Dear Donor Council Members,

Below please find the document links pertaining to the upcoming 36th CEPF Donor Council Meeting to be held Thursday, 19 March, in Arlington, Virginia, at Conservation International. For those attending in person, the address is 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 600. For those attending online, instructions will be sent closer to the meeting date.

I look forward to our forthcoming discussion!

Best regards,
Olivier signature
Olivier Langrand
Executive Director
Documents and Executive Director's Report for the March 2020 Donor Council Meeting
  36th Meeting of the
Donor Council
Arlington, Virginia
Thursday 19 March 2020
8:00 – 9:30 (EST)
Silverback mountain gorilla
Endangered silverback mountain gorilla ( Gorilla beringei ssp. beringei ) in Uganda. © CTPH
Executive Director's Report
At-a-Glance figures
As part of the Key Biodiversity Area Partnership, CEPF contributed to a joint submission of comments on the Convention on Biological Diversity zero draft document, which suggests goals and targets for the next decade of conservation (2020-2030). 

The draft of Target 2 concerns the coverage of active conservation (protected areas and Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures [OECMs]). The following language on KBAs was proposed for inclusion: "Conserve, restore, and document the value of all Key Biodiversity Areas and other sites of particular importance for biodiversity through protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, by 2030 covering at least [30%] of land and sea area."

Also suggested was that the guidance on the ecosystems target (1) and invasive species target (3) could reference prioritizing KBAs in particular. Target 1 and Target 13 have language supporting spatial planning, and it was proposed that spatial planning, which would include assessments of KBAs across multiple taxonomic groups, should be a component of the next National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAP), including incorporation of spatial plans across government sectors. 

A motion was also submitted to the IUCN World Conservation Congress titled “Strengthening national spatial planning to ensure the global persistence of biodiversity.”

The motion calls upon governments to: 

  • Develop or update spatial plans incorporating sites of importance for the global persistence of biodiversity across multiple taxa and ecosystems (KBAs), along with the connectivity required to ensure biodiversity persistence, and use these to inform plans to expand networks of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures; 

  • Incorporate these plans into NBSAP and integrate them through cross-sectoral planning across government institutions, using them to guide national land- and sea-use planning, while avoiding or otherwise minimizing negative impacts on biodiversity. 
We hope you will consider joining CEPF during an upcoming field visit. These trips provide an opportunity for you to meet our grantees and learn more about CEPF in the field. 
Wallacea Final Assessment. © Burung Indonesia
Updates include:

  • The first-ever terrestrial protected areas in the Solomon Islands established.

  • New regional conservation area designated in Peru.

  • Echo parakeet in Mauritius "down listed" on IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

  • Guidelines for effective community-managed Fish Conservation Zones developed in Lao PDR.

  • Wrap-up of CEPF investment in the Wallacea Biodiversity Hotspot.

  • First training of regional implementation team for the Mountains of Central Asia Biodiversity Hotspot.

  • Mainstreaming strategy for the Guinean Forests of West Africa finalized.

  • Forest guards in Malawi continue plant species survey even after CEPF funding has ended.

  • Unsustainable tourism development project halted in Mediterranean Basin.