Iowa State University Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching written in white font on a cardinal red horizontal banner

 CELT Teaching Tip • September 29, 2022

Karri Haen Whitmer Associate Department Chair for Teaching and Teaching Professor GDCB teaching in a class photo by Christopher Gannon

Midterms: How are you and your students doing?

A semester's midpoint is an essential opportunity for your students to examine their progress in a course and for us to do a check-in on teaching our course.

Midterm grades

As an instructor, you can help students become aware of their standing through the midterm grade submission. Midterm grades are due on Friday, October 14, by 2:15 p.m. and are submitted electronically via Canvas or AccessPlus. Read about grading policies on the ISU Catalog Grading website. Review the Grade Submission in Canvas guide and follow the step-by-step guide to submit grades for any midterms. For additional tips, join the Grade submission using Canvas workshop, Oct. 5 (9-10 a.m., via Webex or 2030 Morrill)

Plus/Delta: A course check-in 

The Plus/Delta tool, also known as the Midterm Assessment Technique, helps students reflect on their responsibility to your course, what they should continue doing to learn (PLUS), and what they need to change for the course to improve for them (DELTA) (Helminski & Koberna, 1995). It also gives feedback on what changes could help them within the course by asking these four open-ended questions:


  • What is helping me to learn in this class?
  • What changes are needed in this course to improve learning?


  • What am I doing to improve my learning in the course?
  • What do I need to do to improve my learning in this course?

Students complete the plus delta using paper or online (Canvas Classic quizzes, TopHat, Qualtrics, etc.) during the fourth through the eighth week of the semester. Then, you summarize the results and share themes back with the class. This feedback process sends a powerful message to students that they have responsibility for their learning. It also demonstrates that you, as the instructor, are willing to receive feedback and specify what modifications will (or will not) be implemented. To get started, review CELT's Use formative course feedback guide.

With a joy for teaching,

Sara Marcketti, Assistant Provost and Executive Director

Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

Pictured above: Karri Haen Whitmer, Associate Department Chair for Teaching, Teaching Professor, Genetics, Development, and Cell Biology (by Christopher Gannon)

CELT Program Spotlight

CELT Series: Documenting your teaching 1-2-3

Join CELT’s executive director, a faculty fellow, and staff in a three-part series on documenting your teaching. You may attend one, two, or all three sessions held throughout October. Participants will find these programs useful for documenting teaching for promotion, tenure, annual review, and professional development.


Session 1: Webinar, Ideas for documenting your teaching efforts at ISU with Sara Marcketti, Oct. 3 (12:10-1 p.m., online - register via Zoom)

Using an ISU-centered checklist, participants will determine areas of their teaching that they have already well documented and discover ideas for additional evidence of good teaching.


Session 2: Webinar, Writing or Revising your teaching philosophy statement with Karen Menzel, Oct. 7 (12:10-1 p.m., online - register via Zoom)

This interactive workshop will help guide you through the core areas (objectives, methods, evaluation) of writing or revising your teaching philosophy statement.


Session 3: Workshop, ABCs of Preparing Your Teaching Portfolio with Cynthia Haynes & Paul Hengesteg, Oct. 14 (12-2 p.m., 2030 Morrill Hall, register via Qualtrics)

This in-person workshop, the third in a series or stand-alone, brings elements of effective teaching together so faculty can organize evidence of their teaching, analyze their effectiveness, and create their teaching narrative. Participants will identify themes in their teaching feedback from themselves, peers, and students and connect them to their teaching philosophy statement.

Marcketti Menzel Haynes and Hengesteg

Facilitators for this CELT series (pictured left to right): Sara Marcketti, Karen Menzel, Cynthia Haynes, and Paul Hengesteg

Equity & Inclusive Classroom Series:

Webinar, Queer Teaching for Racial Justice and Against White Supremacy with Sam Shelton, Oct. 18 (3-4:15 p.m.)

Sam Shelton

CELT is excited for Sam Shelton, Accessibility Coordinator for Student Accessibility Services (pictured to the left) to present an encore of their 2022 NCORE (National Conference on Race and Ethnicity) series program, "Queer Teaching for Racial Justice and Against White Supremacy" on Oct. 18 (3-4:15 p.m., Online - register via Zoom).

Shelton's work promotes methods for integrating anti-racist pedagogies into queer educational spaces to identify, understand, and ultimately disrupt the logic of white supremacy. Specifically, it contemplates the pedagogical practice and considerations necessary for educators to do anti-racist work to promote racial justice in the context of learning queer studies and queer theories.

CELT Event Calendar & Highlights

Review our upcoming program highlights, view our events by topic via the downloadable Fall 2022 programming (docx), and register to attend on the each CELT Events Calendar entry

Hybrid event, Grade submission using Canvas, Oct. 5 (9-10 a.m., via Webex or 2030 Morrill)


Webinar, Mindfulness…on the run – Mindful WalkingOct. 11 (12:10-12:30 p.m., via Zoom)

Workshop, The Application of Mindfulness, Oct. 14 (12-1 p.m., Christian Petersen Museum, Morrill Hall)

Webinar - Award-Winning Seminar Series: Instructors share teaching strategies with Cason Murphy, Mohamed Selim, & Melissa Tropf, Oct. 20 (2-3 p.m., via Zoom)

Workshop, Strengthen student engagement with campus technology and Universal Design with Jamie Niman & Lori Mickle, Oct. 19 (1-2 p.m., 2030 Morrill Hall)

Online Workshop Series, Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR), Oct. 20-21 (9 a.m.-1 p.m., via Zoom)

Explore our new CELT Event calendar (image below) which is browsable by month, day, or list; plus, you may subscribe and add it to a calendar.

the month calendar for CELT programs for October 2022

Seeking support with instructional design?

Seeking help with instructional design, technology, New Quizzes, Canvas, and more? 

We are available for Open Labs are Monday-Friday from 1-2 p.m., 3015 Morrill Hall, or via this Webex meeting room link

If you prefer to meet outside these hours or have a support question, please email [email protected] to create a ServiceNow ticket, and notify our team. Note: To provide efficient support, please include your course title, ask your question(s) or describe the issue(s) with steps to replicate it when you email us.

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Prefer a Print Version? To view the Teaching Tip as a printable document, download the CELT Teaching Tip for Sept. 29, 2022 (PDF).