August 16, 2022
In this issue:
Angel Saunders
Meet Your County Officers
Who is Angel Saunders?
"I began participating in the Denver GOP after I received a
random email about attending a meeting for my neighborhood caucus.
My co-workers had complained about their caucus being canceled,
so there would be no 'people representation' of their neighborhood at the Republican meetings.
I had no idea what that meant.
But they were pretty upset, so I knew I had to attend this meeting for my neighborhood.
The caucus was held at a local high school.
Another woman from my precinct and I volunteered to become Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs),
and the rest is history.
I immediately began attending State House District 9 monthly meetings
and accepted the nomination to represent SD32 in the Colorado State Senate race.
While I did not win, the experience was incredible.
I have since had the opportunity to work with many amazing volunteers
who care about the state of Colorado and her people.
I have participated in many local events representing the GOP,
and I have been a member of Denver Republican Women and attended State conferences
I have had the privilege to learn from the people who have
been essential in keeping the Republican Party alive in Colorado.
This is why I continue to be involved and work for the people of Colorado,
like all of the other volunteers, to make our state great and make our people proud!"
In the spring of 2022 Angel stepped up to be the temporary Secretary of the Denver Republican Committee.
She did an excellent job of documenting our meetings
and was nominated to fill the volunteer position for the rest of the term.
Angel accepted he nomination and was unanimously voted in as the Secretary of the Denver GOP until February 2023.
Jennifer Qualteri for US CD1
Jennifer Qualteri is the Candidate for US House District One in the November 2022 midterm election.
She is proud to be representing the GOP this year and hopes she can close the gap on Diana DeGette.
DeGette has enjoyed a predominantly blue district.
Jennifer thinks DeGette has proven to be a puppet.
Those pulling her strings have taken advantage of their constituents for far too long by
introducing nonsensical one-sided bills and agendas.
These puppet masters' ideas have been dangerous for our Democracy in Denver County for more than forty-five years.
Jennifer is trying a different approach to outreach.
In additions to getting in front of our community at every opportunity,
she is using online candidate techniques that are proving effective.
Jennifer's website
is different because she has addressed every question that has come up in her blog with solid references.
Jennifer has been told that DeGette will never answer an email even though she is fully staffed,
and Jennifer's goal is to do the exact opposite.
Moreover, Jennifer is amazed how common-sense policies and doing the right thing is exactly
what the press wants to report on to draw readership unless the press becomes aware that their
reporting is being used in a conversation about politics.
At that point she is finding the conversation narrative changes to a political Op-ed.
With this discovery Jennifer feels she can use this to her advantage and knows she can work
across lines because most citizens are reasonable.
Jennifer needs donations and people who will post a yard sign to let her know.
You can make donation to her campaign in any amount that you feel is comfortable
by visiting her Raise the Money link:
If you are willint to post a campaign yard sign she can be reached by email,,
or on her website
Please invite her to speak at your events so that she might be able to distribute campaign signage and answer questions.
Happy Hour at Blackbird Public House
Denver GOP is hosting happy hour!
Denver GOP Chairman, Roger Rowland invites you to join him at happy hour!
Join your like-minded friends Thursday, August 25, at 5:30 p.m.
(Sign up for our timely email newsletter here:
The ground game is walking door to door with candidates.
Unaffiliateds and unlikely Republican voters are coming back.
Even more encouraging is we are running into Democrats who are walking away.
We have had some of the best interactions with walk-away Democrats going door to door.
Join us to learn how candidates and volunteers are dealing with phantom ballots they find on their walking lists.
Protocol will vary between county laws and county clerks.
We can talk about how Denver should handle orphaned ballots.
The Republican Party is growing larger every day.
We welcome anyone new to politics to join us at happy hour.
The in-person conversations can be uplifting.
This is an informal, social event.
We will have our own private space at Blackbird Public House.
Denver Republicans are running a big slate of candidates for the
Colorado House of Representatives, US Congress CD1, and CU Regent in the November election.
Some of the Denver County Republican candidates who might be attending:
Guillermo Diaz (HD1)
Stephanie Wheeler (HD2)
Marla Fernandez (HD3)
Jack Daus (HD4)
Johnnie Johnson (HD5)
Hilleary Waters (HD8)
Jennifer Qualteri (CD1 She's going to Washington, DC!)
Blackbird Public House
305 South Downing Street
Denver, CO 80209
Thursday, August 25 @ 5:30 p.m.
Some parking in front of the restaurant.

John Kellner Speaks @ HD2 Meeting
The Republicans in Colorado House District 2 are very active.
In addition to their monthly meeting, HD2 has two
Republican candidates running for election in this upcoming November election.
Stephanie Wheeler is running for the state house seat and
House District 2 Co-Captain Amy Naes is running for CU Regent.
Along with their regular business meeting, John Kellner,
candidate for Colorado Attorney General will speak about his race against liberal Democrat, Phil Weiser.
Kellner will talk about how well he is being received around the state by both conservatives and liberals.
Join the active Republicans living in HD2 and hear John on Tuesday, August 16.
HD2's meeting is held at St. John's Church, 700 South Franklin Street, Denver 80209
The meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Thoughts from the Denver GOP Chairman
Roger Rowland
The Taxpayer Bill Of Rights (TaBOR) checks should be arriving in your mailbox soon.
People who filed for taxes in Colorado last year will receive $750
for single filers and $1500 for those filing jointly.
Normally, this type of tax refund would be attached to your
2022 Colorado personal income tax refund, filed in spring of 2023.
Democrats insisted the refund be distributed now,
instead of attaching the monies to refunds distributed after April 15, 2023.
Democrats are hoping the shift in distribution dates will give low-information voters a warm-and-fuzzy feeling.
This is just another attempt by Polis to buy an election.
Meanwhile changing the delivery method cost the taxpayers $2,700,000.
The Democrats have been slipping language into bills in the
Colorado House and Senate, attempting to diminish or even negate TaBOR since it was passed a few decades ago.
Doing the math, 3.7 million taypayers filed a Colorado personal income tax return last year.
If TaBOR was abolished, as many Democrats have publicly supported,
the state government would have been able to keep at least an extra $2.8 BILLION of our personal property.
This amount is the excess over all of the fully funded government operating budgets.
This refund total is around 7% of the entire $36.5 billion-dollar operating budget for the state.
If it wasn't an election year the Democrats running for office would be open about their disdain for TaBOR.
You would hear them whining about all the things they could do with your money, if that annoying TaBOR wasn't around.
Imagine what is going to happen when the recession gets going.
We are already seeing the signs of an economic slowdown.
This means the government collects less sales tax, less gasoline tax, and less fees and taxes on hotel rooms.
Eventually, even though they will brainstorm ways to disguise dropping valuations, the market value of our homes will decline,
reducing the amount of money they make from property taxes.
Just like the liberal Democrats we know so well; TaBOR will be villianized when the coffers of the government begin to shrink.
A recession isn't something you can ignore or mislabel.
In a typical Democrat ploy, the Democrats have redefined recession.
Most media outlets have embraced the new Democrat talking points.
I spoke with a restaurant owner a few weeks ago and she said,
"according to my weekly sales, the recession is already here."
Restaurants are one of the first businesses to see consumer spending decline.
Our restaurant owner is a recessionary 'canary in a coal mine.'
Early Tabor Refund
Redefining a recession:
Government explanations of TaBOR:
Your contributions are deeply appreciated
If you don't have time to donate your talents, please consider donating money to the Denver Republican Committee.
Money is needed to help our Denver GOP candidates with mailers, text messaging, email marketing, YouTube videos, and yard signs.
Denver has several Republican candidates who are working hard walking door to door.
A donation helps them cross the finish line!