Monday, Sept 23, 2024

Hello Owls,  


I hope everyone is doing well! We are nearing the halfway mark of the first semester, with only a few short weeks until the Fall break. Please be mindful of class progress and revisit the plan to finish all courses by the end of the semester.

This week we welcomed several new tutors to our team, as well as a teacher’s assistant for our STEM department.

It was great to see so many of you at the School Accountability Committee’s Movie Night event! Thank you to our members and shout out to our student government representatives, who raised funds for this year’s club!  

Mr. Smith 

Oct 1-Count Day

Oct 1-Whole School Assembly 11am

Oct 1 - Refer-a-friend program closes

Oct 3-MS Huddle, 10am

Oct 14-18-Fall Break

Nov 25-29-Thanksgiving Break

Dec 19-Jan 7 - Winter Break


2024-2025 Refer-A-Friend Form Closes October 1!

Thank you for sharing about Colorado Early Colleges! When we ask families how they heard about CEC, 9 times out of 10 it is because a friend, relative, or neighbor shared this with them. Our schools continue to grow, and we continue to impact more and more Colorado families because of YOU! 

The Refer-A-Friend Form for the 2024-2025 school year closes on Tuesday, October 1. For more information about the Refer-A-Friend program and to submit your referral before it closes,

Please visit our website or click the Refer-A-Friend Form for the 2024-2025 enrollment cycle.

Student October Count Day is October 1st!


October Count Day is a vital time for schools in Colorado because it is the day that student attendance is counted towards school funding for the school year. Students, please make sure you login to complete school work on Tuesday, October 1st!


Transcripts and Report Cards


All students who have completed 1 or more semesters with CEC Online Campus have report cards available in their Infinite Campus accounts under Documents. You have the ability to view and download report cards for all years that you have attended CEC Online Campus. Guardians can also access report cards for their students in the Infinite Campus guardian portal under Documents.


High School students who have completed 1 or more semesters with CEC Online Campus have access to unofficial transcripts in Parchment, our network-wide transcript service. Students received invitations to create a Parchment account during the Spring 2024 term. Be sure to check your CEC student e-mail account for these Parchment invitations. 


Students can download an unofficial self-view transcript free of charge. Please note that official transcripts are only released to official institutions (colleges, universities, etc.) and cost $4.50 each. Students and parents cannot purchase an official transcript to be sent to themselves. 

Hello CECOLC Owls and Guardians, 

As the seasons are beginning to change, we too are shifting our attention toward spring advising, which will begin in a few weeks. We hope that all our families are learning to navigate our school with ease and reaching out for assistance if needed. For those new to the CECOLC community, it is time to introduce your assigned academic advisors. Please note that your advisor may differ from the one you met with during the summer. Your assigned advisor should have contacted you via email. They will provide guidance on course selection, academic planning, and progress monitoring when you meet this semester. 

Upcoming advising will be as follows: 

High school students: On September 23rd, you will receive an email from the CEC advising team inviting you to schedule a spring semester advising appointment. Please sign up for an appointment to be held during October, November, or December. 

Middle school students: We will be hosting Middle School Huddle meetings in October and December, since they do not have advising appointments. These informal gatherings will allow you to meet your advisor and discuss your academic progress. Please note that these meetings are not intended for formal advising appointments and are for students only (no guardians). 

We look forward to supporting your academic success and helping you navigate your time at CEC. 

Keep soaring high Owls, 

The CECOLC Advising Team

SOAR is new this year and was designed to help students and families clearly identify and understand school-wide expectations within our school community and across all domains: technology, synchronous events, and course completion. CECOLC students practice safety and take part in building a safe school culture and climate. They have a positive outlook and work to cultivate a growth mindset. Our students take action and ownership of their education by being self-starters, and they show respect for themselves, others, and the school. Students who familiarize themselves with the SOAR matrix and practice online learning the "OWL" way are better connected, have improved outcomes, and an overall enhanced experience at our school. 

Japan Trip - Register with QR code or URL below

The NEW CEC Spirit Store is up and taking orders! Students, staff, and families can shop online at In the future, we look to offer even more custom items for each specific campus.

Textbook and Laptop Reimbursements

Check out the links below for eligibility and terms or go to the CEC website reimbursement page

Click here for Textbooks Reimbursement Fall 2024 Form Click here for Laptop Reimbursement Fall 2024 Form

 Deadline for Fall 2024 textbook and laptop reimbursement is December 13, 2024. Checks will be mailed in the new year. 

Click here to open the CECOLC Community Resource Guide (Below is a sample of the first page)

Stay Connected With Us!

You can stay up to date with things going on at CEC by following us on Facebook.

CECOLC Website