Colorado Early Colleges (CEC) believes that academic success is fundamentally dependent on class attendance. For questions about our Attendance and Tardy Policies, please read further:
Our school’s Attendance and Tardy Policy can be found in the Student and Family Handbook; however, it is nice to know what counts as an excused and unexcused absence. This information can be found on page 14 of the Student and Family Handbook.
The follow are recognized as excused absences:
- Absences due to temporary illness or injury.
- Absences due to a physical, mental, or emotional disability.
- Absences due to a suspension, or expulsion in accordance with C.R.S. 22-33-105 and 106.
- Absence due to student to whom a current age and school certificate or work permit has been issued pursuant to the Colorado Youth Employment Opportunity Act of 1971.
- Absence due to a student who is in the custody of a court or law enforcement authorities.
- Absences due to participation in an approved work-study program.
- Absences due to court appearances and participation in court-ordered activities if a student is in out-of-home placement (as that term is defined by C.R.S. 22-32-138(1)(e)). The student’s assigned social worker will verify the student’s absence was for a court appearance or courtordered activity.
- Medical and Legal appointments.
- Family funeral attendance.
- School sponsored programs or competitions such as state music performances, robotics competitions, sports, Knowledge Bowls, etc
CEC Heads of Schools, or their respective designees, may recognize additional absences as excused such as religious observations or other occurrences.
Unexcused absences occur when the student is absent without a reason or for a reason outside of the excused absences identified within this attendance policy. See CEC policy Attendance and Tardiness.
Extended Absences:
We understand that there may be a time when an extended absence is planned during the year. All extended absences need approval from the Head of School or Academic Dean. A student who is absent a total of 10 unexcused absences for the year may be marked as Habitually Truant- to avoid this, please fill out a
Pre-Approved Absence Form prior to the absence. It must be filled out and approved before the absences are taken. You can also pick up a Pre-Approved Absence Form at the front desk.
Sports Forms:
We understand many students participate in sports at other local schools and we try to accommodate students who may need to leave a few minutes early or may need to travel for an out-of-town event. To be excused a few minutes early for athletics, students must fill out the Sports Form. Early dismissal is a privilege and may be revoked if it is abused or students fail to maintain schoolwork. If a student needs to miss a day due to a tournament, out-of-town event, etc.; a Pre-Approved Absence Form must be completed. Both forms are also located at the front desk.