October 2022

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Each month, the CDEIPI newsletter will spotlight one of the CDEIPI programs. 


San Diego SUN: Supporting and Uplifting New and Diverse Scientists in HIV

The San Diego CFAR CDEIPI program San Diego SUN: Supporting and Uplifting New and Diverse Scientists in HIV, is led by Eileen Pitpitan, PhD and Jamila Stockman, PhD, MPH in collaboration with the San Diego State University.

The San Diego SUN is a structured 9-month mentoring training program in HIV research for BIPOC pre- and postdoctoral scholars. The goal of this program is to provide "scholars with the knowledge and skills necessary to embark on an academic career trajectory in HIV science that focuses on ameliorating disparities in communities of color that are at highest risk of HIV." This program builds on a longstanding partnership between San Diego State University and the University of California San Diego and leverages ongoing NIH training programs (Substance Use, HIV and Related Infections T32, Addiction Scientists Strengthened through Education and Training (ASSET) R25, SDSU FUERTE U54 and Raising Advancement and Parity for Infectious Disease Researchers (RAPID) R25).

For more information on the San Diego SUN program, click here.


The Coordinating Center submitted the overview manuscript of the CDEIPI program to JAIDS in early September. We are thankful for the support and contributions of the co-authors and will provide an update when we hear back from the Editors. Alan Greenberg and Lorena Segarra circulated the plans, timeline, and requests for a proposal to JAIDS for a supplement in which each site will have the opportunity to contribute a manuscript describing their own program with early local evaluation data. Interested program leads should send their working title, working list of co-authors, and a 2-3 sentence summary by October 7 to Alan and Lorena.

Contact: Brandi Robinson at bnrobin@gwu.edu with any questions or concerns.


The Program Core held its monthly meeting on September 22 which started with a moment of silence to remember Dr. Enrique Mesri from the Miami CDEIPI Program. Updates shared during the call included a reminder to the program leads to spend down their CDEIPI year 1 funds and a discussion about different strategies to do so. In addition, the Harvard and Rustbelt CFARs joined CDEIPI in Year 2. Dr. Alan Levine, program lead of the new Rustbelt CFAR CDEIPI program, presented their proposed work with the University of Puerto Rico. Following the presentation, the group discussed how the CFARs can share best practices and seminars across the CDEIPI network, and ways to leverage the CDEIPI website.

For more information, please see the meeting slides and recording

Next Meeting: Thursday, October 27 from 3-4 PM ET

Contact: Brandi Robinson at bnrobin@gwu.edu for more information.


The Evaluation Core held its monthly meeting on September 22 which started with the participants remembering and honoring Dr. Enrique Mesri from the Miami CDEIPI Program. The meeting also featured a presentation from Dr. Nicolas Sluis-Cremer from the new Rustbelt CFAR CDEIPI program. Lastly, the Evaluation Core shared the suggestion from the GW Compliance Officer to use a Data Use Agreement (DUA) when the participating CDEIPI programs request return of de-identified data obtained through individual-level surveys. The agreement is standard practice and uses a template to reduce burden on personnel; more information on the DUA is forthcoming but please direct any questions about the DUA to Dr. Manya Magnus (manyadm@gwu.edu). In addition, the Evaluation Core team reminded members to provide the number of program participants who have received the survey to calculate the response rate, and that the Q3 survey is due October 15th. 

For more information, please see the meeting slides and recording

Next Meeting: Thursday, October 27 from 1-2 PM ET

Contact: Lorena Segarra at lsegarra@gwu.edu for more information.

We look forward to sharing updates and resources with you in this newsletter and on our website. Please let us know if there are other ways the CDEIPI Coordinating Center can support your important work.

Contact us at CFARinDC@gmail.com

Visit our Website

CDEIPI is a supplement to the DC CFAR, an NIH-funded program (P30AI117970), which is supported by the following NIH Co-Funding and Participating Institutes and Centers: NIAID, NCI, NICHD, NIDCR, NHLBI, NIDA, NIMH, NIA, NIDDK, NINR, NIMHD, FIC, and OAR. The content is the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.