Since its inception, Chatham Education Foundation has awarded over $1.6 million in grant requests from teachers and administrators to enrich the learning experiences of ALL students enrolled in our district’s six public schools. These curriculum-enhancing grants such as the District Choral Festival, a classroom set of “Marty” robots for an interdisciplinary robotics initiative at LAF, literacy programs for our elementary schools, science, and math classroom transformations at CMS and CHS that foster student collaboration, and the District Art Show could not have been funded by the school district’s limited budget alone. The need for grant funding through parent and community donations remains strong as the school budget has become further strained by increased healthcare insurance costs and inflation which exceed the 2% cap on property tax increases. We remain dependent on the generosity of our wonderful donors and thank all of you for your contributions. CEF would be honored for you to renew or join our list of 2022-2023 supporters. A gift of any size is greatly appreciated and tax-deductible.



29  years of services

270  grants funded

$1.6M  total awards

To learn more, visit our website www.chathamedfoundation.org.