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Monday, December 3 at 6:30 PM
Join us for the CECD2 December Meeting
Learn About Proposed Changes to Specialized High School Admissions
The Clinton School * 10 E. 15th Street * Between Union Square West and 5th Avenue
CECD2 December Meeting
The December CECD2 Calendar and Working Business Meetings will take place on Monday, December 3 at 6:30 pm at The Clinton School located at 10 E. 15th Street
The meeting will include a presentation from the DOE about their proposal to change admissions for the city's Specialized High Schools.
    -See flier in  English  /  Spanish  /  Chinese
The Council will also be discussing and voting on the following resolutions (full text will be circulated shortly):

In Support of Comprehensive Community Input to Any and All Proposed Changes to Specialized High School Admissions
In Support of Public Access to Department of Education Data Concerning Proposed Admissions Rubric Metrics
As always, there will be time for public comment on the presentation and the resolutions. Speaking time may be limited to 1-2 minutes at the discretion of the council. The public can also submit comments via email at info@cecd2.net .

Full Meeting Agenda