CECFC High School Newsletter
November 1, 2024
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- 11/1: School of Choice Enrollment Opens
- 11/2: VEX Robotic Tournament - Volunteer - 8am- 5pm at the HS
- 11/3: Daylight Savings Time Ends - Set clocks back by 1 hour
- 11/4 - 11/7: Donate drinks & snacks for the Fall Play
- 11/4: ACE Mentor Program Info Session: 7pm - 8pm at Foothills Mall
- 11/6: Blood Drive - 12:00pm -5:00pm at the HS
- 11/6: Key Club Meeting - 3pm - 4pm in room 226
- 11/7: Informational Meeting - 3:00pm - 4:00pm at the HS
- 11/8: No School - Teacher Work Day
- 11/8: Fall Play The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens - 7pm at the HS
- 11/9: Fall Play The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens - 2pm & 7pm at the HS
- 11/11: Veteran Honor Assembly - 10:30am at the HS at the flagpole
- 11/14: Math Day field trip
- 11/15: Senior Photos & Quote Due for All Graduates
- 11/15: Graduate Exit Form Due for December Grads Only
- 11/20: SAC Parent Meeting - 4:30pm - 5:30pm at the HS
- 11/20: Key Club Meeting - 3pm - 4pm in room 226
- 11/21: Informational Meeting - 10:00am - 11:00am at the HS
- 11/25 - 11/29: Thanksgiving Break - School Closed
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Time Change - November 3rd | |
This is a reminder to change your clocks back by 1 hour on Sunday, November 3rd. We might not see the sunshine much for the next few months, but an extra hour to sleep in is always appreciated! | |
Calendar Reminder - November 8th: No School | |
Next Friday, November 8th, is a Non-Student Contact Day. In the past, we held a "Reccovery Day" to help those students who were behind in classes. This year, we are doing something different.
All teachers will be posting their expanded Office Hours, Drop-in & By Appointment, to help students get caught up before the stress of Finals hits. Students, as in life, will need to be proactive in making sure they have completed their assignments and are ready for their exams.
This will allow our teachers to have one day to get caught up on grading & planning for the remainder of the semester. Parents and students should log into Infinite Campus to review their grades and missing assignments and then reach out to teachers to discuss a plan to move forward. We encourage students to use this "day off" as a time to make sure they are up to date in all classes in preparation for the upcoming Final Exam week in December.
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Class of 2025 - Deadlines Approaching! | |
Seniors! You have some important deadlines coming up:
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Donations for the Fall Play Needed | |
Our Theater program is doing some amazing things this year, and they need your help! Please click the button below to sign up to donate drinks and snacks for the Fall Play, The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens! Donations may be dropped off at the Front Desk or Bookstore during school hours on Monday - Thursday of next week, 11/4 - 11/7. Thank you all for your help! | |
Looking for the perfect job or know someone who would be a great addition to our team? Check out our Careers page by cliking the button below!
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Robots are Ready to Rumble! | |
We are excited to see our Award-Winning Robotics teams compete in the upcoming VEX Robotic Tournament on Saturday, November 2nd from 8am - 5pm! Please come help us cheer our amazing students and their fearless leader, Mr. Mesh, on to victory!
Interested in assisting at the tournament? Please click HERE TO VOLUNTEER.
If you would like to support our Robotics program with a donation, we would really appreciate any assistance you can give by clicking HERE TO DONATE.
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You can schedule your appointment for a Wednesday, November 6th time HERE or scan the QR code on the poster below: | |
CECFC Theater is proud to annouce our Fall Play, The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens on November 8th & 9th. Neat storm effects, spiffy costumes, lots of fun, mystery, & mayhem abound! Tickets are on sale now. Click the button below or scan the QR code to purchase tickets. Come support our show! | |
Mentorship & Project-Based Learning | |
Students! Are you interested in learning more about a career in Architecture, Construction, and/or Engineering? Come learn more about the ACE Mentor Program. The Information meeting is on Monday, Nov. 4th at PSD’s Future Ready Lab from 7-8 PM at the Foothills Mall.
PLEASE complete THIS FORM to let us know you’re coming to the meeting, or you can can the QR code below.
Students will need to create an account (or login to their already created account from last year) here: ACE Mentor.
You can also visit the ACE Mentor Website to learn more.
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Veteran's Day Honor Board & Assembly | |
CECFC HS will be honoring active or retired family members of students and staff who are or have served in the military via a Veteran’s Honor Board.
The Veteran’s Honor Board will be on display from November 7-13th at the CECFC HS.
We will honor our veterans via a 15-minute assembly on November 11th @10:30 am outside at the CECFC HS Flagpole. All families are invited to attend!
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Looking for a way to make connections to the world? Consider hosting an Exchange Student for the upcoming Spring Semester. Please contact Mrs. Galloway for more information! | |
Infinite Campus - Stay Informed | |
Parents & Students - We would like to encourage everyone to be proactive and keep an eye on grades & attendance in infinite Campus. Please scan the QR code below or click HERE to access your student's information. If you have any trouble logging in, please send an email to IT Support for assistance. | |
Mr. Lopez and Ms. Prince would like to remind all students that showing up is half the battle! Attendance is imperative for success. Remember, you can't win if you don't play! | |
Reimbursement Forms are Open | |
Students who were required to purchase Textbooks, Online Exam Access Codes, or Laptops for classes may be eligible for a reimbursement. Forms are now open!
Please use the button links below to submit your Reimbursement Forms before the December 6th Deadline!
Not sure if you are eligible? Please visit the Reimbursement Page on our website for detailed instructions.
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Informational Meetings & School Tours | |
Informational Meetings & School Tours for enrollment in the 2025-26 school year have begun. The next Informational Meeting is on November 7, 2024 @ 3:00 pm at the CECFC HS. For more information, or to see a list of all meetings through December 2024, or to RSVP for this meeting, click here. | |
School of Choice Enrollment for 25-26 Opens November 1st | |
Siblings and students who are not currently enrolled at the CECFC High School or Middle School will have an opportunity to submit their School of Choice Enrollment Application on November 1, 2024.
Check the CEC Website for more details and the link to our new Online Application.
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Don’t miss out on remembering this year! Our yearbooks are now available to order. Secure your copy today and re-live the moments that made this year special, from classroom achievements to fun-filled events.
Please contact Sofia Shappell with any yearbook related questions.
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Attention, Class of 2025! It's time to shine and showcase your individuality in the yearbook. Submit your senior photo and quote to this think: https://photos.jostens.com/8GAADV
Don’t miss this chance to be part of a keepsake that captures your high school journey!
Photos and Quotes are due by November 15.
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Let’s make this year’s yearbook extra special with your personal touch!
Honor your graduate’s achievements and milestones with a special recognition ad in this year’s yearbook. It’s a wonderful way to show your pride and share heartfelt messages, memorable photos, and congratulations with the entire school community.
Order Your Ad Here: www.theyearbookcompany.com
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Want to show off your CEC School Spirit? The New CEC Spirit Store is ready to take your order! Students, family members, and staff can shop online by clicking the button below. Keep an eye on the store as we are hoping to offer even more custom items for each specific campus. We hope to see you wearing your CEC gear with pride! | |
HS & College Tutoring Available | |
Did you know that CEC provides 1-to-1 tutoring free of charge to students? Please click the button below to book your tutoring session. You will be charged only for missed appointments. We have adult and student tutors to help with all subjects. Don't wait until it is too late! Book your tutoring appointment today. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Artrip.
The Tutoring link is also always in the "Quick Links" section of the newsletter, just below the "at a glance" section at the very top.
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Scholarships, College, Career, and Graduation Updates | |
Advising & Career Newsletter | |
The Academic Advising & Career Center Newsletter is a great resource for information about:
- Colleges & Universities
- Financial Aid
- Scholarships
- Work-Based Learning
- & more...
Please click the button link below to view the most recent AA&CC Newsletter:
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Care Corner - How can we Help? | |
Concerns about Finances or Housing? | |
If you have questions or concerns about finances, mental health, or just need someone to listen, please contact our school counselor, Erica Koehler, at erica.koehler@coloradoearlycolleges.org, or by calling 970-377-0044 x10117. | |
Hearing and Vision: We will be conducting free vision and hearings screenings in October. Please contact the health office for more information, concerns or questions.
Illnesses: Please DO NOT SEND students to school if they are ill.
- Students must stay home for at least 24 hours after a fever has resolved without fever reducing medications to lower the fever
- Students must stay home for at least 24 hours after vomiting and/or diarrhea without medications to reduce those symptoms
- If your student has missed [5 consecutive days] or [7 days in a two-week period] due to illness, please provide medical documentation for these absences to be excused
Medications: If your student needs to take medications while at school, please contact the health office for required documentation.
Health Conditions: Please inform the health office if your student has health conditions
RN: Jen McGlue, RN can be reached at 970-377-0044 x10121 or jen.mcglue@ColoradoEarlyColleges.org
Health Tech: Marlene Sanchez can be reached at 970-377-0044 x10122 or marlene.sanchez@coloradoearlycolleges.org
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Everyone is welcome!
No volunteering, no commitment.
Our Parent Resource Group meetings are friendly and casual, a place for parents to meet other CEC families and share stories, ask questions, and find information. Any questions brought up are placed as an agenda item for our SAC (School Accountability Committee) meetings with CEC Leadership.
SAC includes the Head of School (or designee), along with parents and community members, to offer guidance on academic action plans, budget priorities, safety issues and other areas.
2024-25 School Year Meeting Dates:
Meetings on Wednesdays at 4:30-5:30 PM
· September 18
· November 20
· February 19
· April 16
Research shows that when parents are involved in their children's education, they benefit emotionally, socially, and academically.
We all meet regularly to have fun and organize events. Be part of our team! Visit our website or email cecfcsac@gmail.com if you're interested.
Thank you very much, CEC Parents!
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The list is endless when it comes to resources for supporting your success.
Here is a list of staff dedicated to supporting students' unique needs:
Our priority is to provide you with the support you need to be successful in your plan of study. Please don’t hesitate to reach out when you need us!
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Interested in working for CEC? | |
We have a variety of vacant positions we need to fill across our network.
If you are interested, please click HERE.
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Support CEC Every Time you Check Out! | |
Go to www.kingsoopers.com
- In the Search bar, type "Community Rewards"
- Log in or Create your account
- Search Colorado Early Colleges (EG422)
- Click "Enroll"
Once you are enrolled, you will automatically earn money for CEC by simply using your rewards card. It is a quick and easy way to support the work we do for students and families here at CEC.
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