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Board of Directors
Steven Welliver
Downtown Santa Monica, Inc.
Andrew Thomas
Westwood Village Improvement Association
Vice President
Steve Snider
Downtown Oakland and Lake Merritt-Uptown District Associations
Dominic Tartaglia
San Luis Obispo Downtown Association
Blage Zelalich
City of San Jose
At-Large Directors
Downtown Association of Santa Cruz

Emilie Cameron 
Downtown Sacramento Partnership

Maggie Campbell
Downtown Santa Barbara, Inc.
Joseph Mariani
Hollywood Entertainment District BID

Austin Metoyer
Downtown Long Beach Alliance
Steve Mulheim
Old Pasadena Management District
Liz Studebaker
City of San Diego
Immediate Past President
Karin Flood
Union Square BID

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Arlington Business Partnership
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City of Citrus  Heights 
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City of Folsom
City of Glendora
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City of Los Angeles, Office of the City Clerk
City of Monterey Park
City of Ontario
City of San Diego - Economic Development Dept.
City of Temple City
City of Tracy
County of Santa Cruz - Office of Economic Development
Dinuba Chamber of Commerce
Downtown Association of Santa Cruz
Downtown Berkeley Association
Downtown Long Beach Alliance
Downtown Los Angeles
Downtown  Modesto Partnership
Downtown Oakland Association/ Lake Merritt Uptown District Association
Downtown Oxnard Merchants Association
Downtown Pomona Owners Association
Downtown Roseville Partnership
Downtown Sacramento Partnership
Downtown San Diego Partnership
Downtown San Mateo Association
Downtown Santa Barbara, Inc.
Downtown Santa Monica, Inc.
Downtown Vacaville BID
Downtown Ventura Partners
Downtown Visalians, Inc.
Figueroa Corridor Partnership
Gateway to LA Airport Business District
Gilroy Economic Development
Hollywood Property Owners Alliance
Ironsmith, Inc.
LA Downtown Industrial District BID
LA Fashion District BID
MJM Management Group
North Tahoe Business Association
Old Pasadena Management District 
ParkSmart, Inc.
Paso Robles Main Street Association
Progressive Urban Management Associates, Inc.
R Street Sacramento Partnership
Riverside Downtown Partnership
San Jose Downtown Association
San Luis Obispo Downtown Association
South Park BID
The Downtown Burbank Partnership
The Placemaking Group
The River District
Tracy City Center Association
Tulare Downtown Association
Ukiah Main Street Program
Union Square BID
Urban Place Consulting Group, Inc.
Vista Village Business Association
Walnut Creek Downtown Business Association
Westwood Village Improvement Association  
Wilshire Center Business Improvement District
March 2018
On a scale of 1 (least urgent) to 5 (most urgent), where does homelessness fall as a priority issue for your urban place?

Steven Welliver
Deputy Chief Executive 
Downtown Santa Monica, Inc.

From Tuesday, March 13 to Thursday, March 15, Walnut Creek Downtown hosted the 2018 West Coast Urban District Forum in partnership with the California Downtown Association and International Downtown Association. We asked Executive Director Kathy Hemmenway to share her experience as a first-time host city.

Steven: How was Walnut Creek Downtown's experience of partnering with the California Downtown Association and International Downtown Association to host the West Coast Urban District Forum?

Kathy: The support we received from both organizations was key. IDA guided our staff through every step of the planning process and the CDA Board created the incredible content along with impressive panelists that were able to provide the attendees with valuable information they can hopefully take back to their cities to share and implement in their own way.

Steven: What is the best thing you learned personally at the West Coast Urban District Forum?

Kathy: As a new Executive Director, I thought the information shared at the Pros and Cons of Different Approaches to Funding Downtown Improvements and Programs [session] was valuable for where our BID is now.

Steven: What's next in the evolution of Downtown Walnut Creek? What will WCUDF attendees see if they return to Walnut Creek five years from now?

Kathy: Technology continues to be a priority as well as learning how to integrate the city's new downtown residents into our association's programs and events. [Future visitors will notice] improvements and activation to our downtown parks, expanded parklets and plazas as gathering places for our visitors/residents, and stronger economic vitality for our traditional downtown.

CDA Board Engaged in 2018 Legislative Priorities 

One of the many highlights of last week's West Coast Urban District Forum in Walnut Creek was the consideration and debate by CDA's Board of Directors on this year's priority legislative issues. The Board is focused on three main issue areas, public space management, housing, and BID operational efficiency. 
CDA was pleased to welcome Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) who addressed conference attendees during a "Master Talks" session and spoke passionately about the need to create new opportunities for transit-rich, high-density housing in order to address the state's affordable housing shortage. Senator Wiener is an ally and friend of the California Downtown Association and the Board will continue to work closely with his office on issues that improve the quality of life in our downtowns. 
The Board considered and ultimately took a number of positions on key legislation, including:

SB 946, Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Long Beach)
The bill would prohibit a city/county from banning sidewalk vendors unless that jurisdiction had an existing sidewalk vending licensing program allowing for food or merchandise sales. Under the bill's provisions, the city/county could not restrict the location of the licensed vendor unless the vending activity directly impacted health, safety or welfare. The bill also makes violations of a vending ordinance punishable by an administrative fine program instead of a misdemeanor. CDA staff has expressed concerns with the approach and will work with our coalition allies to ensure local government has the tools it needs to properly manage sidewalk vending in urban areas. 
SB 827, Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco)
Seeking to help address the affordable housing crisis in California, the bill would exempt local zoning standards that prohibit small and mid-rise transit oriented development projects. Under the bill the definition of transit-rich would be projects within 1/2 mile radius of a major transit stop or 1/4 mile from a transit corridor. While the CDA Board strongly supports the development of high-density housing around transit, there are concerns about the parameters of the bus stop distance and the "right to remain" provision in the bill. CDA is actively working with the author and sponsors on the details of the bill. 
SB 916, Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco)
In an effort to reduce vehicle burglary rates, the bill would close a loophole in state law by expanding the definition of burglary of a vehicle by including "entering a vehicle by forced entry". The bill is designed to protect tourists and visitors who are often unavailable to testify at a later date that their vehicle was locked when the crime occurred. CDA is supporting the bill. 

SB 912, Sen. Jim Beall (D-San Jose) & AB 3171, Asm. Phil Ting (D-San Francisco)
The two bills reflect the Senate and Assembly's commitment to addressing homelessness and providing for temporary and transitional housing to assist vulnerable populations. SB 912 (Beall) would provide $2B to the Department of Housing and Community Development, half of which would fund new construction and the other half would be spent directly on homelessness and services for vulnerable populations. AB 3171 (Ting) would provide $1.5B in one-time funding grants to cities to proportionately fund rental assistance, bridge housing and permanent supportive housing efforts. CDA supports state efforts to assist local governments to address homelessness and staff will engage on both bills as they move through the Legislative process.

Jason Bryant 
Bryant Government Affairs
March 2018 Legislative Update 

New App Lets You Walk Back in Time on Berkeley's Telegraph Avenue
Boston has the Freedom Trail, Atlanta has a Civil Rights Tour, and now Berkeley - home of the Free Speech Movement - has launched its own...
In a Historic Downtown, Disaster Becomes a Chance to Build Something Better
A 2014 fire in Clarkesville, Georgia, was "the worst nightmare for someone who's in downtown development." 

Autonomous Vehicle Reality
Planners must be realistic. Autonomous vehicles will probably provide smaller net benefits, including safety benefits, than optimists predict.
Gentrification Nation: Downtown LA is Fastest Gentrifying Area in the US, Report Says
The Real Deal
Downtown Los Angeles has become ground zero for gentrification.
Everybody Poops. Sacramento Must Make Sure Homeless People Can Do it in a Toilet
The Sacramento Bee
Given the smears of human feces staining downtown sidewalks and the smell of urine stinking up alleys all over midtown, a serious...
Developer Unveils New, Long-awaited Plans for Dead Vallco Mall
East Bay Times
Fed up with years of false-starts and controversy, the owner of defunct Vallco Mall on Tuesday went over city officials' heads to...
San Joaquin County Bike, Ped Projects Get Money from Local Sales Tax Measure
he San Joaquin Council of Governments recently awarded $19.63 million from Measure K to help make the county more walkable...
Oakland Community Hub Rallies to Save Itself from Gentrification
Next City
For seven years, Phoenix Mangrum had nowhere to call home.
Modesto in the Dark Over Downtown Lights
The Modesto Bee
Modesto's downtown core has become prettier and brighter since decorative lights went up on a few dozen trees about 2 1/2 years ago.

3 Things We Learned In Walnut Creek
Saltwater Software Blog
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CDA District Digest Leadership

Executive Editor:
Steven Welliver
President, CDA
Allison Shashok
Marketing & Communications Manager, IDA

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To submit news to be considered for inclusion in the newsletter, please contact Allison Shashok at allison@downtown.org.