California State Legislature Convenes December 2
The 2024 elections will prove to be one of the most consequential in recent memory, with over 30 new members elected to either the Assembly & Senate. These new legislators will shape the future of California policy, lead budget negotiations and chair policy and fiscal committees in future legislative sessions. Thanks to changes to California’s term limits law, members elected this year are eligible to serve for 12 years in either house or a combination of both.
While the overall balance of power in the legislature did not change substantially and Democrats will retain super majorities in both houses, Republicans did pick up a few seats in this election. In the State Senate, it appears Democrats have lost one seat but will hold a 30 to 10 advantage over Republicans. In the State Assembly, Democrats appear to have lost two seats and will maintain a 60 to 20 advantage. (figures as of 11/15/24)
As the new legislative session begins, CDA will quickly meet with new legislators to introduce them to the organization’s priorities and explain the important role downtowns play for creating economic, housing, entertainment and cultural opportunities for the state’s urban core. We will integrate opportunities to engage these new lawmakers, as well as incumbents returning to the Legislature, in future lobby day events.
Select Committee on Downtown Recovery Tours BIDs
Over the last month, the Select Committee on Downtown Recovery, under the leadership of Assemblymember Matt Haney (D-San Francisco) has been working with CDA to tour several downtowns throughout the state. The goal of the committee is to see first-hand the important role downtowns play in our communities and to better understand the challenges and opportunities that exist that must be addressed to help create vibrant and successful downtowns. To date, the Committee has toured downtowns in San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Long Beach and has plans to visit others over the next few months. CDA continues to work very closely with the Committee and legislators to develop legislation next year that will help downtowns continue to build on our legislative accomplishments that have led to improved economic opportunities and entertainment options for our members.