Full Coalition Meeting

Friday, July 16, 2021
1:00pm - 3:00pm

It's been six months since we completed the CCSMM Menu of Options and since April when we met as a Full Coalition. Join us to hear a legislative update, funding opportunities and time for Coalition members to share recent initiatives.

Speakers/Topics include:
Legislative Actions from 2021 Session
Funding Opportunities
Overview of Permitting Authorization Table for Food Waste
RecycleCT Update
Municipal and Regional Actions Update

AGENDA coming soon.

SMM Learning Series

Recycling Resources to Educate and Engage Residents

Wednesday, July 28, 2021
1:00pm – 2:30pm ET

Kathy Boucher, Decker
Amanda Ardel, Decker
Katherine Bruns, West Hartford
Sherill Baldwin, CT DEEP
Emily Welch, CT DEEP

Learn about the importance of promoting recycling and ways to help residents understand how to #RecycleRight using new materials created by RecycleCT and CT DEEP.

There will be opportunities to ask questions and share resources you've created that have made an impact or materials others can also use incl. videos, signage, messaging. Please plan to share your ideas and initiatives.

Learning Series program topics are based on priorities in the CCSMM survey results and the Menu of Options. They seek to be educational, engaging and provide needed resources to implement programs and are engaging.
Any towns that are not part of CCSMM can join at any time by reaching out to Chris Nelson.
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