Community Development Block Grant Program

Attention Grantees
Requesting Agreement Revisions / Amendments

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is pleased to announce the release of CDBG Management Memo #21-02, Addendum 1, Requesting Agreement Revisions / Amendments, to provide additional information to Grantees about documentation that may be required in support of a revision or amendment request. 

CDBG Memo: Requesting Agreement Revisions/Amendments
The purpose of this memo is to clarify additional documentation requirements for Grantees requesting revisions or amendments to previously established CDBG Standard Agreements. As a reminder, all Grantees requesting a change must complete a CA HCD Revision / Amendment Request Form provided by their HCD Representative or Grant administrator as outlined in the original CDBG Management Memo #21-02. While revisions will require no additional documentation, requirements for amendments depend on the nature of the requested change. The addendum provides a table outlining these requirements. 
Questions? If you have general process questions, please contact your Grant Administrator or HCD Representative.

If you have specific questions about the information in either Management Memo, or any other questions regarding the CDBG Program, please contact Felicity Gasser at [email protected] or 916-820-1187.