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Volunteers Can Now Access Their Impact Reports

New function makes this download a breeze

Impact Tracking Report

We love making things easy for your volunteers! And we love it even more when it's one less thing you have to do! This is why we are excited to announce that volunteers can now access their own Impact Reports directly from their Volunteer Portal.

Using a simple drop-down menu, volunteers can choose to view a report for any Impact Tracking Items they have participated in.

Plus! Volunteers have the convenient option of filtering their activity by date, and with a single click, they can print or email these reports all on their own.

Learn more about how you and your volunteers can easily access these Impact Tracking Reports here.

Using Impact Tracking?

Your volunteers are likely providing more than just time to your organization. Impact Tracking is a great tool to capture the various ways your volunteers are making a difference as they serve.

To learn more about using Impact Tracking in your system, click here! Or check out our Utilizing Impact Tracking Webinar.

Here are just a few ways other organizations are utilizing this tool:

  • How many boxes of food packed
  • Number of meals delivered or served
  • Total bags of trash or weeds removed
  • Number of books read aloud or re-shelved
  • Total miles driven or stops made
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Merge Duplicate Volunteer Profiles

It's easy to keep your database up-to-date!

CERVIS has various measures designed to prevent duplicate volunteer profiles from being created, but occasionally they may still occur. This is why we make it easy to identify, merge, and/or remove these duplicate volunteer profiles.

Using the Show Duplicate Volunteer Profiles function, the system will produce a listing of all volunteer profiles in your database with a first and last name match. As you review these matches, you can then choose to merge the two profiles, remove the duplicated profile, or take no action with the profiles.

You can find step-by-step instructions to quickly identify and manage these duplicate volunteer profiles here.

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Customize Your Volunteer Activity Report

Add your logo or custom header image

Did you know our Customer Support Team can add your logo or a custom header image to your Volunteer Activity Summary Report?

These reports are a record of volunteer service hours accrued with your organization, and volunteers can download and print these reports themselves. They are perfect for students to show proof of volunteer service, for court-ordered volunteers to turn in to their supervisor, or as verification for employer-sponsored volunteerism. By default, there is no header included on these reports. However, you have the option to include your organization's logo or to provide us with a custom header image that our Support Team will add to the top of this PDF report.

Check out how other organizations are using this custom option for their reports:

Header Examples

Simply click the button below and either indicate you want your organization's logo to be used or attach a standard header image, and our Customer Support Team will take care of the rest!

Unsure what a Volunteer Activity Report is or where to find it in your system? Learn more here!

Customize Your Activity Summary Report Header Logo Here

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Additional Questions? Contact our Customer Support Team by emailing them at support@cervistech.com or by opening a Support Ticket on the CERVIS Main Dashboard.

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