Share Your Knowledge
in these unique short-form CECON 2021 opportunities
Present a poster or participate in our Lightning Round presentations! Or, do both!
Poster Presentation Abstracts
Attendees can participate directly in the CECON program! Present a Poster during the first day, then attendees vote for the top posters to be formally presented in a Lightning Round format on the second day of the conference.
The submission date of your abstract determines your poster placement, so don't delay submitting your application. What is a poster presentation session?

Lightning Round Proposals
Lightning Rounds teach, inform, and highlight important ideas or essential topics centered on the conference theme — "Laying the Foundations of Sustainability." This fast-paced program demonstrates topics in a quick and insightful manner, diving right to the heart of the issue and engaging the audience.
Each Lightning Round session will last one hour with a maximum of four (4) presentations in each session. Each presentation is made by one individual who will have 10 minutes to speak on their topic, after which a 5 minute question and answer session will be allowed. Slide presentations to illustrate the talk are encouraged and presenters should avoid excessive lead-up (history, background). The goal is to present information quickly and effectively during the short session. The audience is then invited to vote among that sessions presentations.
Winners will be awarded a $50 gift card and be invited to present their topic in a future ASCE Texas webinar.

Submit your proposal to participate in one or both of these short-form opportunities to [email protected] by July 18, 2021.
| 2021 Registration Opening Soon |

As our industries are finding their "new normal," ASCE Texas Section is no exception. We look forward to safely connecting, learning, and collaborating in-person with our civil engineering and construction colleagues.

Registration for CECON 2021 this September in San Marcos will open soon, so make plans now to save up to $50 with Early Bird Registration available the month of June 2021!
The safety of all our participants is a top priority. Precautions will be taken to offer a face-to-face event where you feel comfortable while adhering to all venue, hotel, and CDC recommended guidelines. An official Safe Event Policy will be made public and updated as these guidelines change and we move closer to the event.