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What to Do When Volunteers Don't Register and Just Show Up

Recording hours & activity after events have passed

Chances are, you've had your fair share of volunteers who show up to serve without registering first. No need to panic! CERVIS makes it simple to add these volunteers to the event after the event is over. This action can be done at any point, with no time constraints or cutoff.

With just a few quick clicks, you can add any volunteers who participated in an event without prior registration. This will automatically credit them the default amount of hours for the event, and they'll be included in the Registered Volunteers/Groups Listing along with all other volunteers. And since the steps of registering a volunteer for a past shift mirrors the process of registering them for an upcoming shift, you likely already know how to navigate the process - making this an easy and streamlined option.

For full step-by-step instructions on retroactively registering volunteers, click here!

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New Notification Banners Just Added

Quickly identify this helpful information

You may have noticed some new notification banners at the top of various profile management pages. These at-a-glance alerts are designed to assist you and your administrative team in easily recognizing users with various settings applied.

These yellow notification banners can be found on the top of the Volunteer Management, Volunteer Profile Details, and Update Volunteer Information pages. These alerts indicate users who meet the following criteria:

  • Leadership Team profiles that have been restricted to only access the Volunteers & Opportunities assigned under selected Interest Categories

  • Volunteer profiles that have their Volunteer Status set to 'Inactive'

These alerts are not visible to volunteers and can only be seen on the administrative side. To learn more about these alert banners and the restrictions they indicate, click here.

Did you know you can track your volunteer background checks directly within your CERVIS console?! This seamless function keeps your programs secure and streamlined for both you and your volunteers. Our exclusive partnership with Backgrounds Online means you can take advantage of special discounted rates and select from a variety of packages tailored to your needs.


  • Pay only for checks that are completed - no startup or annual fees
  • Choose whether the organization or volunteer covers the cost
  • Automatically send a direct link, so volunteers can complete the process online
  • Use background checks for searches & registration restrictions within CERVIS
Get Started Today!

Additional Questions? Contact our Customer Support Team by emailing them at support@cervistech.com or by opening a Support Ticket on the CERVIS Main Dashboard.

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