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Customize Registration Questions

You'll love the new hyperlink option

Tailoring your volunteer experience has never been easier than with the Custom Registration Questions feature. We understand each opportunity is unique, often requiring specific information from certain volunteers. With this feature, you can effortlessly collect detailed information from volunteers who register for select opportunities. This customization ensures you have all the necessary details from those specific volunteers.

NEW OPTION JUST ADDED! Elevate your registration process with this new option that enables you to include clickable hyperlinks within your Custom Registration Questions. This new functionality provides a seamless experience for your volunteers, allowing them to easily access external documents, videos, or any online resources referenced in your questions.

Here are a few ways organizations are already using this hyperlink feature to enhance their general application:

  • Share videos for required trainings and tutorials
  • Distribute documents for review
  • Provide a pre-survey link for registrants to complete
  • Link to recorded welcome or orientation messages

For even more information on utilizing Custom Registration Questions in your opportunities, click here!

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Understanding Your System Configuration

The hub for all your system settings

Your System Configuration is where all your global settings reside, enabling you to customize everything from back-end configurations to data collection preferences, as well as the visual aesthetics of your system. From the Main Dashboard, you can easily navigate to these settings by clicking on the “Edit System Configuration” option found under the “System Management” heading.

Our Knowledge Base will guide you through each section of your System Configuration! We highly encourage you to explore these settings to tailor your system to your preferences and ensure you are utilizing your system to its full potential!

Ready to get started?! Simply click the button below, and we'll walk you through each setting.

Catch Up Anytime Here

Customer Spotlight

Telling your stories & celebrating your impact

Our mission is to help you make an impact. So it goes without saying that the very best part of what we do is partnering with organizations as they make a difference in their community. Helping them manage and engage their volunteers to effectively and efficiently accomplish their goals is worth telling others about. That's why we are honored to share your stories!

For decades, Mission Waco Mission World has been impacting and changing their community and world for the better. We could not be more excited to highlight their many programs, services, and volunteer opportunities that holistically meet immediate and long-term needs. Last year, their volunteers served the equivalent of more than 11 full-time employees, and CERVIS is honored to partner with them in the great work being done year in and year out!

Read more about this outstanding organization and how using CERVIS has freed them up to focus on the most important things!

Read Mission Waco Mission World's Full Customer Spotlight Here
Get Started Today

Additional Questions? Contact our Customer Support Team by emailing them at support@cervistech.com or by opening a Support Ticket on the CERVIS Main Dashboard.

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