Important Dates
  • Thursday, September 24th at 6pm
  • TODAY! Friday, September 18th

Click here to see the requirements and application process for Student Council!
The last day to enroll at CECW for the 20/21 school year is September 30th

The first day to enroll at CECW for the 21/22 school year is November 2nd
This week’s SOAR winners:

Service: Brayden A.
Ownership: Faith G.
Attitude: Serena H.
Respect: Audrey S.

Congratulations! Watch out for your certificates in the mail.

A Letter From Principal Smith
Hello, Golden Eagle Families!
We have completed another successful week of Remote Learning and I could not be more proud of the CECW staff and students for all the hard work they put in each and every day. We are learning new things, expanding our knowledge in every way. As we look forward to In-Person Learning, there are many details to cover in today's newsletter. I have created several sections to help organize my thoughts and hopefully cover everything. We will follow all state and local guidance, including the state mask mandate currently in place. All persons who enter the CECW facility will need to wear a mask at all times. Please read each section carefully:  

Schedule – Week of Sept. 28th:
Having small groups (by grade level) for the first 3 days of the first week that we are back to In-Person Learning will help us tremendously in preparing students for the procedures that they will need to follow during the Safer at Home phase of our Learning Plan. 

  • Monday, Sept. 28th: All 8th and 9th Graders on campus; 7th and 6th graders will be attending classes remotely 

  • Tuesday, Sept. 29th: All 7th Graders on campus; 6th, 8th, and 9th graders will be attending classes remotely 

  • Wednesday, Sept. 30th: All 6th Graders on campus; 7th, 8th, and 9th graders will be attending classes remotely  

  • Thursday, Oct. 1st: All students on campus; except those whose are choosing remote learning or who are ill. Busses will start running.

  • Friday, Oct. 2nd: All students on campus; except those whose are choosing remote learning or who are ill

We must continue to take accurate attendance for the State Count Day. It is very important that all CECW students attend school (in-person or virtually) during the count window from Sept. 24th through October 8th, with Oct. 1st being the most important day of all!  

Do I send my child to school?
In order for CECW to open its doors and keep them open, it is imperative that we all follow Safer at Home guidelines. Please see the specifics below for when your student can return to the building after being ill. CECW will be required to pivot back to Phase Four of the Learning Plan (Fully Remote) if we have a high number of students sent home with symptoms or a single student or staff with a positive Covid-19 case. Please have your student join us virtually on any day that they have ANY of the following symptoms: 
  • Feeling feverish, having chills, or temperature 100.4 or higher 
  • New or unexplained persistent cough 
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Difficulty breathing 
  • Loss of taste or smell  
  • Fatigue 
  • Muscle aches 
  • Headache 
  • Sore throat 
  • Nausea or vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Runny nose or congestion.
Stay at Home:
Do not come to school building –
Join your class Virtually on Teams

You may return to school if symptoms are gone within 24 hours of onset (must be home 1 full day at a minimum).
*If student’s symptoms last more than 24 hours see below.
**If a student has a chronic condition that causes major/minor symptoms, a doctor’s note will be required.
  • If student is awaiting COVID test results
  • If you do not feel well including:
  • Minor symptoms:
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle aches
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Runny nose or congestion
  • Major symptoms:
  • Fever over 100.4
  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • New cough or unexplained persistent cough
Do not come to school building – 
Join your class Virtually on Teams
If student is awaiting COVID test results
If student’s symptoms last more than 24 hours
If student has possible exposure to someone with COVID-19 (without symptoms)

  • 10-day isolation (may return after the 10 days and 24-hour symptoms free)
  •  Go to the doctor for an alternate diagnosis (if alternate diagnosis, may return to school after following regular illness policies)
  •  COVID Test (if negative and has an alternative diagnosis, may return to school.)

Do not come to school building –
Join your class Virtually on Teams
If student has a positive COVID test
If student has been exposed to COVID and has a symptom.
If a student has a fever and another “Major” symptom

  • 14-day quarantine (may return after the 14 days and 24-hour symptoms free)
  • COVID Test (if negative and has an alternative diagnosis, may return to school.)
  • School will determine appropriate learning phase for entire school


CECW building will close to in-person learning with one (1) positive COVID case
  • School will go to Remote ONLY Learning for 14 days.
Choosing to Continue Remote Learning:
Starting Oct. 1st, we will be offering all classes on campus, in-person. If you choose for your student to continue Remote Learning, please email me at

Participation in Free Hot School Lunch Meals:
For more information about CEC’s Free Scratch Breakfast and Lunch Meals, see the CEC Nutrition Services website. The information is about the program only; CECW meals will be delivered to us each day. Please DO NOT sign up on the website.

If you would like your child to eat hot school lunch meals at CECW, please click here.

At Home Student Wellness Check:
As we look forward to bringing more students into the CECW building for in-person learning, we are looking at new ways to be able to symptom check to allow for a smoother entry process. Please use this link or the QR code below to fill out the Symptom Survey before 7:00AM each morning. We will be passing out laminated QR codes the first week of In-Person learning to utilize at home.
If you are unable to connect to the survey, please click here to print and fill out the paper copy of the same survey and send it with your student to school each morning. 

By symptom screening at home, we will only need to temperature check your child here at school. We are hoping this speeds up the check-in process and we can get all students into the building in 30 minutes. We will begin to let students into the building at 7:20.
Bussing Information:
The busses will be running starting Thursday, Oct. 1st. Please go to the website and sign up for Route-A-Bus if you have not done so already. Students will be limited to one per seat and must wear a mask while riding the bus. Thank you.

Drop-off/Pick-up Procedures:
To ensure safety of all students, we encourage all students to take advantage of our free transportation if possible. The intersection of I25 and HWY 392 is a busy intersection, and we want to be sure all students can be dropped off and picked up in a timely manner; however, if you are not able to take advantage of our free bus service, be sure to enter and exit through the south entrance at 7640 Westgate Drive and follow the path on the map here.
We are anticipating a staggered drop off time will happen naturally with parents’ schedules; However, if we end up blocking Westgate Dr. with CECW traffic, we will be instating specific drop off and pick up times.
Though we do not yet have specific pick up times, we are releasing students by grade level at the end of the day to create an orderly exit from the building. Students will be able to wait for you while socially distancing outside or in the cafeteria. Please plan accordingly:

9th Grade 3:00PM
8th Grade 3:03PM
7th Grade 3:06PM
6th Grade 3:09PM
Busses will leave the parking lot at 3:15PM

Class/Hallway/Lunchroom Expectations:
All students will be expected to follow SOAR expectations while learning both in-person and during remote Learning.

Each student will need to bring their own water bottle. Drinking fountains will be turned off; however, the water bottle fill stations will be accessible to students and staff.

Lunches will be separated by grade level and seating will be permanent. We will allow students to choose their seat on the first day, and they must stay there for the rest of the semester. This is for contract tracing purposes if a student becomes ill. 

Hallways will be one-way traffic, and students will not be allowed to congregate in the hallways. If they are waiting for a teacher to finish cleaning a room, they will need to be in a line, social distancing.
For those classes that are larger than 20, we will be dividing the classes into two classrooms with a teacher in each classroom. The students will have access to their primary teacher, as the teachers will rotate between the rooms.

Picture Day:
Picture Day has been rescheduled! LifeTouch will be at CECW on Thursday, October 8th. If you already pre-ordered pictures, you do not need to again. If you haven’t and would like to, click here and use code EVTDRHV9V.

Visitors and Volunteers:
No volunteers or visitors are allowed in school buildings at this time. This includes lunch and recess times. Please pack your student a lunch or have them participate in the free lunches provided here on campus. We will always order extra lunches for the students who happen to forget their lunch.  
Return to In- Person Learning – Highlights September 28th
All plans highlighted in this document are subject to change upon guidance and mandates from local, state, and the federal government. CECW has built this plan with the following three priorities in mind: health and safety of staff and students, equity and access for all students, and continuing rigorous academics. 

CECW students will begin to return to school on September 28th with the following schedule:
  • September 28 -- 7:50 – 3:00 8th & 9th Graders in-person (6th & 7th virtual)
  • September 29 -- 7:50 – 3:00 7th Graders in-person (6th, 8th and 9th virtual)
  • September 30 -- 6th Graders in-person (7th - 9th virtual)
  • October 1 – All students in-person

 The following social distancing measures will be in place:

  • All students will come to school in-person starting October 1st from 7:50 to 3:00 every day with a normal schedule.
  • Class sizes will be as small as possible with student cohorts as much as possible.
  • Divided Hallways to direct traffic between classes.
  • Lunches and recesses will be separated by grade.
  • Masks are required for all students and staff – If a student cannot medically tolerate a mask or face covering that fully covers nose and mouth, the student will need to attend school remotely.
  • Masks will not be required at lunch while eating or while social distancing at recess.
  • Water bottle refilling stations will be available, but drinking fountains will be covered.
  • Students will provide necessary classroom supplies. Supplies will not be shared.
  • Meals will be provided by the CEC Wolf Bistro and will be free to all students. They will be grab and go style, there will be no salad bar, and water will be offered at lunches.
  • Signage to help encourage social distancing and hand sanitizing in classrooms, restrooms, hallways, and common areas.
  • PE and recess will be outside as much as possible and re-structured for no physical contact exercise.
  • Desks will be separated to the maximum amount in each classroom.
  • Screening or self-screening will be required by all staff and students to enter the building.
  • A remote only option will be available to families if needed (please email Ms. Smith at

  • CECW will pivot to a 100% Remote Learning Plan if: there is an outbreak of symptoms or one (1) confirmed case in our school community, there becomes a shortage of supplies to ensure safety, or to follow local, state, and federal mandates.

  • The following behavior expectations will be asked of all CECW Community Members
  • No one should enter the building if they have any symptoms of a contagious illness (please see student illness protocol).
  • Mask guidance will be in line with state and local health guidance; however, mask breaks will be given as often as possible.
  • Treat each other with respect and understanding (Be especially mindful of our community members that have health needs and advocate for their health needs, including if yourself). 
  • Help others remember the guidelines that help keep us safe.
  • Respect the visual guidelines in place to ensure social distancing and proper hygiene practices around the building.

  • Resources and support
  • CECW is in contact with Larimer County Health Department, the State of Colorado, and the Colorado Department of Education for current guidance on public health.
  • Health Services are available via our Health Tech at CECW.
  • Isolation Room monitored by health staff in each building to immediately quarantine people with suspected COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Mental Health Services focused on wellness with our school counselor.
  • Online resources and support provided in weekly newsletters.
  • Individual weekly student check-ins provided in Elevate classes.

  • Cleaning Precautions
  • Day porter employed to clean high traffic areas during school hours and deep cleaning classrooms after school.
  • Hand sanitizing stations will be placed around the school and small hand sanitizer bottles will be provided in each classroom.
  • Classroom surfaces will be cleaned between classes.
  • All HVAC filters have been changed and will be monitored and cleaned at least twice a year.

  • Microsoft Teams
  • Microsoft Teams will continue to be the platform for instruction for teachers and students both during in-person learning and fully remote learning. A standard structure for all college prep courses will be implemented for consistency.  
  • Training and expectations for students will be provided on the first day back in the building and continue throughout the year in their Elevate or College and Career Readiness classes.
  • The Counseling Team has been established and will continue to be used for all school communication, resources, student activities, and to promote health and wellness.
Useful Links
CECW is still accepting new 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th graders for the 2020/2021 school year! Click here to begin the Initial Student Application! Let friends and family know about our open enrollment by sending them to our Admissions Page.

Remember, you can earn $100 for every student you refer to CECW! We look forward to seeing new faces next year!
Are you following us on Facebook and Instagram? Be sure to keep up with CECW on social media for fun news and important updates!