Reminder: Please pick up all students no later than 3:45! If students cannot be picked up by 3:45, please make arrangements to pick them up off-site. The school is closed to the public after school is dismissed. Students cannot wait for rides past 3:45 on site. Thank you for your understanding!
Important Dates
March 10 - Daylight Saving Time Begins - Spring your clocks ahead one hour this Sunday!
It's that time of year you all look forward to: ADVISING SEASON! The advising calendar is OPEN! We will begin advising on March 26, but you can schedule now. For those of you who are new to the school, please know that advising appointments are mandatory for all students and that parent attendance is highly recommended. Click on the name of your advisor to schedule an appointment.
Interested in How the Criminal Justice/Court System Works? Join the Town of Parker's Teen Court!
The program holds youth offenders accountable and provides educational services to offenders and youth volunteers to promote long-term behavioral change that leads to enhanced public safety. For those who are interested in being a positive peer influence and learning more about the legal system, this is the perfect volunteer opportunity for you. There is a scholarship available every year for graduating seniors. Please head here for more information about eligibility, training, and more:Teen Court | Town of Parker - Official Website (
CU Denver LYNX Summer Camps
Apply for CU Denver LYNX Summer Camps by March 15here!