Connections: April 24, 2024 | |
Greetings, Church!
Wow, what a wonderful Sunday we were able to share this past weekend! It was a gift to have Rev. Ben Meyers in worship, along with Chris Yeh's Z-Quartet. Our Liturgical Arts Ministry, with the help of Mike Harris, Peter Held, and Chris Kwoka transformed our sanctuary to feel like we were back in the Garden of Eden, and Gary White and our Environmental Justice Ministry shared several tips on how to fight climate change at our Second Hour, encouraging us to pick just one thing.
Click Here for a list of 50 things you and/or your family can to do fight climate change.
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Mike, Chris, and Peter hard at work helping our butterflies "fly." | |
Several of you have asked for a link to the book Saving Paradise that Ben and I referenced in our sermons the past two weeks. This book offers a different lens on the history of Christianity, one which explores how Christianity's early vision and focus on life and resurrection shifted to death and the crucifixion. Authors Rita Nakashima Brock & Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker "reconstruct the idea that salvation is paradise in this world and in this life" and they do so by presenting a theology grounded in justice, beauty, and peace with the earth, each other, and all of God's creation.
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On Sunday afternoon, Sue Bullis and her team, hosted a baby shower for Rev. Sheryl and her wife Kelly that was fun, joyful, and filled with love. I invite you to continue holding Sheryl and Kelly in your prayers as Kelly's due date approaches in May.
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We're so excited for the moms to be! | |
This Sunday, we'll hold Session 3 of our Nuevos Caminos discernment conversations and Angela Kraft Cross will share a spring organ concert, followed by an ice cream social hosted by our Music Ministry! Worship will be centered on 1 John 4:7-21, "Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God..." Easy in theory, but not so simple in practice.
Until then, may we all practice extending love - even to those who challenge us.
With gratitude and hope,
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Our Nuevos Caminos discernment conversations start back up THIS SUNDAY at 12pm in Kloss Hall. Even if you haven't been able to join us thus far, please know we would love for you to join us! Please read/watch the resources from Session 2 as a refresher for Session 3.
This week's session: Practicing Forgiveness
Jesus teaches over and over again about forgiveness in the Gospels. This suggests two things: firstly, that it is a crucial part of achieving the fullness of life and, secondly, that forgiveness is quite challenging to understand and even more difficult to live every day.
As complicated as it is (or perhaps because of it), forgiveness is a liberating, heart-opening and life-changing opportunity as we try to be the ones who seek reconciliation. Forgiveness does not excuse wrongdoing. On the contrary, it is powerful because we acknowledge that a wrong has been done. It requires courage, hope, and grace and cannot be rushed.
In this session, participants will have the opportunity to:
- Reflect on the power of the experience of forgiveness in a personal and communal way.
- Know the relationship between the principles of truth, justice, and reparation.
- Recognize the importance of the practice of forgiveness in community life experiences for building an inclusive and equitable faith community.
We hope you can join us next Sunday, April 28, in Kloss Hall! Keep reading for resources and a Zoom Link to this Sunday's meeting. If you would like the meeting ID and Passcode, email Rev. Jessica
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Upcoming Dates
April 28 and May 5
Kloss Hall
12pm-1:30pm, Lunch Provided
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Childcare will be available.
Please RSVP at the link below to help us properly staff each session.
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CLICK HERE for Rev. Ben Meyers' sermon,
“Reviving Eden"
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Wednesday, April 24
- 7:15 - 8:45 PM — Bilingual Worship & Potluck, Kloss Hall
- 7:00 - 8:30 PM — Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
Thursday, April 25
- 10:15 - 11:30 AM — Women’s Coffee Group, Food Court,
Hillsdale Mall (contact
- 7:00 - 8:30 PM — Carillon Bells Rehearsal, Choir Room
- 7:00 - 8:30 PM — Therapeutic Sound Journey, Kloss Hall
Saturday, April 27
- 8:30 - 10:30 AM — CC Riders Weekly Bike Ride (contact Peter Held for more info)
- 10:30 AM — Coffee with CC Riders, Village Hub in Woodside (3154 Woodside Road)
Sunday, April 28
- 10:30 - 11:30 AM — Worship Service in person and online
- 10:30 - 11:30 AM — Youth and Children's Programs
- 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM — Coffee Hour in Buckham Room
- 12:00 - 1:30 PM — Nuevos Caminos / Latino Ministry Discernment, Kloss Hall
- 12:00 - 1:00 PM — Open Cathedral Sandwich Making, Kloss Hall Kitchen
- 3:00 - 5:00 PM — Spring Organ Concert and Ice Cream Social
Monday, April 29
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM — Monday Women's Group, Fireplace Room
- 7:15 - 8:45 PM — Spiritual Conversations Group, Zoom
Tuesday, April 30
10:05 - 11:30 AM — Men’s Coffee Group, Food Court, Hillsdale Mall (contact Peter Held,
- 7:00 - 8:00 PM — Church Friends Ministry Meeting, Zoom
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Heifer Project International works to end hunger and poverty in partnership with the communities they serve. Their programs support entrepreneurs around the world, creating lasting change from the ground up. It begins with a seed investment of livestock or agriculture, followed by mentorship to help project participants build a business, and ultimately to gain access to supply chains and markets. These families are able to earn a living income and continuously lift up their communities as they train the next generation of leaders. | |
CYF now has its own Google calendar... click HERE!
Most Sundays! 9:45am - Joyful Noise Kids’ Music Program led by Julie Berk. Come learn special songs, play instruments, and share periodically during the Sunday church service. Youth assistance is welcome!
Sunday, April 28 - 10:30am - 60 Minutes conversations for youth
Sunday, April 28 - 11:45am - CCSM Youth and Girl Scouts make sandwiches after church for Open Cathedral in San Francisco in the CCSM kitchen. Afterwards, youth are invited to join Rev. Sheryl for lunch and to work on leadership for Youth Sunday (May 5)!
Sunday, April 28 - 4-5pm - Youth-led tour and talk about Hinduism at the San Bruno Hindu Temple. This is part of a new series organized by the Peninsula Multifaith Coalition's Youth Council. Please let Sheryl know if you plan to attend and she can share more information.
Sunday, May 5 - CCSM Youth Sunday - Youth will have the opportunity to preach, lead prayers, serve communion, lead music, and much more in worship!
Sunday, May 5 - FAMILY PLAYDATE POSTPONED due to Discernment
Sunday, May 12 - Mother's Day! Joyful Noise will be singing during the service to celebrate the special day.
Sunday, May 19 - Family playdate after church! Meet at Casanova Park at noon with a picnic lunch (please bring your own lunch!) and then join the Ebneter family for a kickball game. There are also several great play structures in this park! Feel free to bring other activities like scooters, balls, bubbles, chalk, etc. Stay as long as you'd like!
Thursday, May 23 - Registration deadline for UCC (WYRE) Western Regional Youth Event, June 23-27 This event happens every 4 years and brings together hundreds of UCC middle and high school students to be part of something bigger than their local faith community. This year’s theme is “Love is Greater than Fear.” Youth will spend five days at California State University, Long Beach for worship, workshops, a service project, and an adventure day at Disneyland. We hope to have a great contingent from both Sunday and Wednesday services. Middle and high school youth are both welcome! Visit to learn more and contact Rev. Sheryl ASAP if you are interested in attending.
Sunday, May 26 - Memorial Hike for Kyle Neil, a former youth participant in 60 Minutes and many other church activities. He loved hiking and was active in Scouting, so this hike is an important way to honor his memory.
Sunday, June 2 - CCSM Summer Kids' Program Begins! Starting this Sunday (and continuing all summer long), kids of all ages will gather with Elaine and Lily in the Memorial Garden for activities and stories related to spirituality, care for the Earth, and community service.
July 2024 - UCC Camp Tamarack Sessions. Please mark your calendar! Senior High: July 14-20, Junior High: July 21-27, Junior (4th-6th grade): July 28-August 3
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Drive less. Car pool, walk, or bike more. Use public transit where available.
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- Would you like to connect to the liminal space within you?
- Would you like a better night's sleep?
- Would you like some relief from pain or anxiety?
Then come check out the Therapeutic Sound Journey that Chuck will be hosting in Kloss Hall on Thursday from 7 - 8:30pm. Check-in begins at 6:30pm.
Email Chuck with any questions:
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Hosted by Our Congregational Care Ministry Team
Tuesday, April 30, at 7pm
This is an information meeting for those interested in serving with our Church Friends ministry program. For more information, contact Carol Henton.
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The Ministry of Service and Justice supports organizations that work to prevent gun violence and promote responsible gun ownership. To that end, MSJ would like to make the congregation aware of the upcoming gun buyback event on May 4th in So. San Francisco.
The event offers residents on the Peninsula another opportunity to turn over unwanted firearms anonymously, with no questions asked, in exchange for cash.
To learn more, CLICK HERE. Let us turn our "swords into plowshares."
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Click HERE or on the image to download your issue!
Here are the articles you'll find in this issue:
Message from Rev. Jessica
Children, Youth and Families
Western Regional Youth Event
Nuevos Caminos Discernment Process
Earth Summit: Celebrating Creation Care
31st Annual Spring Organ Concert, 4/28
Music and Art with Emily Beach
2023 Annual Report
Easter Alfombra
Music Notes
Joyful Noise
Church Friends
Congregational Care
Building and Grounds Ministry Update
Connect and Celebrate
Dave Olson's CCSM Service Work
From the Archives: Watson Memorial Entrance
Wednesdays at CCSM
Joys and Concerns
Clare Naegle
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CCSM Council of Ministries
Email to connect to any ministry!
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Kay Harris, Council of Ministries Lead
Jim Schwandt, Building and Grounds
Kim Rey, Troy Grabow, Children, Youth and Families
Melodie Lew, Congregational Care
Sandy McNabb, Connect and Celebrate
Gary H. White, Environmental Justice
Alison Schwandt, Engagement/Communications
Julien Phillips, Latino/a Ministry
Pam Ridlehuber, Liturgical Arts
Sue Bell, Katie Bylander, Music
Genel Morgan, Sharon Tobin, Service and Justice
Dave Olsen, Spiritual Life/Adult Ed.
Ivan Raikov, Stewardship
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Email Kay Harris to get connected to a Ministry Lead anytime! | |
CCSM Committee Chairs
Chris Yeh, Endowment
Martha Bronitsky, Finance
Frank Garritano, Leadership and Governance
Chris Wuthmann, Pastoral Relations
Dave Goulden, Personnel
Phil Lind, Historian
Click HERE for CCSM's Governance Manual, and HERE for CCSM's Bylaws
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Weekly on Wednesdays • 9:30-10:00am on Zoom
In light of the recent events in Gaza, Israel, and the occupied Palestinian territories, we are invited to join Churches for Middle East Peace, an ecumenical partner of the United Church of Christ's Global Ministries, to join others across the world in praying weekly for peace. Registration is free, but required to receive the Zoom Link.
Make a Gift
You can also make a financial gift to help with humanitarian aid for people in Gaza, Palestine, and Israel through the United Church of Christ’s Wider Church Ministries HERE.
Call for a Ceasefire
Send a pre-written message to your elected officials through UCC’s “Just Peace Church” program HERE calling for a ceasefire and encouraging Congress to take immediate action for de-escalation in Israel and Gaza, and support steps towards a lasting peace.
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The "Blessing Box" outside of the entrance of CCSM is a project of the Ministry of Service and Justice, responding to the need for families in our neighborhood to access food and an expression of our call to be the "hands, feet, and face of God" in our community.
- The container will be in the narthex to collect the following food items:
- canned, dried and boxed
- no fresh food please
- donations must be full UNOPENED containers
no fruits, vegetables, or bread
- We also collect individually wrapped plasticware!
Thank you for your continuing generosity!
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Regular CCSM Office Hours:
9:00am - 4:00pm
Monday - Thursday
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Scan this QR code or go to
to make a donation or pledge to CCSM.
Don't forget to ask your employer if they have a charitable donation matching program to make your pledge go farther.
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225 Tilton Ave. • San Mateo, CA • 94401
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