E-Bulletin | August 11, 2022
2022-2023 Good News Club® Resources for Your Ministry

Log in as staff at staff.cefonline.com. Search the Resource Library for GNC 2022-2023 to find:

  • GNC Curriculum Chart
  • GNC Ordering Information
  • GNC Overview
  • GNC Snapshots
  • GNC Text and Flashcard Cover Images
Changes to Curriculum

Jesus: God Who Cares for People has major updates in the text to comply with our curriculum standards. It should be purchased this year to replace the last version. This is now a foundational series.

The former missionary story featuring Ravi Zacharias is discontinued and should not be used in CEF ministry. This year, Gladys Aylward is the missionary story in the resource pack. The missionary story may be purchased separately from the resource pack as it is the only change in the resource pack for this series.

For the other three series, flashcard visuals and resource pack items remain the same as the 2017-2018 versions. Minor updates in texts have been made in accordance with curriculum standards.

Other improvements include:
  • Preschool memory verse IPEAR teachings added to the text sidebar
  • Word Up! and main teaching statements added to each Bible lesson text
  • Lessons-at-a-Glance are not included at the end of the text; but, they are available on the Resource & PPT CD and download.
  • The Resource & PPT CD has extra/new PPT games and text updates.
New! Special Purpose Christmas Lesson

Christmas Party Club (Emmanuel) is a new lesson designed as an option for those who are not familiar with using CEF material. It is an easy-to-use lesson for first-time church partners or individuals first teaching Christmas Party Clubs. The lesson is shorter than a regular CEF lesson and the schedule is simplified. The games are also more simple for new teachers. It includes an easy craft using everyday items.

A field task force has been working with USA Ministries to develop a strategy to use the Emmanuel Christmas Party Club lesson to grow your ministry. A generous donation has been received which may reduce the cost of this lesson. Details coming soon. 

Current Ordering Options:

Printed visuals w/ PPT files as download 
(Orders must be placed online to get the download. Sign in to cefpress.com and go to https://cefpress.com/christmas-party-club-emmanuel-resource-and-ppt-download.html)
Immanuel – ESV
Emmanuel - KJV
Retail $13.75 | Chapter $8.25

PPT files only as download – no printed product  
Includes both Bible versions
Retail $11.75 | Chapter $7.05

Printed visuals with English text (no PPT)
Phone in orders only
Retail $13.75 | Chapter $8.25
Christmas Lesson for Experienced CEF Teachers | JOY TO THE WORLD

Joy to the World Christmas party takes kids on a trip around the world to see how other countries celebrate Christmas. The unique visuals (extra large "Christmas cards") will teach children how Isaiah's prophecies about the Messiah came true through Jesus. This party reinforces the truth that Jesus was prophesied hundreds of years before His birth and that the Bible can be trusted.

Joy to the World Christmas party kit includes:
  • Unique visuals: four extra large Christmas cards
  • English text: includes everything for a fun Christmas Party; craft, game, snack ideas, Gospel plane with instructions and more.
  • Resource & PPT CD: provides PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse, and songs. Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens and game pieces in color or black & white.
  • See how to video on how to use to use the visuals. Watch video here!
  • The kit retails for $13.75 and $8.25 chapter pricing.
Pray for Ukraine

Europe has prepared short teaching spots using Flashcards or PowerPoints (for GNC, 5-DC, VBS or camps) to let children know how to pray for Ukraine. Many have asked for extra help to raise the awareness of the situation. The war really has a worldwide effect. Attached is a practical help to encourage children to pray and there are special activities for every day to help children to remember.

The material is written by a CEF Ukraine worker and it comes from her heart. It is illustrated by a new CEF artist and animator from Brazil, now in Portugal.

Files available to print flashcards or to present in PowerPoint.

Log in to the staff Resource Library and search: Pray for Ukraine
Order Free Copies of the Fall Issue by 9/1/2022

Impact magazine Fall 2022 shares stories from around the globe. This is a high quality promotional tool for banquets, missions conference, teacher training events and more. Preorder by September 1.

Chapters may order free copies (with shipping paid by chapter). Chapters may sign in to cefpress.com and go to https://cefpress.com/impact-magazine-fall-2022-pre-orders-.html
CEF Press® Catalog

Available in printable and downloadable versions. Base prices remain the same. Some quantity discounts have been modified.

Digital Media Flyer
This flyer is designed to build awareness of digital ministry resources among CEF staff, volunteers and partnering churches. The flyer is a helpful resource for distributing at staff retreats and volunteer trainings. Download here.
Andy Bunn met with Mary Hooker, State Coordinator, CEF of the Empire State, and several others to lay groundwork for ministry on Fort Drum, New York, beginning in September.

Pictured from Left to Right: Ed Nanno, CEF of Empire State (New York), Board Chairman; Chaplain McCort, Fort Drum Senior Chaplain; Rachel McCort, PWOC President; Jamie Danielson, Director of Religious Education; Mary Hooker, State Coordinator, CEF of Empire State.

Please visit us on the web for more information about ministry to children and families of our military. Military Children's Ministry - Child Evangelism Fellowship (cefonline.com)

May 8 – May 12, 2023  | Ridgecrest Conference Center

Boards and committees will want to build the conference fee, room and meals and traveling expenses for all staff members into their 2023 strategic plan and budgets. This will be the first in-person conference in many years and staff will be refreshed through Bible teaching, worship through music, workshops and fellowship with other CEF workers from around the country. Exact costs will be published soon. For budgeting purposes estimate $600 per person for conference fee, room and meals. A letter template will be made available for staff and chapters to raise funds to help cover the cost of this event.

Renown Bible teachers and authors, other gifted Bible teachers, talented musicians and experienced workshop leaders make this a worthwhile event that will be enjoyed by staff, volunteers, board and committee members, prayer partners and donors. Start sharing the date and location with them! We are excited to share more details soon.
Spanish Ministry News
Please share with your bilingual workers and Spanish ministry

¡Hola! As summer ministry is wrapping up, testimonies and feedback are helpful. If you have testimonies or pictures of children in your bilingual or Spanish clubs, please email me. Often pastors are included in meetings for feedback for ways to improve ministry in Spanish. If you have a partnership with a Spanish speaking church and think the pastor would give helpful feedback, please email me their contact information (Erica.Alvarez@cefonline.com).

The school year will be starting soon. It's time to prepare for Good News Club! As a reminder, GNC and CPP forms in Spanish are in the Resource Library. The GNC overview and snapshots are also available. Feel free to contact me as well.
We are excited about what God is doing with digital ministry, so much so, that we want to share it in Spanish! Will you spread the news? The U-Nite promo card is available in Spanish for printing locally. Use this ministry resource with children that attend your Good News Club or party clubs. This is a great way for Spanish speaking families to know where kids can safely stream animated adventures that teach truths from the Bible, music videos to learn and memorize God’s Word, and stories that clearly teach the Gospel. 

Erica Alvarez
Spanish Ministry Coordinator
2021 Statistical PowerPoint Presentation Available for Use

Use this presentation in staff meetings, volunteer trainings, committee and board meetings. Provide your constituents a worldwide view of CEF!

Log in at staff.cefonline.com and search the Resource Library for: 2021 Ministry Statistics
After completing the Teaching Children Effectively™ Level 1 course online, a student described his learning experience as "life-changing." Imagine the many young lives that he will now impact!

The TCE™ Level 1 course is designed to equip believers to reach children with the Gospel. Students learn to share the message of salvation using The Wordless Book and in an evangelistic memory verse, song, and Bible lesson. The knowledge and skills students gain through this course prepare them to serve effectively on a Good News Club® team.

Whether students take the Teaching Children Effectively Level 1 online, on campus at the Children's Ministries Institute®, or in their local area, the experience will be life-changing!

Teens ages 15 and up can now enroll in the Teaching Children Effectively Level 1 and Level 2 courses on CMI Online! For details, contact the CMI Online Team at online.admin@cefonline.com.
Praise the LORD! GUIDE Retreat was a blessing! We had a wonderful time of fellowship! There were 38 guests in attendance from 10 different states. Come join us for our next GUIDE Retreat, March 2 – 5, 2023!

Bethany Hunsucker
HR Specialist
Child Evangelism Fellowship
August 10
CMI 2022 Fall Semester Begins

August 22-26
State Directors Institute

October 17-21
State Leadership Conference

November 2
World Day of Prayer

November 4
CMI Graduation
November 28 - December 2
IHQ Spiritual Renewal Week

December 26-30
IHQ Offices Closed for Christmas Holiday

-- 2023 --

March 2-5, 2023
GUIDE Retreat

May 8-12, 2023
National Conference
July 13, 2022 E-Bulletin

June 13, 2022 E-Bulletin

May 12, 2022 E-Bulletin

April 7, 2022 E-Bulletin

March 22, 2022 New Brochures

March 9, 2022 E-Bulletin
February 14, 2022 E-Bulletin

January 14, 2022 E-Bulletin

December 15, 2021 E-Bulletin

November 19, 2021 E-Bulletin

October 20, 2021 E-Bulletin

September 23, 2021 E-Bulletin
The E-Bulletin is distributed to CEF International Board of Trustees, staff, state board members and local committee members according to records on file in USA Ministries.

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