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Managing Volunteer Follow-up

A built-in task manager to help you stay organized

The Follow-up Management Dashboard is designed to easily and efficiently track tasks all from one screen. This tool can be customized to fully fit your needs and gives you the option of automatically or manually creating follow-up tasks. Now with the ability to select and manage multiple volunteer profiles at once, this powerful feature is guaranteed to save you time.

Here are a few ways organizations are utilizing this tool:

  • Automatically assigning follow-up for all new volunteers
  • Scheduling training and meetings for volunteer onboarding
  • Building in periodic check-ins with specific volunteers
  • Distributing notes and hand-offs to program & event staff
  • Easily applying actions to one, some, or all volunteers

To learn more about using the Follow-up Management Dashboard in your system, click here

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New Admin Starter Kit

A curated video playlist for the brand new administrator

We know onboarding new staff is no easy task with training, vision-casting, and so much more. That's why we take our administrator resources so seriously. We are committed to providing you with the best resources to help your staff get started and help lighten your load.

Our Video Starter Kit for New Administrators is a video playlist curated to give new administrators an overview of your CERVIS System. With a mix of quick 2-3 minute tutorials and longer webinar deep-dives, we're confident you'll find this playlist a necessity as you onboard new staff.

Find our Video Starter Kit for New Administrators here.

Our webinars are typically offered monthly in a live, interactive format, and then made available for replay at your convenience on our YouTube Channel. Geared as a deeper dive on a certain topic, feature, or function within the CERVIS system, we hope these video resources will bolster the use of your system!

As the year comes to a close, you probably have several end-of-year mailings on your to-do list. CERVIS makes it easy to print address labels for all your holiday cards, final appeals, and year-end thank you notes! With just a few quick clicks, you can compile a filtered list, or pull your entire database, and easily download and print address labels.

For step-by-step instructions on how to download address labels from your database, click here

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Additional Questions? Contact our Customer Support Team by emailing them at or by opening a Support Ticket on the CERVIS Main Dashboard.

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