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Remove the Guesswork with Automatic Sign-out

Plus, new options just added!

The Automatic Sign-out function is your answer to all those times volunteers sign in for Service Projects, but forget to sign out. When enabled, the system will automatically sign out any volunteers who are still signed in for Service Projects at the end of the day and assign them the number of hours you have predetermined. 

With even more options just added, this function is sure to make your job easier:

  • NEW! Customize Automatic Sign-out values for individual Service Projects
  • NEW! Establish a system-wide default, so you have one less task to complete
  • NEW! Additional time increments added to meet your service hour needs

Check out all the details on using this favorite feature here!

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Which Opportunity to Use?

Three unique opportunities to meet your needs

We get it. One size does not fit all, especially when it comes to managing your opportunities & volunteers. This is why we provide three opportunity styles for you to choose from in CERVIS. All three options enable volunteers to self-register, allow for various sign-in methods, and are fully customizable.

Unsure which one works best for your opportunity? For help identifying which opportunity will best meet your needs, continue reading below:

Plus! Check out our Creating Opportunities YouTube Playlist for all the need-to-knows in creating and managing your Normal Events, Time Slot Events, and Service Projects!

View It Here

Understanding Your Dashboard Charts

Easy, at-a-glance reporting

Located at the top of your Main Dashboard, your two interactive Dashboard Charts display a snapshot of your organization’s volunteer activity over the last year. Updated once daily, these are designed to give you a quick look at your trends and general program overview.

Your "Total Values by Month" chart reflects three pieces of data per month - Hours: how many hours were served, Active Volunteers: the number of active volunteers, New Volunteers: the number of new volunteers.

Your "Top Categories by Hour" chart shows your top 25 Interest Categories based on hours served in the last 12 months. Easily click on Primary and Secondary to toggle them on/off in the chart display.

For a deeper dive into your Dashboard Charts, and everything else found on your Main Dashboard, click here to learn more.

Access Customer Support

Additional Questions? Contact our Customer Support Team by emailing them at support@cervistech.com or by opening a Support Ticket on the CERVIS Main Dashboard.

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