The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Creates $3 Million Fund to Cover DACA Application Filing Fees for Undocumented Students, Faculty, and Staff
Registration for the CAEP Summit 2021 is Going Strong
Exhibit at the CAEP Summit 2021
CAEP Directors’ Event 2021 Registration Is Open
CAEP Deliverables’ Reminders
Deadlines and Deliverables
The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Creates $3 Million Fund to Cover DACA Application Filing Fees for Undocumented Students, Faculty, and Staff
The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has created a $3 million Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) filing fee assistance fund for individuals across the California Community College system. The fund will cover the $495 DACA application filing fees for students, faculty, and staff affiliated with a California Community College.
Through the California Community College Immigration Services Project, nine Legal Service Providers have been contracted to provide immigration legal services, including DACA initial application, renewal assistance, and consultations to screen for affirmative immigration relief, to immigrant students, faculty and staff. Eligible students, faculty, and staff can access these supports confidentially through identified host colleges in their region. The legal service providers have committed to seeing each case from start to finish as long as they were affiliated with a California Community College at intake.
To access the DACA filing fee assistance, students, faculty, and staff need to make an appointment with the closest identified host college within their region, which can be found on the Chancellor’s Office website. For questions regarding eligibility or issues with scheduling, please contact Alonso Garcia via email at [email protected].
Registration for the CAEP Summit 2021 is Going Strong
Adult educators from across the state are early registering for the CAEP Summit 2021! You have not missed out yet. If you have not done so already, register for this amazing three-day professional learning experience. We listened to your feedback and have provided more opportunities to engage with fellow colleagues inside the platform. And not to mention, it’s FREE to attend the conference! If you are looking for innovative, impactful, and practical tools, strategies, and resources to implement at your school site, this conference is for you. If you enjoy learning from your adult education colleagues, this conference is for you. Don’t hesitate – registration is going strong, with limited capacity, and on a first come, first serve basis. Register today!
Exhibit at the CAEP Summit 2021
The CAEP Summit 2021 Planning Committee is still accepting registrations to exhibit at the conference. The CAEP Summit 2021 exhibitors are welcome to engage with attendees to explore opportunities to support adult learners. This year, exhibitors will have more visibility throughout the conference by sponsoring lunch hours, breaks, the networking event, and sessions.
In lieu of a fee to exhibit at the CAEP Summit 2021, the planning committee is requesting donations (i.e. curriculum licenses, textbooks, conference registrations, magazine subscriptions, wellness items, gift cards, etc.). The donations will go directly to the attendees and their agencies, who will participate in activities and earn points. Donated items can be tangible or electronic (i.e. e-gift cards). Tangible items will be shipped to CAEP TAP and CAEP TAP will distribute to all winners. The CAEP Summit 2021 Planning Committee will determine each winner and coordinate the exchange of the donations. The CAEP Summit 2021 Planning Committee will notify all by Friday, October 2nd to arrange for the exchange of donations.
The open tier is Innovation. The donation value is $125-$249. Exhibitors who register for the Innovation tier will have their logo featured on the Summit home page, in the third row on the exhibitor wall in the conference lobby, and third and fourth row booth spot. Virtual booths will include a landing page for representative photos, contact information, downloadable materials, and the opportunity to text, voice, and video chat.
CAEP Directors’ Event 2021 Registration is Open
The three-year planning process is underway for CAEP consortia and members. To support this endeavor, the CAEP Office and CAEP TAP have designed the CAEP Directors' Event 2021 to take CAEP consortia on a journey through the three-year planning process over the course of a full week. By creating a week-long of events, we are hoping to break up the cognitive overload and increase attendees’ capacity to process the presented information. Come learn and collaborate with other consortia leads and members on key topics related to the planning process. The event will take place on September 20-24th. Monday through Wednesday, join us for a 90-minute session each day and again Thursday-Friday for full day sessions.
The Directors' Event Week is intended for consortia leads, directors, co-leads and co-directors. Register today!
CAEP Deliverables’ Reminders
By now, all CAEP consortia members should have submitted their Q4 expenditure reports. The Q4 expenditure reports were due by September 1. In preparation for the September 30 Q4 consortium certification deadline, consortia leads should be reviewing the submitted expenditure reports and working with consortia to correct any inaccuracies. It is imperative that prior to certification, all reports are examined for accuracy and completeness. Once the expenditure reports are certified at the consortium level, changes are unable to be made.
- Verify expenditures entered are year-to-date (cumulative).
- If cumulative expenditures are in fact less than the previous quarter, revise Q1, Q2 and/or Q3.
- Consider completing a budget revision if over budget in any object code.
- Include specific, clear, and concise activities in the “Summary of Activities” section.
- If expenditures, by any object code, fall below target and you are prompted to complete a corrective action plan, include clear, concise, and actionable steps to meet the spending targets next quarter.
The 2021-22 Member Budget and Work Plan are due October 1 and certified by the consortium by October 30. At present, if the Q4 expenditure reports have not been certified, the total available funds will be larger than expected. Once the Q4 expenditure report is certified, that number will decrease to the member’s annual allocation, plus any carryover from prior years. When completing the budget and work plan, keep the following in mind:
- Include a brief description for each object code.
- Check the “consortium fiscal/admin expense” box only if the budget item is related to the fiscal and administrative responsibilities of the consortium.
Enter cumulative targets for Q1-QA.
- Ensure the indirect cost is not greater than 5%.
If you have any questions or experience any difficulty, please contact CAEP TAP at [email protected] or (888) 827-2324.
Consortium Program Quality Self-Assessment
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. PST
The webinar will present a systematic process to examine and analyze the needs (gaps) between current consortia and agency services and the needs of adult learners. The consortium program quality self-assessment tool will be used to guide critical conversations amongst consortium members to work collaboratively together to provide equitable, quality, effective and efficient programming to adult learners. Additionally, the connection of the consortium self-assessment tool to other assessments (WASC, CIP, etc.) will be examined.
Building Sustainable Collaborative Partnerships
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. PST
The next step in the 3-year planning process, after identifying community assets, is to build sustainable collaborative partnerships. The Building Sustainable Collaborative Partnerships webinar will present the key elements to successful collaboration, the foundational steps for collaboration, and strategies to overcome common challenges with collaboration.
CAEP Program Evaluation 101
Friday, September 17, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. PST
As part of Education Code 84906 for CAEP three-year plan, consortia are to conduct a program evaluation to examine the evaluation of need, of funding, and types and levels of service. In this session, a systematic approach to program evaluation will be presented and resources to conduct a program evaluation will be provided.
Logic Modeling
Monday, September 27, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. PST
This webinar will introduce the basic terminology and concepts of logic modeling, as well as share strategies and examples participants may use to help with the development of their own SMART objectives (address educational needs, improve integration of services and transitions and effectiveness of services), and short-term, intermediate, and long-term outcomes.
Sep 1: 19/20 and 20/21 Member Expense Report due in NOVA (Q4)
Sep 1: July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 expenses by program area due (estimates only) in NOVA *
Sep 1: 21/22 certification of allocation amendment due in NOVA (new)
Sep 30: 19/20 and 20/21 Member Expense Report certified by Consortia in NOVA (Q4) *
Sep 30: 21/22 Member Program Year Budget and Work Plan due in NOVA
Sep 30: End of Q1