July 2020
Sam R. Slaton, MEd, LPC-S, MBA, MHSM
Chief Operating Officer
16 years at  Sant é  Center for Healing

It’s exciting for me to share that I am just a few weeks shy of my 16 year anniversary at Santé. Oh how time flies when you’re doing what you  love . I would enjoy recounting all of the wonderful stories of recovery, moments of humor, and how we have grown so much while keeping our sense of family… but that might detract from the message I wish to share.
No one could have predicted what this year would be like; as best as we planned and forecasted 2020, we could not have anticipated the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact. Here at Santé, like countless times before over the last 24 years, we have risen to the challenge, adapted, and persevered amidst the changes the pandemic has brought, though all the while not losing sight of our vision to help those struggling with addiction, mental health, and trauma. I am honored to be part of Santé and humbled to share this experience with such gifted, passionate colleagues who innately desire to help others heal. Walt Disney said “ you can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world… but it requires people to make the dream a reality .” I cannot sing the praises of our staff here at Santé enough. There have been countless examples of going above and beyond to help our patients, their loved ones and our alumni throughout this unprecedented season; it delights me to share with others how I continue to experience our principles and values in action. I recently heard this powerful message from one of our team members who said, “the bell curve of addiction will not ever flatten…”
Our patients’ long-term recovery is our utmost goal, and as we adhere to recommended health precautions may we never forget that we are continuing the good fight against the potentially fatal disease of addiction. Santé continues to help people live healthier lives one day at a time.
6-hour CE Event

This second annual education and inspiration-filled day spans the spectrum of sexuality topics. Hear from expert therapists from multiple viewpoints – CSATs, sex therapists, sex educators, LPCs, LMFTs and more – from across Texas and Oklahoma. Evidence-based theory and implementation ideas for your work and your clients.

Friday, August 7, 2020
8:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.


Virtual Format Only - via Zoom

The presentations will only be available to view live on the day of the event and not by recording at a later time. 

Each registrant is automatically entered into weekly drawing for Dr. Michael Salas’ new book  Bridging the Sex Addiction Divide: Mindful Considerations for Vulnerable Clients . One winner announced each week.  Register today.   

Continuing Education:
Texas Certification Board of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors Provider No. 1584-00 
Texas State Board of Examiners Professional Counselors No. 144
Texas State Board of Examiners Marriage and Family No. 344
Therapists Texas State Board of Social Workers Examiners Provider No. 2974
NBCC ACEP Number: 7031
In your therapeutic and medical settings, you know first-hand that dealing with grief is critical. The COVID-19 environment has exacerbated this issue. To assist you in your efforts to provide support to your clients and patients, we created Grieving What Was and Embracing What Is available to you for your clients, colleagues and patients free-of-charge. This digital downloadable resource (click here ) educates readers about what grief is, how to process it and when additional help may be needed. We hope it helps support your important work! Please let us know how else we can support you!
Santé’s Transitional Living (TL) program provides a highly-structured, therapeutic apartment-style living for adult men and women, who are in search of additional daily living support while in the early stages of recovery. Several research studies by NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) find that the longer an individual is involved in a continuum of care and receiving treatment, they have significantly better outcomes including decrease in relapse rates. As with the national trend, this program has also seen a rise in adult children who were previously living at home. Santé’s TL residents receive the environmental, therapeutic and social support needed to meet goals and succeed.

A recent Public Health Institute study showed that individuals in TL-type programs recorded lower incidences of drug use, arrests and harmful psychiatric symptoms, 18 months after leaving treatment. Results also showed that residents who stayed longer in this level of care were less likely to relapse as compared to those who did not stay long. As individuals continue to deepen their recovery, at this level of care, staff and residents alike identify and address missing life skills, including but not limited to: financial planning, budgeting, meal planning, educational guidance, career development and life skills education. Employment, community service, 12 step work, and higher education and continuing education are important components for the Transitional Living Program.

In addition to a safe, chemical-free environment, TL residents experience: separate men’s and women’s programs; master’s level therapist on site Monday - Saturday; daily group therapy and house meetings; random drug screens; 12-Step Recovery model; individual and group counseling; employment and volunteer opportunities; and more.

“As a treatment team, we’re honored to help people new in recovery use Santé’s Transitional Living as the foundation for the relationships, connections and decision making essential for sustained, long term recovery,” says Santé's Director of Outpatient Programming Adam Karazuba, MSW, LMSW. For any questions regarding our Transitional Living program, please contact Adam at 940.464.7222 or [email protected].
Questions Your Clients Should Ask About a Potential Treatment Program

  • What is the addiction treatment philosophy? 
  • Does the program have therapists who have been trained and certified in different types of therapy?
  • Does the program offer different types of therapy?
  • Does the program offer family therapy?
Many of us are finding ourselves cooking more during this time of COVID-19 and there is a good chance that several recipes are being made more than you and your family would prefer. Santé's Chef Misty Douglas has provided a delicious recipe for Chicken Lettuce Wraps and Thai Peanut Sauce that you can add into your meal rotation. We hope you enjoy!

Santé's Chef Misty Douglas, the culinary team and Dietitian  Laura Deane, MS, LD, RD, provide clients with meals made with top of the line ingredients for each individual's dietary needs.
Step 7
“Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.” 

Many of us have come to believe that being successful means being strong, independent individuals who are profoundly self-reliant. This type of thinking can lead to shame or guilt when we need to ask for help or to admit to shortcomings. An unintended consequence of this can be a barrier to self-growth. How can we overcome this barrier? Humility.

If we can use the same inward strength and humility during the process of Step 7 that was used to admit to being “powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable (Step 1),” we will be able to face any shortcoming and problem that arises. “If that degree of humility could enable us to find the grace by which such a deadly obsession could be banished, then there must be hope of the same result respecting any other problem we could possibly have.”¹ We must be humble within ourselves and know when to seek help, in our recovery, responsibilities, and relationships. When asking a Higher Power to remove our shortcomings, we begin to let go and accept the flaws as small facts and not the totality of who we are. It is important to recognize and remove our shortcomings to continue to become the best individual we can be.

Humility is an equal opportunity, one we can all practice, whether in recovery and working the 12 Steps or not.

1.  Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
July 23, 2020
Online All Inclusive Recovery Meeting at 7 PM CDT

July 28, 2020
Online All Inclusive Recovery Meeting at 9 PM CDT

July 30, 2020
Online All Inclusive Recovery Meeting at 7 PM CDT

August 4, 2020
Online All Inclusive Recovery Meeting at 9 PM CDT

August 6, 2020
Online All Inclusive Recovery Meeting at 7 PM CDT

August 7, 2020
The 2nd Annual Spectrum of Sexuality Summit

August 11, 2020
Online All Inclusive Recovery Meeting at 9 PM CDT

August 12, 2020
DFW Behavioral Health Symposium Free Online 10+ CE Event
Santé's Family Therapist Andrew Ahles, LMFT, ICBC-I is presenting.

August 13, 2020
Online All Inclusive Recovery Meeting at 7 PM CDT

August 18, 2020
Online All Inclusive Recovery Meeting at 9 PM CDT

August 20, 2020
Online All Inclusive Recovery Meeting at 7 PM CDT

August 25, 2020
Online All Inclusive Recovery Meeting at 9 PM CDT

August 27, 2020
Online All Inclusive Recovery Meeting at 7 PM CDT

September 25, 2020
South Texas iaedp Chapter Annual Symposium
Santé's Dietitian  Laura Deane, MS, LD, RD is presenting.

October 9, 2020
Legacy Event
Registration Coming Soon

November 4-6. 2020
Maintaing Proper Boundaries

All dates are subject to change due to COVID-19. We will keep you updated.
When you submit the   "Santé Connections" form , your information is accessible to Santé's intake counselors, aftercare coordinator, and family therapists for referral purposes.
S anté provides quality care and programs for long-term recovery. If there is anything we can do to improve, please reach out to us . When you reflect on our continued collaboration and/or our shared clients who are doing well, share the experience on   Facebook or Google .