Spring Recap

CEC Health Care's mission is to provide access to high-quality and comprehensive medical, dental, and behavioral healthcare, and to improve the well-being and quality of life of individuals who have historically been medically underserved.


In this newsletter, we share photos and stories including Memorial Day, Mental Health Awareness Month, and other awareness days. You'll also learn about our new CEC Seaford office, as well as our beautiful new sign and awning at our CEC Glen Cove center. Plus, we are proud to announce that our CEC Health Care Executive Director, Dr. James Dolan, Jr., has been recognized as one of the Top Business Leaders in Nassau County!

CEC At Memorial Day Ceremony

The CEC Health Care COMHPS Team (Community Mental Health Promotion and Support Team) attended the Memorial Day Ceremony at Eisenhower Veterans Memorial Park to pay respect to those that have served our country, and to share information about the wide range of services that CEC Health Care provides to the veteran population.

The team also participated in a food and toiletries distribution drive for veterans the weekend before Memorial Day at the Freeport Armory (bottom right)

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New CEC Health Care Signs

We are continuing to grow and make changes.

At our Glen Cove Center, we have a new awning at the building entrance, as well as as a new road sign (which is beautifully mulched, and has new plants, thanks to Glen Cove's Linda Hartnett!)

In addition, we officially opened our new CEC Health Care Seaford Center in April. The center is very close to the street, and this new sign is letting everyone know that there we are there!

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Awareness Days and Months

CEC celebrated three important awareness events this spring: World Down Syndrome Awareness Day, Autism Awareness Day, and Mental Health Awareness Month.

Many thanks to not only the CEC Health Care staff for participating, but also to our Board of Directors. You all give freely and willingly, and our clients, old and new, are the beneficiaries.

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Dr. Dolan Selected As Top Business Leader

CEC Health Care Executive Director, Dr. James Dolan Jr., is being honored as a Top Business Leader of Nassau County for 2024, by Blank Slate Media at their annual Top Business Leaders of Nassau County Awards on June 20th.

Blank Slate Media is the publisher of award-winning newspapers on the north shore of Long Island featuring: Great Neck News, Manhasset Times, New Hyde Park Herald Courier, Port Washington Times, Roslyn Times and the Williston Times and the award-winning website, theisland360.com.

Dr. Dolan was amongst a diverse group of leaders selected, from business and finance, to law, medicine, not-for-profit and more.

Click the link below to read Dr. Dolan's bio.

Read Dr. Dolan's Bio

Mental Health Care for Children and Adolescents

As of this year, our CEC Glen Cove Center is now providing mental health counseling and treatment for children (6 years +) and adolescents. In addition, the center now has a waiting area geared towards children with books and toys.

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CEC To Be Highlighted in Behavioral Health News

We have an article coming out soon in Behavioral Health News about how our COMHPS Team (Community Mental Health Promotion and Support Team) is supporting senior citizens in Nassau County. When the article is published, we will share the link to it on social media. For now, here is a picture of some of the team at the Long Island Cares Harry Chapin Food Bank Essential Market, one of the many places that they perform outreach to seniors

Thank You To You

A HUGE Thank You goes out to the entire CEC Health Care community for supporting us online! Through your likes, shares and reposts on social media, you have helped spread the word about our services, which results in more people getting the care they need.

Stay Tuned For Staff Retreat In September

Attention Staff: Stay tuned for the 3rd Annual CEC Health Care Wellness Experience at the Planting Fields Arboretum. Keep an eye on your emails for the exact date and time in September.

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857 South Oyster Bay Rd, Bethpage, NY, 11714

113 Glen Cove Avenue, Glen Cove, NY 11542

305 Oser Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788

2146 Jackson Avenue, Seaford, NY 11783


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