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CDSS News & Updates
We have so many exciting events coming up! We hope you will email and get involved!
CDSS Calendar At A Glance

1/5     Namaste and Play Y'all (Yoga with CDSS)
1/12   Music for Littles and Middles
3/16   Dash for DS
Dash for DS 2019

Please join us to celebrate World Down Syndrome Awareness at the Tennessee Riverpark, Shelter #4, on March 16, 2019! This is a perfect way to show your support for those in our community who are more alike than they are different as we help raise awareness for our loved ones with Down syndrome in the Chattanooga area.

Registration is now open HERE. For the first 3 weeks, or 21 days, use the  promo code 321 to get $5 off your 5K or 10K registration!
Namaste and Play Y'all (Yoga with CDSS)

WHO: Individuals with Down Syndrome, ages 5 and up! One parent/participant is welcome to join in as well!
WHEN: January 5, 2019 from 1:30-2:30pm
WHERE: Southern Soul Yoga (313 Manufacturers Rd Ste. 203, Chattanooga, TN 37405 - across from Whole Foods, located on the second floor).

Join us for our first yoga session at Southern Soul Yoga studio! Yoga is an awesome and highly effective form of therapy and fitness routine for people with Down Syndrome. This ancient practice is becoming one of the most highly recommended therapies by doctors and clinics around the world. Yoga provides an activity which strengthens the body, develops concentration, improves self-esteem, and increases body awareness. Most importantly, it's fun! Balance Studios and Southern Soul Yoga have collaborated to provide this opportunity for individuals with Down Syndrome in the Chattanooga community.

RSVP REQUIRED: You MUST sign up for this event, as space is limited! Please contact Jessie Steele at or 423-208-7118 to sign up or with any questions you may have!
WAIVER: A waiver must be completed on each person who plans to attend. Jessie will send you the link when you RSVP!

Music Class for Littles and Middles

Who:  Loved ones with DS and their young siblings
When:  Saturday, January 12th, 10:30am
Where: Concord Church 7025 E Brainerd Rd. Chattanooga, TN 

Outstanding Teacher Award

Congratulations to our 3 recipients of the CDSS Outstanding Teacher Award for 2018! We recognized Ashleigh Triplett (pictured), Emily Adams, and Patrick Leavell by presenting them a check for $321 for being exemplary in providing an inclusive and accepting environment for our loved ones with Down syndrome. 

If you know of an outstanding teacher who motivates, challenges, assists, and respects all students both in and out of the classroom, please go to our website and submit your nomination.  

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! Thanks to everyone who came to our Under the Sea holiday party!! 

National Down Syndrome Adoption Network

Have you ever considered adoption? Meet Cheyenne! Cheyenne is a happy child who can bring a smile to anyone's face! She is a cute joyful child who does well in the classroom and who is very thoughtful and caring of others. Cheyenne thrives in a learning environment. She loves learning and discovering new concepts, and working on goals. Cheyenne also likes fun and enjoyable indoor and outdoor activities. She is a young lady who is full of potential and a joy to be around.
Cheyenne will be most successful in a home where there are no other children. She can only be placed with a family in Tennessee. For more information, click HERE

CDSS Grants

The CDSS is committed to helping families with medical and educational/recreational needs.  We are offering grants in both of these areas.  The Medical Helper Grant assists in providing needed services including therapies, treatments, and general expenses that are not covered by the patient's insurance.  The Educational and Recreational Grant helps to offset the cost of expenses for activities such as camps, music and dance classes, and educational seminars.  Please  click  to get more information about the grants and to download a grant application.

Wishing A Very Happy Birthday to:    


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