CCSMM Options Menu, Survey Results, Upcoming Meeting with CGA Environment Committee and Organics Infrastructure Initiative
Happy New Year!
Please welcome First Selectwoman Catherine Iino and the town of Killingworth, our newest member of CCSMM! Any towns that are not part of CCSMM can join at any time by reaching out to Chris Nelson.

CCSMM Options Menu, Working Group Meeting materials & recordings are all available online. This January 2021 CCSMM Update provides links to a finalized version of the CCSMM Options Menu, as well as links to all the presentations, minutes and recordings from our Working Group meetings in 2020. Please take a moment to review the Menu of Options and share it with your staff. 

CCSMM Survey Results. In December-January, we surveyed all CCSMM members on interest in key items in the Menu of Options, and opportunities for regional and statewide collaboration. Sixty towns responded to date, and you can now view the comprehensive and Survey Results - Feedback on Menu of Options.

CGA Environment Committee Public Informational Session, February 8th.  The Environment Committee has just announced an Informational Session that will begin at 1:00pm on Monday February 8, 2021. DEEP is looking forward to this opportunity to share some of the insights we've gathered as part of CCSMM on unit-based pricing and bottle bill reform, among other things. The Informational Sessions should be streamed via CT-N or on one of the CGA's Youtube channels, likely the CGA Environment Committee YouTube page.
Organics Infrastructure Initiative (Save the Date!). Please save the date for Friday, February 26, 2021, 10:00am - 1:00pm for the kickoff meeting of an Organics Infrastructure Initiative meeting that will engage CCSMM members, developers, and other stakeholders on next steps to support deployment of organics processing infrastructure and services in CT. Meeting registration information coming soon.

Katie Dykes, DEEP Commissioner
Matt Knickerbocker, Bethel First Selectman
Laura Francis, Durham First Selectman

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Below, please find links to recordings of all CCSMM meetings:

Kick-Off Meeting - September 8 - Recording
Environmental Justice / Environmental Equity Presentation - October 28 - Recording
Mid-point Check-in - November 16 - Recording
Working Group Report Out - December 16 - Recording
Finalize Report - January 11 - Recording

Power points, meeting minutes and links for additional resources can be found on each Working Group webpage.

EPR Meeting #1 - October 8 - Recording 
EPR Meeting #2 -  October 22 - Recording 
EPR Meeting #3 - November 5 - Recording
EPR Meeting #4 - November 20 - Recording
EPR Meeting #5 - December 4 - Recording

Organics Meeting #1 - October 9 - Recording
Organics Meeting #2 - October 20 - Recording 
Organics Meeting #3 - November 4 - Recording 
Organics Meeting #4 - November 19 - Recording
Organics Meeting #5 - December 10 - Recording  

UBP Meeting #1 - October 15 - Recording  
UBP Meeting #2 - October 28 - Recording
UBP Meeting #3 - November 9 - Recording
UBP Meeting #4  - November 23 - Recording
UBP Meeting #5 - December 9 - Recording

Recycling Meeting #1 - October 14 - Recording
Recycling Meeting #2 - October 27 - Recording
Recycling Meeting #3 - November 9 - Recording
Recycling Meeting #4 - November 23 - Recording
Recycling Meeting #5 - December 7 - Recording

Missed an earlier CCSMM update? All email updates, including links to past recordings can be found on the main CCSMM webpage.

DON'T FORGET! Add our email address to your address book to ensure that you receive our emails and stay in the know.

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