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Let Waitlists Do the Work for You

Enabling waitlists on normal & time slot events

Did you know that for Normal and Time Slot Events, you can save time by utilizing the Waitlist feature? Once enabled, CERVIS will track those interested in registering for events that have reached capacity. If spots open up because of cancellations or additional volunteer needs, the system will automatically add volunteers from the Waitlist to the event and immediately send a registration confirmation email to the volunteer.

This function is designed to free you up from monitoring lists and save you time from manually moving volunteers into newly opened spots. It also gives you the freedom to bypass the Waitlist at any time, adjust the order of the volunteers on the Waitlist, and directly register volunteers as needed.

To learn more about using Waitlists in your system, click here!

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Waivers vs. Terms & Conditions

Deciding which format to use when tracking signed agreements

We know how important it is for you to track liability waivers, volunteer agreements, and terms & conditions for your volunteer program. Because each organization has different legal requirements, CERVIS has several options to help you track the exact information you need. Understanding how and when this information is recorded in your system will ensure you are using the method that best meets your organization’s needs. 

Liability Waiver / Release

  • Links to a hard copy or paper version of your waiver that must be downloaded and printed out

  • Requires a physical signature on the hard copy that must be returned to you

  • Once received, an Admin must manually mark it as completed in the volunteer's profile, with the option to reset as needed

  • Admin must store hard copies of all signed waivers

  • Can be enabled on an opportunity-by-opportunity basis
Learn More About Using Waivers 

Terms & Conditions

  • Links to an electronic version of your designated terms

  • Various options are available to digitally display terms & conditions

  • Select a marked checkbox or typed electronic signature to signify acceptance

  • After acceptance, the system will automatically store a link on the volunteer's profile of signed terms

  • Can be enabled during volunteer profile creation
Learn More About Terms & Conditions

For a complete list of options available to you, please click here.

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Simplify Your Steps with Bulk Actions

Register & update multiple volunteers at the same time!

Save yourself some time by using the Bulk Registration and Bulk Update functions in CERVIS. These tools are perfect for when you want to register multiple people for the same opportunity or update the same field for more than one volunteer. With just a few clicks, you can quickly bulk apply your actions and be on your way!

Find more information and step-by-step instructions by clicking on these links: Bulk Registration and Bulk Updates.

We are passionate about providing you with helpful resources to best meet your needs, which is why we are excited to announce our new resource page! This page is packed with links to our top-notch educational videos, webinars, trainings, and more - all in one spot, and all geared to help you manage your volunteers with ease.

View Our New Resource Page

Additional Questions? Contact our Customer Support Team by emailing them at or by opening a Support Ticket on the CERVIS Main Dashboard.

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