September 2021
Steve Snider
Downtown Oakland Association

1st Vice President
Emilie Cameron 
Downtown Sacramento Partnership
2nd Vice President
Austin Metoyer
Downtown Long Beach Alliance

Chloe Shipp
San Jose Downtown Association
John Caner
Downtown Berkeley Association
At-Large Directors
Marshall Anderson
Downtown San Diego Partnership

Karin Flood
Union Square Business Improvement District

Kathy Hemmenway
Walnut Creek Downtown
Business Association

Suzanne Holley
Downtown Center Business Improvement District (LA)

Rena Leddy
LA Fashion District
Steve Mulheim
Old Pasadena Management District

Steven Welliver
Downtown Santa Monica, Inc.

Immediate Past President
Andrew Thomas
Westwood Village Improvement Association 
Arts District Los Angeles BID
BLVD Association
Carmichael Improvement District, Inc.
Downtown Alameda Business Association
Downtown Berkeley Association
Downtown Center BID
Downtown Long Beach Alliance
Downtown Modesto Partnership
Downtown Oakland Association/ Lake Merritt Uptown District Association
Downtown Ontario Improvement Association
Downtown Sacramento Partnership
Downtown San Diego Partnership
Downtown Santa Monica, Inc.
Downtown Vacaville Business Improvement District
Downtown Ventura Partners
Downtown Visalians, Inc.
Figueroa Corridor Partnership
Greater Broadway District
Hollywood Property Owners Alliance
Kono CBD
LA Downtown Industrial District BID
LA Fashion District BID
Morgan Hill Downtown Association
Old Monterey Business Association
Paso Robles Main Street Association
Playhouse Village Association
Progressive Urban Management Associates, Inc.
R Street Sacramento Partnership
Riverside Downtown Partnership
San Jose Downtown Association
South Park BID
Telegraph BID
The Unity Council
Tracy City Center Association
Tulare Downtown Association
Union Square Alliance
Walnut Creek Downtown Business Association
Westwood Village Improvement Association

Is your entire staff reading this newsletter? Please forward to your team and ask them to sign up!
For this column this month, I have invited Kathy Hemmenway, the current Chair of CDA's Membership and Fundraising Committee, to outline the details of CDA's month-long membership and fundraising drive planned for the month of October. In addition to being Chair of this committee, Kathy is also the Executive Director of Downtown Walnut Creek. I would personally like to thank Kathy for her efforts to organize this crucial initiative for CDA. Welcome, Kathy!
CDA GUEST COLUMN ­— Kathy Hemmenway

As CDA celebrates 50 years of service to downtowns throughout the state, we look back at the many accomplishments that its members, volunteers and boards should be extremely proud of. The CDA membership is made of a variety of stakeholders that include small downtown associations, economic and community development managers, vendors and consultants, and major metropolitan BID directors. Each member has an opportunity to share their valuable talents and experience with this active organization whose mission is to collectively lead and empower urban places to attract investment, promote culture, and offer inclusive opportunities for growth.

As CDA embarks on the next 50 years of service, CDA is a critical resource for California's downtowns now more than ever. The board of directors will be conducting a membership drive during the month of October to increase its impact and support throughout the state. The board has committed to this campaign by personally contacting members to renew; identify potential downtown members, city staff and vendors; as well as connect with potential donors to support CDA post-pandemic.

Your membership includes robust benefits that can strengthen your productivity, creativity and network for your staff and community.

Advocacy & Public Policy: The health of California’s business districts is directly linked to legislation proposed (and passed) by city, county and state legislative bodies. CDA is there to learn and communicate about upcoming bills to provide members the opportunity to become aware of and advocate as appropriate. CDA has been instrumental in various recent efforts to ensure that legislation meets the needs of members and our sectors.
Collaboration: CDA collaborates with regional and industry partners to provide access to experts and networking while exploring relevant industry topics. CDA brings members together locally, regionally, and statewide…virtually and in-person to exchange valuable information, ideas and best practices.
Education & Communication: The West Coast Urban District Forum, CDA’s annual conference, is a popular and visible event offering engaging educational and networking opportunities. We look forward to meeting, in person, in 2022!
  • Our member e-newsletter targets the topics and issues of most interest and concern to members. Focus is on business district news and legislation as well as upcoming events and member accomplishments.
  • The CDA website features current news postings, related industry resources and links, a calendar of events and job postings and a range of supplier resources.
Networking: Through the various communications channels, members can easily connect to one another, consultants, vendors and revitalization experts throughout the state. Look for increased regional networking activities to meet members in your area and beyond!

The board of directors meets monthly to advance the organization and increase its values and benefits for its members. We look forward to connecting with you and future members in October to share exciting news, answer questions and hear your feedback on how to better serve CDA members. If you have any questions about membership, please feel free to contact me directly at [email protected].

Kathy Hemmenway, Chair, CDA Membership and Fundraising Committee
Executive Director
Walnut Creek Downtown
Thank you, Kathy!
Steve Snider, CDA President
Executive Director
Downtown Oakland Association
Governor Signs CDA-Sponsored Bill to Allow for Remote Meetings During State Emergencies
CDA’s government affairs team is pleased to report that this year’s sponsored bill, AB 361 (Rivas, D-Salinas) was signed into law by Governor Newsom on 9/16. The legislation allows for public agencies, including BIDs, to utilize remote and teleconference technologies to conduct official meetings during state emergencies.  This legislation comes on the heals of an executive order issued by Governor Newsom which allows for public agencies and state departments to conduct meetings virtually during the COVID-19 public health orders.  Since AB 361 was an “urgency measure” the legislation takes affect immediately. 
Our colleagues at CIVITAS have provided an excellent overview of AB 361 and how the legislation assists BIDs with conducting official meetings during emergency periods: 
Under AB 361, some provisions of the Brown Act are suspended. New rules include the following:
  • Agendas need not be posted at all teleconference locations.
  • Each teleconference location need not be identified in the notice and agenda of the meeting.
  • Each teleconference location need not be accessible to the public.
  • A quorum of the members of the legislative body do not need to participate in the meeting from locations within the boundaries of the territory over which the public agency exercises jurisdiction.
To invoke AB 361 for the first time, the following requirements must be met:
  • There must be a proclaimed state of emergency by the Governor, and one of the following circumstances:
  • (1) State or local officials have imposed or made recommendations for social distancing measures; or
  • (2) A meeting is held of the local legislative body to determine, by majority vote, that an in-person meeting would pose “imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees.”
  • After AB 361 is invoked for the first time, legislative bodies may continue to use AB 361 if the following criteria are met:
  • There is still an active state of emergency or local measures or recommendations for social distancing; and
  • Every 30 days, the legislative body must make a finding by majority vote that “the state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the members to meet safely in person.” 

There are several key differences between N-29-20 (Governor’s Executive Order) and AB 361. AB 361 requires a public comment period where the public can address the legislative body directly. Furthermore, unlike N-29-20, AB 361 expressly prohibits legislative bodies from limiting public comments to only comments submitted in advance, and specifies that the legislative body “must provide an opportunity for the public to . . . offer comment in real-time."
Per AB 361, the body must also allow for public comment up until the public comment period is closed at the meetings. Under AB 361, meeting agendas must include access information for the public to attend the meeting and provide comments remotely. In the event that technical problems disrupt the public’s access to the broadcast of the virtual meeting or preventing the provision of public comments, AB 361 stipulates that, the legislative body may not take any vote or other official action until the technical disruption is corrected and public access is restored.
Jason Bryant 
Bryant Government Affairs
How a Hot Housing Market Exacerbates Inequality
Homeownership is becoming even less attainable as bidding wars, cash offers and racist ideas about buyers further disadvantage people of color.

Facing End of Eviction Ban, San José to Launch Rental Assistance Finder
Next City
In San José, California, thousands of residents have come to rely on the government eviction moratoria, enacted due to the pandemic.

Sacramento Councilmember Valenzuela responds to homeless concerns in her district
Residents and business owners say they've reached a breaking point and are considering relocating

Top Ten California Automated Vehicle Policy Strategies
Streetsblog Cal
Our team, at UC Davis and UC Berkeley, has developed a menu of options to set California on a path toward automated vehicle safety, social equity, mobility, and sustainability.

Ready To Return? Most Workers Say OK.
More than a year into the pandemic, a majority of workers say they are ready to return to the office.

It’s Time for California to Decriminalize Jaywalking
A state bill removing fines for crossing the street outside of a crosswalk could mark a milestone in the movement to eliminate a traffic law that is too often unequally enforced.
Do you have your ear to the ground when it comes to the latest downtown news in your region? To submit news to be considered for inclusion in the newsletter, please contact us.
CDA District Digest Copyright 2021
Powered by the International Downtown Association