CECFC Middle School Newsletter
September 30, 2024
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September 30th - October 4th - School Spirit Week
October 1: Official Student Count Day
October 1: Refer-A-Friend Form Closes
October 10-11: Parent/Teacher Conferences - Half Day (School ends at 11:45 AM)
October 14-18: Fall Break - School Closed
October 24: Keith King Day
October 24: Rollerland 5:00pm
November 14: SAC Meeting 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Refer a family and you could receive $100 gift certificate for every new student who enrolls! For details check out our Refer-A-Friend Program.
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Dear CECFC Middle School Families,
As we welcome the beautiful season of Fall and enjoy cooler days and nights, we are filled with excitement and gratitude. It has been wonderful to see our new students acclimate so well to our school community. Their enthusiasm and energy have truly enriched our environment!
This week, we are thrilled to celebrate SPIRIT WEEK! Here’s a quick rundown of the fun days we have planned:
Monday: Sports Team Day
Tuesday: Pajama Day
Wednesday: Dress Like a Pirate Day (No live parrots, please!)
Thursday: Flannel and Denim Day
Friday: Color Wars!
- 6th Grade: Yellow
- 7th Grade: White
- 8th Grade: Blue
We also want to remind you of our upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences on October 10th and 11th from 12:30 - 5:30 PM. Please check your emails soon to sign up!
Additionally, don’t forget about our community event at Rollerland on Thursday, October 24th at 5:00 PM. It’s a great opportunity to connect with other families and enjoy some fun together. And who knows? You might even see a teacher or two!
Lastly, please mark your calendars for our next SAC committee meetings:
November 14th: 4:30 - 5:30 PM
February 20th: 4:30 - 5:30 PM
April 24th: 4:30 - 5:30 PM
We hope to see many families join us and learn about all the wonderful happenings at CECFC Middle School. Thank you for sharing your children with us!
Warm regards,
Dee Dee Vicino
Head of School
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Meet our new School Security Officer, Mr. Filkins!
Jonathan Filkins is a 32-year-old Security Professional at Precision Security Team. Jonathan has over 10 years of security experience that helps him to engage conflicts with a positive, sympathetic, yet professional state of mind. He also specializes in approaching problems with a win-win attitude and helping individuals through de-escalation and conflict management. Jonathan uses that experience to protect people and safeguard what matters most to them. Jonathan is married to his wonderful wife Lina, and they have two amazing daughters together, Abigail and Eleanor.
As a School Security Officer, Mr. Filkins helps to maintain a safe environment for students, teachers, and other school personnel. He is responsible for ensuring the security of school buildings, grounds, facilities, and the area immediately surrounding the school’s property. He actively engages in supporting students to promote success in the classroom and throughout the school community.
We are thrilled that he has joined our CECFC MS family!
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School closed Monday, October 14th to
Friday, October 18th.
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What is SAC? School Accountability Committee
Role and Purpose
The School Accountability Committee (commonly referred to as the SAC) is a representative advisory committee that serves as a grassroots organization for a school’s accountability change process. The primary role of a SAC is to understand all operating procedures within the school, and if needed, make recommendations concerning school improvement, including but not limited to such topics as: spending priorities, academic achievement, facilities, and culture and climate (CRS22-11-402(1)(b)).
Please join us for the following SAC meetings!
Nov. 14th 4:30 - 5:30
Feb. 20th 4:30-5:30
April 24th 4:30 - 5:30
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2024-2025 Refer-A-Friend Form Closes 10/1! | |
Thank you for sharing about Colorado Early Colleges! When we ask families how they heard about CEC, 9 times out of 10 it is because a friend, relative, or neighbor shared this with them. Our schools continue to grow, and we continue to impact more and more Colorado families because of YOU!
The Refer-A-Friend Form for the 2024-2025 school year closes on Tuesday, October 1. For more information about the Refer-A-Friend program and to submit your referral before it closes, visit https://coloradoearlycolleges.org/families-students/refer-a-friend.
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Refer a friend to one of our Colorado Early Colleges campuses and you may be eligible to receive up to $100 or more!
1. Tell a NEW family about Colorado Early Colleges.
2. Your friend completes the CEC enrollment process.
3. Your friend stays enrolled throughout the first semester.
4. You fill out this form and submit it by October 1.
5. You get a $100 eGift card for each Full-Time student or a $50 eGift card for each Part-Time student
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Please remind your students to stop by the lost & found cart to see if they have lost any belongings. Items will be donated weekly.
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CEFC Families, we are excited to share that all students will receive one free breakfast and lunch daily through the Healthy School Meals for All program! This statewide program, approved by Colorado voters, is helping Colorado children and teens have access to nutritious food at our school.
Even though breakfast and lunch will be provided for free, we need families to continue sharing household income information through the Free and Reduced Meal Benefits form in so that we can receive full access to federal funding. These additional funds will go directly back to CECFC Middle School to help cover the cost of meals and other nutritional programs. Plus, families who qualify may receive discounted school activity fees, community activity fees, utilities support and more! As always, all household income information will be kept confidential, and protected by law. Immigration, migrant, citizenship or refugee status is not required when completing the form.
This information also allows us to apply for more GRANTS, which allows us to provide additional programming and services for your child. So PLEASE complete the APPLICATION today!
Please fill out ALL required information in the application. Incomplete applications cannot be processed. Only one application per household is required. Applications may also be picked up in the Front Office.
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The NEW CEC Spirit Store is up and taking orders! Students, staff, and families can shop online at https://4980prints.com/ceccommunity/shop/home. In the future, we look to offer even more custom items for each specific campus. Enjoy! | |
The Nutrition department is actively seeking temporary volunteers and permanent kitchen staff for the upcoming school year. They urgently need consistent assistance with dishwashing, serving, and cleanup.
Additionally, they need a volunteer to transport food from the High School to the Middle School and manage the Point-of-Sale system. Our Food Service Team is collaborating closely with HR to expedite the hiring process, but in the meantime, we need YOUR HELP! If you are interetested, please contact Pam Cailteux at (970) 377-0044 x 10126. We greatly appreciate your support in advance!
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Welcome to fall – we are looking around and seeing the leaves change... and sometimes with that comes more distress for our students as the workload of school gets more stressful.
Let’s think about how we can help our students when they are experiencing distress. Here are some strategies you can use:
(Based upon the book The Emotional Life of Teenagers):
- Recognize that it is beyond our power to prevent or banish our teens' psychological pain, nor should that even be our goal. We can and should, however, help the teens release, express and show emotions that offer relief and do no harm.
Talking about feelings works! Putting feelings into words brings emotional relief. Listening, really listening, matters. To really listen, imagine you are a newspaper editor, and your teen is one of your reporters. As soon as your “reporter/teen” comes to the end of telling you about a troubling situation that they were involved in, your task is to craft a headline that sums up the essence of the narrative they told you.
- As such, empathy goes farther than we think. Deliver your empathic words with the full confidence that your compassion alone may deliver sufficient psychological relief. Because it can for teens, repeatedly.
Let us know how these strategies worked! We are all ears.
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Our Northern Colorado Mental Health Team (Melissa Faye at Windsor CEC Windsor Middle/High School, Erica Koehler at CEC Fort Collins High School and Stephanie Lerner at CEC Fort Collins Middle School) will be teaming up to provide weekly newsletter pieces this year. Please see the flyer below for more information about what we provide and who we are. Our goal this year is to provide ample opportunities and skills for ALL OF US in our community to Build Relationships with each other. Please see the following flyer about our Coffee With Counselors gatherings coming up – hope to see you there! | |
If you are looking for any documents for the upcoming school year (such as bell schedule and calendar), please access those under the Student Resources section of our Families & Students page.
You can access that at https://coloradoearlycolleges.org/families-students/.
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Please contact Mrs. King at lori.king@coloradoearlycolleges.org if you are interested in volunteer opportunities. We need classroom volunteers, school dance volunteers, events volunteers, cafeteria volunteers, kitchen volunteers, volunteers for field trips and off campus events, and more! Research shows that parents have a major influence on their child's achievement, and volunteering at school is a great way for parents to positively impact student achievement. | |
Ms. Lerner is the McKinney Vento Liaison. Please see below for more information about that program. | |
Key Explorers offers a 10% discount for CEC families! | |
Log into your account at www.KingSoopers.com
- Go to Community Rewards
- Search Colorado Early Colleges (EG422)
- Click Blue Enroll Button
Thank you for your continued support!!
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Parents, Guardians and Students, did you know IC is not only on the web but there is a mobile app as well? You can check attendance, grades, assignments, set notifications, and so much more!
Download the Infinite Campus Parent and/or Student App today to stay connected!
For more information, click the button below.
| If at any time you are having problems with Infinite Campus and/or Teams, please contact our support team at: support@coloradoearlycolleges.org or click the link for support information: https://coloradoearlycolleges.org/support/ | |
Welcome new and returning CEC Families! Please take a moment to read our MS Student and Family Handbook to familiarize yourself with our school policies.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (970) 893-4549 and we will be happy to assist you.
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CECFC MS Main Line: (970)893-4549
Attendance: (970) 682-2007
Attendance Email: fcmsattendance@coloradoearlycolleges.org
Address: 4512 McMurry Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80525
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