This month’s CES Spotlight shines brightly on Matt Gamache, Vice President, Analytics & Operations, known within the company, across our client base, and within the energy industry for his optimism, intelligence, energy expertise, and natural leadership ability. Matt oversees CES’ A-Team, our largest department, who individually and as a team make it a priority each day to understand all aspects of the energy industry – for the benefit of our clients and for the benefit of understanding its many nuances. Matt’s primary interests are renewable power, energy regulation, policy, and commodity markets.
Matt authored this month’s blog titled, “Beneficial Electrification and Rate Design: Expanding the Electricity Grid” about how our energy systems must begin to electrify fossil fuel-based sources of emissions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, a transition known as beneficial electrification.
Read on to learn more about Matt’s professional background, his experience and pathway into the energy field, along with his interests, and people who have made an indelible mark on him along the way.
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Photo by: Nina Callanan