CCSM CONNECTIONS: November 13, 2024
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Need a moment (or two or three) to center yourself these days?
Step into our peaceful labyrinth, where each winding path offers sanctuary from the noise we cannot silence—a sacred space to reconnect with the Divine.
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Beloved Community,
Greetings from Kansas City! I'm here for the annual Board Meeting of the Bethany Fellows, a thriving spiritual community that provides support, inspiration, and renewal for young clergy and congregations across the country. Our fellows and leadership represent multiple denominations from coast to coast. While following our planned agenda, we naturally found ourselves processing the events that have unfolded in our country this past week. We serve diverse congregations and institutions – people whom we know and love of all political choices. Many of our communities have long been committed to embodying God's love through decades of work in LGBTQ+, Civil Rights, Women's Rights, and Immigrant Rights movements.
As we gathered, essential questions emerged: How do we model Jesus' love in our words and actions in the days ahead? How do we lead our people, care for our neighbors, and talk to our children? How do we practice reconciliation and restorative justice? How do we practice peace? We know we must remain grounded in Christian Hope – the hope modeled by Jesus, a hope of resistance, compassion, and mercy. And, we carry genuine concerns for the days ahead.
In our own community, many feel vulnerable – because of immigration status, gender identity, sexual orientation, or political views. These are not abstract concerns of strangers, but worries from within our own faith family. When any among us feels threatened or unwelcome, our whole community bears that burden together.
In it all, we trust in what has held us together for centuries – across continents, languages, wars, and political divisions. When we lean into the Divine and work together to do the next loving thing in each situation, when we practice this one step at a time, we know God walks alongside us. Just as Jesus walked the road to Emmaus with disciples who were grieving and confused, God walks with us now. Though we may not always recognize the holy in our midst, it manifests in every act of kindness, every moment of courage, every gesture of reconciliation.
This week, sitting with my fellow clergy, I was reminded that we are not alone. Across denominations and geographic boundaries, faithful people are asking these same questions, holding these same concerns, and committing to this same work of love and justice.
So, where do we start? Might I encourage you to:
- Listen to someone whose perspective challenges you
- Show up for a neighbor in need
- Take time for prayer and reflection (or at least a break from social media)
- Speak truth with gentleness
- Take small actions for justice while trusting that others are doing their part too
Remember: You are born in love, by love, and for love. This is our calling and our compass. When the way forward seems unclear, love can always be our next step.
This Sunday, we'll continue to hold space for all that we're carrying – our hopes, our fears, our questions, and our commitment to being God's hands, feet, and face.
With love and hope,
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Wednesday, November 13
4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall
7:00 - 8:30 PM — Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
7:15 - 8:45 PM — Bilingual (Spanish/English) Worship and Potluck, Kloss Hall
Thursday, November 14
10:15 - 11:30 AM — Women's Coffee Group, Hillsdale Mall Food Court (contact Linda Skromme)
4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall
5:45 - 9:00 PM — Extended Bell Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
7:00 - 9:00 PM — Sound Bath with Chuck Rosenthal, Kloss Hall
Friday, November 15
12:00 - 2:30 PM — Music and Art, Buckham Room
4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall
Saturday, November 16
8:30 - 10:30 AM — CC Riders Weekly Bike Ride (contact Peter Held)
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM — Mary Ann Notz Memorial Service and Reception, Sanctuary
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM — Coffee with CC Riders, Village Hub in Woodside (3154 Woodside Road)
Sunday, November 17
9:45 - 10:15 AM — Joyful Noise, CE Building Community Room
9:45 - 10:30 AM — Pick-A-Party Sign-Up, Kloss Hall
10:30 - 11:30 AM — 60 Minutes, Fireplace Room
10:30 - 11:30 AM — Worship Service, in person and online
10:45 - 11:30 AM — Children's Programs, CE Building
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM — Coffee Hour, Kloss Hall
12:00 PM — Pick-A-Party Silent Auction Closes, Kloss Hall
11:45 AM - 2:00 PM — Second Hour: End of Life Discussion, Buckham Room
3:00 - 4:30 PM — Arthur Tkachenko Piano and Organ Concert, Sanctuary
Monday, November 18
1:00 - 2:30 PM — Burlingame Music Club, Kloss Hall
4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall
Tuesday, November 19
10:00 - 11:30 AM — Men’s Coffee Group, Hillsdale Mall Food Court
4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall
6:30 - 8:00 PM — Board of Directors Meeting, Buckham Room and Zoom
Wednesday, November 20
4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall
7:00 - 8:30 PM — Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
7:15 - 8:45 PM — Bilingual (Spanish/English) Worship and Potluck, Kloss Hall
View our full calendar on our website
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We're continuing our journey through "Prayer 101," diving into Anne Lamott's take on the three essential prayers: Help, Thanks, and Wow. This week, we'll explore "Thanks." As Lamott reminds us, gratitude doesn't have to be fancy or formal, sometimes it's as simple as saying "Thank you" for the most ordinary moments, like that first sip of coffee or a text from a friend. We'll explore this alongside Psalm 30, where the writer moves from deep struggle to unexpected joy, reminding us that gratitude can show up in surprising places. | |
The Christmas Fund for
the Veterans of the Cross and the Emergency Fund
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The Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross and the Emergency Fund is a special mission offering that congregations have been supporting for over 100 years. The offering is administered through the United Church Board for Ministerial Assistance, the charitable arm of the Pension Boards. Funds provide direct financial support to those who serve the church and are facing financial difficulties. Active and retired clergy, lay employees, and their surviving spouses may be eligible for the supplementation of small annuities, supplementation of health premiums, emergency grants, and Christmas “Thank You” gift checks. | |
A sound journey is an immersive somatic experience. Our nervous systems need to be recalibrated on a regular basis. Each experience builds on the next and supports us to be more connected to the liminal space, sharpen our intuition, and experience deep peace. Join Chuck to experience this yourself on Thursday, November 14 at 7:00 PM. Tickets $33. Register at | |
Friday, Nov. 15, 12-2:30 PM
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Following a brief business meeting at noon in the Buckham Room, we will enjoy a musical program by Bella Voce, a vocal group led by our own Julie Berk. Remember to BYOL – bring your own lunch. Beverages and dessert are provided. Please RSVP to Genel Morgan, or 650-759-7318, so we can have the correct number of tables and chairs set up as well as enough dessert! | |
November 17, 9:45 AM in Kloss Hall
| Pick A Party Sunday is here — November 17 @ 9:45! Make sure you review your corrected party list this week. You can find a copy here: or you can pick one up in the church office. If you can't attend, ask a friend to sign up for you. And don't forget that the silent auction has many wonderful opportunities and is open until noon. If you would like to pay by text or online, please make sure you have that set up ahead of time to ease the payment process. Text 73256 "party" or CCSM's online giving link (Cash and checks are also fine.) | |
November 17, 12-1:30 PM
Buckham Room
Speaker: Rhyena Halpern, End of Life Doula
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What if we thought about “end of life” as not only a medical event but, more importantly, a social and deeply spiritual event? Death is not only about taking care of a loved one, it’s about taking care of each other. Talking about death can bring us closer to the people we love. What’s important to us as we approach end of life? Have we made our wishes known? Is there unfinished business that needs to be addressed? Join us in deepening our learning about end of life. Lunch provided. | |
November 17, 3:00 PM
CCSM Sanctuary
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CCSM’s Music Ministry invites you to attend the concert of this brilliant young pianist right here in CCSM's Sanctuary. Arthur is an 18-year-old award-winning musician from Lafayette, CA who began his musical studies at age 7 on piano and spent the last two summers in the legendary Tanglewood Festival. In 2023, Arthur began studying organ with Dr. Angela Kraft Cross at CCSM. Suggested donation: $20 for adults, $10 for youth & seniors, children 10 & under free. | |
All are welcome to attend the next Board of Directors meeting, which will be held in the Buckham Room and on Zoom, on Tuesday, November 19, from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Email Don Ruthroff, our Board Moderator, for more information.imentary," or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take action, so consider inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"
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Oscar: Nov. 10 - 19
Rev. Jessica: Nov. 12 - 14
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Sunday, November 24
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Join us for Second Hour on November 24 as we discuss our congregation's 2025 Budget. We'll provide an update on this year’s Stewardship Campaign and take a closer look at where our budget stands for 2025. | |
Advent Decorating,
Sunday, November 24 at 1pm
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We need your helping hanging the greens and preparing our sanctuary for Advent. Whether you can give an hour, or three, your time is greatly appreciated. Contact Pam Ridlehuber at for more details or let her know you can help! | |
Learn about available climate solutions such as Speed and Scale and inform others.
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CCSM Council of Ministries
Email to connect to any ministry!
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Kay Harris, Council of Ministries Lead
Jim Schwandt, Building and Grounds
Kim Rey, Troy Grabow, Children, Youth and Families
Melodie Lew, Congregational Care
Sandy McNabb, Connect and Celebrate
Gary H. White, Environmental Justice
Alison Schwandt, Engagement/Communications
Julien Phillips, Latino/a Ministry
Pam Ridlehuber, Liturgical Arts
Katie Bylander, Music
Genel Morgan, Sharon Tobin, Service and Justice
Dave Olsen, Spiritual Life/Adult Ed.
Ivan Raikov, Stewardship
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Email Kay Harris to get connected to a Ministry Lead anytime! | |
Submit an Announcement
If you would like to submit an announcement, please send it to:
The weekly deadline is 10 AM on Tuesdays.
All submissions are subject to editing.
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Regular Office Hours:
9:00am - 4:00 PM
Monday - Thursday
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