with the two pandemics of COVID and systemic racism happening simultaneously, CCSI quickly recognized that schools would need additional support.  
SCORE Program Awarded NY Attorney General Triple C Award

The Student Coalition on Race and Equity (SCORE) was recently awarded a New York Attorney General Triple C Award, which recognizes the courage, character, and commitment of New York State’s outstanding students. SCORE is an initiative that accesses the talent and skills of Syracuse City School District (SCSD) students to eliminate racism in their community, starting in their own school district. Since August 2020, the SCORE leaders conducted the 3 part workshop series that covered Black history, implicit bias, and white privilege for over 2000 SCSD staff and community partners. Watch this CNY Central news report and check out our December newsletter article for more information on SCORE. 
Community Schools: Improving Student Learning, Supporting Families, and Strengthening Neighborhoods

A community school is a framework for building and sustaining connections between schools and critical community resources so that the school becomes the hub of the neighborhood; a vital, community-based point of access for services tailored to meet child, parent, family and community needs. CCSI is proud to be the Lead Agency for the community school initiative at Enrico Fermi School 17 for the past five years and to provide lead agency support to John James Audubon School 33 since 2019. Over the last year, CCSI’s teams responded to the educational and social disruptions during the pandemic to better support student and family needs.
School Teams Engage in Difficult and Courageous Conversations around Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access 

CCSI has partnered with Children’s Institute’s Whole Child Connection to offer a Learning Consortium called “Moving an IDEA to Improvement! - Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access” to school teams from six Rochester City Schools. The Learning Consortium is one part of the Whole Child Connection’s overall capacity building work with those schools, funded by the Greater Rochester Health Foundation, and is designed to bring together teams or individual members to learn, grow, and engage in courageous conversations related to IDEA.
Expanding CCSI Services to Wisconsin Schools
Like CCSI’s school-based partners in New York, educators across the country are committed to transforming K-12 environments to deliver high quality instruction through a trauma-responsive, equity-focused lens. CCSI’s work in Wisconsin continues to expand as Senior Consultant, Amy Scheel-Jones supports districts across the state in promoting trauma-sensitive instruction, social-emotional learning, and resilience development for students and educators. 
Senior Consultant
Coordinated Care Services, Inc.
Promise Zone is a school-based mental health program that matches students' emotional and behavioral needs with effective, targeted interventions designed to develop skills and increase engagement in instructional time through a multi-tiered system of support. Each elementary, middle and high school in the Syracuse City School District has a team to support students with emotional or behavioral challenges. CCSI staff play an integral role in these teams as Promise Zone Student Engagement Specialists. Over this past school year, and since the start of the pandemic, Promise Zone Student Engagement Specialists have been working hard to support students through a challenging year.
Syracuse Students Supported Throughout the Pandemic by Family Support for Student Success (FSSS) 
Family Support for Student Success (FSSS) is a school-based, child welfare preventative services program that provides critical supports for children and their families. This case management program offers help with issues around academics, behavior, family relationships, food security, housing, and more. Other services include advocacy and crisis counseling. FSSS and HOPE Specialists continued to work with students and families in the Syracuse community throughout the pandemic to promote academic engagement and success, and address a broad range of other needs.
Trauma Responsive Understanding Self-Assessment Tool for Schools (TRUST-S) 
Trauma Responsive Understanding Self-Assessment Tool for Schools (TRUST-S) is a strengths-based organizational self-assessment tool that provides educational settings a method for assessing current trauma-informed care practices. Through a comprehensive assessment, educational settings can establish a focused implementation plan for bolstering trauma-sensitive practices. As a result, students and their families are more likely to engage and participate in the educational process, leading to better outcomes, minimized re-traumatization, and staff have reduced risk of secondary traumatic stress and burnout. 
Webinar Series

Best Practices for Educators During a Global Pandemic: Conversations on Grief, Trauma and Healing During a Pandemic

Educators are being called upon to draw from multiple fields of expertise to effectively respond and promote resilience and recovery during this unprecedented time. Join CCSI Senior Consultants Amy Scheel-Jones, Deb Salamone and Nancy Sung Shelton for this free webinar series which fosters the rapid development of knowledge, skills and abilities to increase internal capacity and meet the needs of students, staff, and communities. click on the button below to view each webinar.
Senior Consultant
Coordinated Care Services, Inc.
Senior Consultant
Coordinated Care Services, Inc
Senior Consultant
Coordinated Care Services, Inc

How Community Schools Provide Stability to Families and Neighborhoods

Community schools distribute efforts so teachers can focus on curriculum, and on-site professionals can provide needed links to housing, food, social-emotional health care, primary health care, and other supports. CCSI's Deb Salamone, MS Ed, Senior Consultant and Gabrielle Steinwachs, MA, Consultant discuss how formal partnerships between schools, health care providers, and community-based organizations help children and families get the resources they need to prioritize academic success.
Senior Consultant
Coordinated Care Services, Inc.
Coordinated Care Services, Inc.
Other News
Welcome to Our New Customers
CCSI is pleased to have begun working with the following customers:

Best Practice Improvement
Lansingburgh Central School District
Rochester School of the Holy Childhood
SUNY Binghamton
Twin County Recovery Services, Inc.
Warren County Department of Social Services

Fiscal Practice Improvement
Family Help Center
Seaway Valley Prevention Council
2020 Annual Report:
Unprecedented Challenges. Unwavering Strength. Unbreakable Spirit.
Check out our 2020 annual report where we share stories highlighting the impact of our work, thank our customers and workforce, and acknowledge the leadership and support from the CCSI board of directors.
CCSI is Growing!

CCSI has a need for talented professionals looking to contribute their expertise, expand their influence, and manage their careers to meet personal aspirations. We offer opportunities across different service lines, geographies, and functions.
Onondaga County Children and Family Services - Syracuse, NY
Onondaga County Children and Family Services - Syracuse, NY

Wyoming County Mental Health Department – Warsaw, NY 

Onondaga County Children and Family Services - Syracuse, NY

Rochester Economic Development Corporation (REDCO) - Rochester, NY

Monroe County Family Access and Connection Team - Rochester, NY
Monroe County Office of Mental Health - Rochester, NY

Onondaga County Children and Family Services - Syracuse, NY

Onondaga County Children and Family Services - Syracuse, NY

Promise Zone, Onondaga County - Syracuse, NY

Chautauqua County Department of Mental Hygiene - Mayville, NY

Rochester Economic Development Corporation (REDCO) - Rochester, NY

Onondaga County Children and Family Services - Syracuse, NY

Onondaga County Children and Family Services - Syracuse, NY