September 15, 2016
Catholic Education News

Inside This Issue
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Webinar at 4pm TODAY

Sr. Dale McDonald of NCEA and I will host a webinar about the new education law and its implementation in a couple hours - @ 4:00PM EASTERN. Please bring your questions and help us help you!

You may use this link to access the webinar. If you cannot make it this afternoon, the video will be hosted on our webpage.

Here is the official title and blurb:
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): What do superintendents and school leaders need to know about this new law?
When ESSA goes into effect in the next school year, there will be many changes that provide greater benefits for Catholic school students and teachers.  This webinar will outline the changes and provide strategies for working with the public school districts during this year's consultation process for effective implementation of the Title programs. Time will be provided for questions from participants.
CTE Reauthorization Passes House

This week, the House passed a bill reauthorizing the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act with broad bipartisan support. Included in the bill was a significant change impacting Catholic schools and students wishing to participate.

Under current law, students receive equitable CTE services in the school district where they reside; if this bill becomes law, students will be eligible in the district where they attend Catholic school. 

That is important because Catholic schools will now be better able to consult for these services (because all their students will be under one LEA - instead of numerous LEAs as under current law) and students will be better able to participate.

We will keep you updated if the Senate passes and the President signs this legislation.
Reading List:
Greg Dolan