Welcome, Dr Lanya McKittrick
We are pleased to announce that Dr Lanya McKittrick (Lane) has joined the Idaho CDHD and College of Education, Health and Human Sciences as a member of the Special Education Faculty in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
Dr McKittrick will be located in our Boise office and will commute from her home in the state of Washington.
She comes to us with both professional and personal experience working with and for individuals with deaf-blindness, which makes her well-suited for the position. As a parent, Lane has four boys – two of which have Usher syndrome. This helps ground her professional work and guides her research.
Please join us in welcoming Lane to the CDHD, College of Education, Health and Human
Sciences, and University of Idaho.
Your voice matters – join CAC!
We are currently recruiting new members for our Community Advisory Committee (CAC). If you’re a person with a disability or a family member of a person with a disability, we want to hear from you.
What is CAC?
CAC is a committee made up of Idahoans with disabilities, their families and professionals who can provide guidance to CDHD leaders. With direct experience, CAC members can share first-hand knowledge, feedback and insight into the opportunities and challenges facing people with disabilities and their families.
We value this feedback and use it to create change that can benefit those who need it most.
Member responsibilities
As a member of CAC, you will be responsible for attending three meetings per year to:
- help plan CDHD activities
- tell us what’s important to you
- meet people from around the state.
If you think you’d like to join, we welcome:
- people with disabilities
- family members of people with disabilities
- representatives from state protection and advocacy organizations
- people who represent advocacy organizations
- disability advocates
- elected officials
- service providers.
How to apply
Welcome, new staff!
Over the past quarter, we’ve seen a few new faces join us. Welcome!
We're thrilled to have you as part of our team, and we look forward to seeing all the amazing things you’ll accomplish.
Shawnee McKinnon
Professional Development Specialist
Region 7
Kara Mastalski
Evaluation Coordinator
Making vaccination more accessible
Working with the Idaho Immunization Program and FEMA, IATP has created 70 new Vaccine Communication Access Kits.
These kits will be distributed to Idaho community partners who are providing COVID-19 vaccinations. Each one contains assistive technology and information to help make vaccination sites and medical facilities more accessible for people with disabilities and people with limited English proficiency.
Materials include:
- signage about accessibility accommodations
- communication cards to help identify communication supports
- voice and hearing amplifiers
- GLT Tablets for real-time AI captioning
- communication profile forms
- clear masks, writing materials, reading glasses and more.
40 of the kits will also include iPads for Video Remote Interpreting. They also come pre-loaded with many communication apps.
IATP has also created a manual for each kit that includes device instructions as well as detailed resources, information and checklists to help providers offer more effective communication and disability accommodations.
Funding for these kits was provided by the Administration on Community Living and FEMA.
Announcements and updates
Supporting higher education
Did you know that IdahoSTARS offers academic scholarships and grants that help early care and childhood education students?
The Project supported 818 higher education grants totaling more than $2 million through the 2021-22 academic year.
614 grants were issued to Idaho colleges and universities on behalf of students to pay for tuition.
204 grants were paid directly to students as reimbursements for tuition or living stipend for students working and attending classes part-time.
This year also saw 81 grantees complete their degree or certificate, with:
- 6% earning a CDA or technical certificate
- 21% earning an associate’s degree
- 53% earning a bachelor’s degree
- 20% earning a master’s degree.
New look for Idaho Training Clearinghouse
The Idaho Training Clearinghouse website has an updated look!
The site has been refreshed with a clean and modern aesthetic that perfectly compliments the logo and brand color scheme. The changes also incorporated bold, easy-to-read buttons.
While the update is certainly easy on the eyes, it’s not all about looks. The changes brought in more functionality that makes it easier for users to access ITC's rich library of resources. Users can now search for materials by keyword, role or topic from the homepage.
This site refresh also saw the integration of the Idaho SESTA Project. SESTA’s new digital home can be found at idahotc.org/sesta.
Users can expect to see more aesthetic changes in the coming months as pages continue to be updated with the new, slick look.
Welcome, summer trainees!
We welcome student trainees from the University of Idaho to help out at the CDHD throughout the year. This summer, three students joined the team from a range of academic backgrounds.
Welcome, trainees, and thank you for all of your help!
Avery Pierce-Garnett
Music Education, Music Performance and General Mathematics
I do document remediation (creating accessible documents). I've collected sources that involved people with disabilities and worked on captioning videos and webinars. I also had the chance to write a news article about the benefits of music therapy for the CDHD Latest News.
What has been your favorite thing about working at the CDHD this summer?
My favorite thing about working at the CDHD is being able to improve my interactions with people with disabilities.
My awareness has increased, and my ability to effectively and respectfully communicate with a range of people has also increased because of my interactions while working here. It helps improve my communication skills, which is great experience for future jobs.
Kellie Matern
Sociology and Organizational Science
Idaho Living Well and DANI
I have been working with Idaho Living Well, and instructing the summer adaptive movement classes for the CDHD. I have also been working with the Disability Advocacy Network of Idaho on their social media channels.
What has been your favorite thing about working at the CDHD this summer?
My favorite thing about working at the CDHD this summer has been meeting all the amazing people within the community, especially those involved in the CDHD.
Most of all, I have enjoyed running adaptive movement with my fellow trainee and friend, Victoria. It's so cool to see the joy movement brings to people, including Victoria and I. It's hands down the best part of my day!
Victoria Rae
Exercise, Sport and Health Science Pre-PT with a minor in Pre-Health Studies
IATP and Idaho Living Well
I work with the Idaho Assistive Technology Project with data reporting, inventory and, more recently, putting together the Communication Access Kits.
I work with the Idaho Living Well Project, and I am an instructor for the summer adaptive movement classes for the CDHD. And I work with Olivia Lebens on the public health initiative.
What has been your favorite thing about working at the CDHD this summer?
My favorite thing about working with the CDHD this summer has been the exposure to areas within the CDHD that play an active role in my future career as an occupational therapist (OT).
I’ve been especially grateful to work with the IATP since many OTs find themselves regularly working with assistive technology. Being able to work with Krista Kramer and Mellowdee Brooks behind the scenes has been incredibly insightful.
Announcements and updates
Summer adaptive movement classes
Join Victoria and Kellie for summer adaptive movement classes through August!
These classes are open to adults of all abilities and focus on mindfully moving the body in accessible ways. Plus, they're FREE to anyone who would like to join!
- Monday through Friday, 11-11:30 am PT.
- East City Park in Moscow. On inclement weather days, classes are moved to the 1912 Center.
Upcoming community events and holidays
20: Palousafest
22: U of I fall semester begins
5: Labor Day (CDHD closed)
20: CAC meeting
1: IATP turns 30!
31: Happy Halloween!