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Our Favorite Planning Tool for Service Projects

Creating Activity Schedules

Since Service Projects don’t have a set day or time they occur, the Service Project Activity Schedule provides a convenient way to track who is serving and at what times. This feature is ideal for planning out when volunteers or groups intend to serve.

This feature allows you to construct a framework for schedules, providing the perfect tool for planning upcoming participation in your existing Service Projects.

When implementing this schedule, volunteers don’t receive any default credit hours. Instead, it allows you to track their planned volunteering times and easily log the actual hours served with just a few clicks.

For step-by-step video instructions on creating and using Service Project Activity Schedules, click here!

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Have You Viewed Your Opportunities Like This?!

Using the Admin Calendar View & Tools

Found on your Opportunity Management Dashboard, the Calendar View allows you to see your opportunities displayed in a calendar format. This view can be accessed by Administrators, unrestricted Leadership Team users, and any user listed as an Event Organizer for an opportunity. Choosing this Calendar View is the perfect way to see opportunities organized and displayed as they occur.

Using the Calendar View also allows you to:

  • Include Registration Detail, displaying the names of registered volunteers
  • Easily print or save using print-to-file function by the week or the full month
  • Seamlessly filter which opportunities are displayed by searching via keyword or specific opportunity name
  • Quickly jump to current, previous, or upcoming months

Full information on using the Calendar View and all associated options, found here!

Catch Up Anytime Here

Schedule Out Your Posting Dates

Using this "set-it and forget-it" feature

Each opportunity you create allows you to conveniently choose a Scheduled Posting Date. This feature lets you pick a precise date and time to automatically publish the opportunity on your Event Listing page, giving you the flexibility to create opportunities ahead of time when it's most convenient for you.

This tool is perfect for events with high interest, where you anticipate registrations filling quickly, but can be used for any event you are looking to set and forget! For more information and full instructions on how to use the Scheduled Posting Date feature, click here.

Our partnership with Twilio, a third-party text messaging provider, gives you the ability to send texts to your volunteers directly through CERVIS.

  • Quickly notify volunteers of last-minute changes
  • Send automatic registration reminders
  • Make Mobile Sign-in a breeze

Plus! If you are a non-profit organization, you may be eligible for Twilio's Impact Access Program, which includes a kickstart credit!

To learn more or get started, click on the button below. If you are a for-profit organization, click here for Twilio's pricing information.

Get Started Today!

Additional Questions? Contact our Customer Support Team by emailing them at support@cervistech.com or by opening a Support Ticket on the CERVIS Main Dashboard.

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