CEBC MENA Clean Energy Fortnight in Review
Fortnight ended 3 June 2018
In association with our member organizations, we are looking to understand whether the MENA renewable energy sector is ready to support the ambitions of local players and targets set by Governments. We have launched a new and improved survey to gauge your thoughts on this important issue.

We are also pleased to announce the winner of our brunch voucher. Congratulations to Mr. Anthony of Dubai, who will be enjoying a complimentary brunch for two at Dukes Dubai. Thank you to everyone that entered the draw!

Our work is not yet done, and our survey is still open for responses. If you have not done so already, we would like to  ask you for your input into a 15-minute survey  that will help us to identify and analyse the changes necessary to support the clean energy sector in being successful on an individual, corporate and MENA regional basis. 
Members News
Caterpillar and Al-Bahar go solar for Cat’s Dubai facility
Caterpillar Middle East and its regional dealer Al-Bahar have jointly completed their first Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Project, which includes design, installation and commissioning of a Grid Tied Solar PV plant, for their regional facility.

According to a statement by Al-Bahar, the move is expected to provide the Caterpillar Distribution Services facility with 237MwH of energy yield annually for the next 25 years, assuring it a sustainable and cost-effective solution for the facility’s power needs. [Read More]
Electric Vehicle Outlook 2018
Bloomberg New Energy Finance's global long-term Electric Vehicle Outlook (EVO) forecasts EV adoption out to 2040 and the impact that electrification will have on automotive and power markets, as well as on fossil fuel displacement and demand for key materials.
What’s new in the 2018 EV Outlook?

This year’s report includes an additional outlook for electric buses, detail on upcoming EV models, and a deeper analysis of the impact of ride hailing and autonomy on the car market. The Outlook also examines battery supply risks for cobalt, lithium and other materials, as well as the impact of EV and e-bus market penetration on the power, liquid fuel and battery materials markets. [Read More]
Research and Publications
Accelerating Sustainable Energy Innovation 
Sustainable energy innovation is at the heart of solving many of the world’s toughest challenges, and is the key to tapping the full potential of energy as a contributor to future growth and prosperity.
However, despite the overall accelerating pace in recent years, innovation in the energy system is not occurring quickly and widely enough, nor is it adequately aligned, to address pressing issues and exploit new technologies to improve the lives of citizens around the world. The global energy system faces rising and shifting demands: the urgent challenge of tackling climate change and the need to expand energy access, mirrored by tremendous new opportunities created by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which affect all sectors of the economy and society.

In this context, the World Economic Forum’s System Initiative on Shaping the Future of Energy aims to accelerate development of the policies, private-sector actions and public-private collaboration required to achieve a sustainable, affordable, secure and inclusive energy future essential for economic and social development. [Read More]
Accelerating Sustainable Energy Innovation 
More and more non-energy companies are voluntarily – and actively – procuring or investing in self-generation of renewable energy. Driven by sharp cost reductions, combined with growing calls for sustainability among investors and consumers, renewables have become an attractive source of energy for corporate users around the world. 

While roughly one in five corporations has committed to renewable electricity targets, the opportunity exists to strengthen these targets and ambitions throughout the commercial and industrial sector. 
View the   full report   or the  executive summary , or download the   info-graphic highlighting key findings .
We have a large number of research publications and reports available to download in our  Knowledge Centre . If you have anything you would like to add,  please email us!
Latest Renewable Energy Jobs
Director General
IRENA [Read More]

Environmental Expert
RECREEE [Read More]

Project Manager for Solar PV Projects in Dubai, UAE
Yellow Door Energy [Read More]

Senior Associate - Energy - UAE Core Assurance
PriceWaterhouse Coopers  [Read More]
Upcoming Events
The Big 5 Solar 2018, a premier event for the solar industry, returns for its second year on November 26 - 29, 2018 at the Dubai World Trade Centre to bring together hundreds of influential decision makers and professionals from local and international brands for 4 days of business and networking opportunities.
Exhibitors will have an exclusive opportunity to showcase solar technologies to dedicated buyers, generate new leads and meet potential business partners. Attend the 4th edition of the Global Solar Leaders' Summit for an interactive learning experience on the latest technologies and trends from industry leaders through lively debates and focus groups. Join free-to-attend onsite CPD-Certified workshops to gain insights on the latest updates and trends from honorable speakers from governments and suppliers.
Join us in building the solar community of tomorrow and secure your stand at The Big 5 Solar 2018 today.
MENA Region Clean Energy News


Abu Dhabi brothers produce home-grown solar water heaters
Falcon For Solar Sun is a local start-up about to begin production of solar water heaters from its custom-built premises in the Mafraq Industrial Area [Read More]

Dubai set to launch phase V of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park
The Dubai Water and Electricity Authority (DEWA) has issued a tender to seek IPP advisory services for the fifth phase of the gargantuan solar plant. After launching the first four phases, which are set to reach a combined capacity of 1 GW, the emirate is now assessing how to reach the 5 GW target set for the project by 2030. [Read More]

Spinneys opens solar powered shop in Dubai’s Centro Mall
The Middle-Eastern supermarket chain, Spinneys, has launched its first solar powered shop in Dubai. [Read More]

Dubai To Become Global Leader In Solar Energy
On a recent warm evening in the Dubai desert, government ministers and business leaders gathered to mark a major milestone in solar power, one of worldwide significance. A new phase of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park (aka MBR Solar Park) was opened. [Read More]

DEWA discusses cooperation in renewable energy with Finnish company Valmet
HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), received a delegation from the Finnish company, Valmet in the renewable energy sector. [Read More]

Rooftop solar panels keeping UAE energy costs from going through the roof 
The UAE public sector has been working hard on promoting clean energy. Dubai is trying to reach $190 billion of savings by 2050. [Read More]


20 per cent of water sector’s electricity to soon come from renewable sources
In three years’ time, a total of 20 per cent of electricity consumed by the water sector will be generated with renewable energy, under the Water and Irrigation Ministry’s new “self-reliance” approach, government officials said. [Read More]

Saudi-Funded Solar Project In Jordan To Be Completed In June
Jordan wants to increase the amount of electricity it sources through renewable and sustainable sources, such as solar. [Read More]


Lebanon's wind EoI draws companies from 21 countries
Companies from 21 countries have taken part in Lebanon's Expressions of Interest (EoI) for the development of 200 MW-400 MW of wind capacity. [Read More]

Saudi Arabia

Oil-rich Saudi Arabia is turning to another resource to power the kingdom — sunshine
Saudi leaders are now looking to exploit another plentiful resource: the sun. [Read More]


Tunisia tenders another 70 MW of solar
After closing its first 70 MW tender in early May, and launching the pre-qualification process for a new 500 MW PV tender a week later, the Tunisian government has announced it is tendering a second 70 MW series for solar projects up to 10 MW in size. [Read More]


Climate change is making the Arab world more miserable
Expect longer droughts, hotter heatwaves and more frequent dust storms . [Read More]

Global solar PPA growth set to enter Middle East as fuel subsidies fall
A shift away from fossil fuel subsidies towards cost-reflective tariffs could accelerate the adoption of corporate PPA contracts in fast-growing solar markets in Middle East and North Africa (MENA), regional experts told the MENA New Energy 2018 conference. [Read More]


Markets may be underpricing climate-related risk
Last June the Financial Stability Board, a club of regulators, said companies should assess and own up to the climate-related risks they face. [Read More]

As More Solar and Wind Come Onto the Grid, Prices Go Down But New Questions Come Up
Wind and solar energy are growing rapidly in the U.S. As these energy sources become a bigger part of the electricity mix, their growth raises new questions: How do solar and wind influence energy prices?  [Read More]

Nissan’s attempt to enter the solar market on its own for first time
The Japanese automobile manufacturer, Nissan, has announced plans to enter the solar market without partnering with utilities. [Read More]
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