February 2023

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Each month, the CDEIPI newsletter will spotlight one of the CDEIPI programs. 


The Penn CFAR Scholars for Diversity in AIDS Research

The Penn CFAR CDEIPI program is led by Florence Momplaisir, MD, MSHP, Kevin Favor, PhD and Kelly L. Jordan-Sciutto, PhD.

The goal of this program is to provide research training opportunities focused on HIV basic and clinical science, complemented by development of professional skills and peer, near-peer mentoring networks. This program builds on existing programs in partnership with Lincoln University with expansion to a seminar series focused on HIV sciences. Through interaction with scientiifc leaders in basic virology, clinical care, HIV epidemiology, and community engagement, Penn CFAR Scholars build networks that promote continued learning about HIV and its impact with the goal of promoting careers in the HIV sciences.

For more information on the Penn CFAR program, click here.


In preparation for the release of the next round of CFAR Administrative Supplements, the Coordinating Center (CC) and NIH Program Officers hosted two discussion sessions (Feb. 2 and Feb. 7). The goal was for the CDEIPI sites to engage in direct dialogue with NIH on various issues related to the sustainability of the CDEIPI program.

As a reminder, the Core is also working on the CDEIPI Overview Manuscript (still under review at JAIDS) and CDEIPI JAIDS Supplement (manuscripts due to the CC by April 3rd).

On February 7, the DC CFAR hosted a virtual Citywide Seminar to share information about the national CDEIPI program and local DC CDEIPI project led by Howard University. Please see the recording here.

Contact: Brandi Robinson at bnrobin@gwu.edu with any questions or concerns.


The Program Leads held their monthly meeting on January 26 which featured program updates, a discussion on the continuation and sustainability of CDEIPI, and a presentation about the Tennessee CDEIPI program by Dr. Chandravanu ā€œCVā€ Dash. The group also engaged in a discussion on important administrative challenges including student stipends.

For more information, please see the meeting slides and recording

Next Meeting: Thursday, February 23 from 3-4 PM ET

Contact: Brandi Robinson at bnrobin@gwu.edu for more information.


The Evaluation Leads held their monthly meeting on January 26 which featured administrative and evaluation Core updates. The Core shared the current quarterly data available (up to Q4) and the number of responses received from the individual-level surveys with the leads. The group also discussed year 2 data and how to adapt the current instruments to collect this information. Lastly, the Core will follow up with the leads to share a data request form with the option to select the domains and analysis preferred for the reports.

For more information, please see the meeting slides and recording

Next Meeting: Thursday, February 23 from 1-2 PM ET

Contact: Lorena Segarra at lsegarra@gwu.edu for more information.

We look forward to sharing updates and resources with you in this newsletter and on our website. Please let us know if there are other ways the CDEIPI Coordinating Center can support your important work.


Contact us at CFARinDC@gmail.com

Visit our Website

CDEIPI is a supplement to the DC CFAR, an NIH-funded program (P30AI117970), which is supported by the following NIH Co-Funding and Participating Institutes and Centers: NIAID, NCI, NICHD, NIDCR, NHLBI, NIDA, NIMH, NIA, NIDDK, NINR, NIMHD, FIC, and OAR. The content is the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.