There are 3 options in your system for an individual's profile account status. Here's a quick breakdown of each option to help clarify when and why each status is used:
Disabled: If you are looking for an option to prevent a particular volunteer from registering for events, you'll need to use the Disabled option. The Disabled option allows administrators to stop a volunteer from using their account, which prohibits them from signing-in or self-registering for any opportunity.
Locked vs. Unlocked: The status options Locked and Unlocked are used by the system to prevent password guessing attacks against a user's profile. Typically your volunteers' accounts will be in the default setting Unlocked unless there are more than 4 consecutive failed login attempts against their account. Volunteers will then be prompted to reset a password, or an administrator can manually unlock the account.
To learn more about Account Status options and how to edit them, click here!