In this month's Newsletter...
- 2023 CETA Conference
- Stand Up 4 Arts Education Day 2023
- Prop 28 Updates & Resources
- 2023 CETA Senior Scholarship Winners
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Essays from HowlRound
- Lessons from Shakespeare's Classroom by Robin Lithgow
- CETA Website Photo Submissions
- Submit for Teacher and Students of the Month
Big changes are in store for our CETA website. Expected to launch this coming summer, our new site will feature more or YOU and your work and will provide enhanced resources and opportunities for you and your students.
Please consider submitting photos of your work, specifically, you working with students and students in performance. Use this link to submit photos (be sure to have obtained written consent for the use of photos):
A big shout out to Michael Despars and his theatre program at Fullerton Union High School for having been named a Premier Community for Theatre Educational by The Educational Theatre Association. To see the full story, go to Fullerton Observer.
Finally, I want to hear from you about your victories, your roadblocks, and your needs. You can reach me at TALK TO ME
All the best,
Gale Caswell
President, California Educational Theatre Association
Save the Date for the CETA FALL CONFERENCE!
On March 21, 2023, more that 200 arts students, arts educators, friends and administrators from schools throughout the state gathered in Sacramento for the first time since 2019 to celebrate Stand Up 4 Arts Education Day. This arts advocacy day was presented by CETA along with CAEA (California Art Education Association), CDEA (California Dance Education Association), and CMEA (California Music Educators Association). Working to improve the quality of arts education and to develop and enhance the talent and promise of student performers and artists across the state, the four arts state organizations represent the educational concerns of all the theatre, dance, music, and visual art teachers.
Elementary through College students performed at the East End Complex throughout the morning with a Press Conference at noon. Congratulations to the following schools that presented high-quality material: Los Angeles County High School of the Arts, Lyman Gilmore Middle School, Smedberg Middle School, Sylmar Charter High School, Nevada Union High School, Ghidotti High School, Le Conte Middle School, Dyer-Kelly Elementary School, Verdugo Hills High School, Lakeside High School, Canyon Springs High School and Valley View High School.
Impactful speakers addressed the arts advocacy day audience, including our CETA president, Gale Caswell and our CETA student speaker, Bradly Olsen from Mount Carmel High School. Senator Portantino’s Stand Up 4 Arts Education Day Senate Resolution was presented and Dr. Dave Gerhart from NAMM spoke as well.
Student voice was put into action as teachers and students ventured out through the rain and met with their senators and assembly persons to advocate and celebrate arts education in the state of California. Many schools reported this being a highlight of their day as CETA continues to nurture life-long arts advocates.
CETA’s Stand Up 4 Arts Education committee: Stacy Michelle Walker, Becky Browning, Jerald Bolden and Amanda Swann.
Prop 28 Updates & Resources
Here are extremely useful updates/resources regarding
Prop. 28 Arts and Music in Schools:
Feel free to use THESE SLIDES for your presentations and/or reference.
Resources on the final slides include:
Attend this FREE informational and planning event with a team from your district:
Title: Increasing Access to Arts Education: Implementing Prop 28
1. Monday, July 17, 2023 8:30am-3:00pm at OCDE
Breakfast and Lunch Provided
2. Thursday, August 3, 2023 2:00pm-4:00pm via Zoom
Co-presented by the San Diego County Office of Education and the Orange County Department of Education. Participants will be provided with updated guidance and information, given time to discuss opportunities and challenges, and collaboratively create an action plan to launch efforts toward increasing access and equity in the arts. Guided conversations will focus on new approaches to arts education to meet the needs of current students and families. Come with a team of people (Arts Administrators, Lead Teachers, Site Principals, Finance) to unpack the promise of Prop. 28.
- Learn about opportunities and guidelines for Prop 28 Funding
- Explore opportunities to utilize the funding to best meet the needs of all students alongside participants from across the region
- Collaborate with your district team to develop consensus around approaches to meet the needs of students in your schools and district.
- Develop an action plan to address staffing and equipment needs for Prop 28 implementation.
Audience: Arts Administrators, Lead Teachers, Site Principals, Finance
Read and participate in this FREE “Street Data” Book Study.
2023 CETA Senior Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to the 2023 CETA Senior Scholarship Winners!
We also applaud each and every one of our applicants. CETA is proud to honor their passion, dedication, and desire to participate in theatre.
Finally, thank you to our CETA theatre teachers for advising and supporting our young California theatre artists! Our scholarship window will open for next year's graduating seniors on March 15, 2024. Check out the opportunities for your seniors at
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Essays from HOWLROUND
HowlRound is a free and open platform for theatremakers worldwide that amplifies progressive, disruptive ideas about the art form and facilitates connection between diverse practitioners. They publish content centered around work that is being done—and where work still needs to be done—to make the theatre field more just, from how colleges are failing theatre students of color to racist practices in hiring directors to why expectations of unpaid labor lead to a homogenous workforce.
Check out their work here:
Their recent essays include:
- A Conversation with Eugenio Barba and Julia Varley / Odin Teatret
- Theatre as Politics by Other Means
- The Need for Scholarship on Black Queer Theatrical Culture
- Dreaming Beyond Broadway
- Imagining Creative Fat Futures
Lessons from Shakespeare's Classroom
by Robin Lithgow
This volume explores the relationship between the emphasis on performance in Elizabethan humanist education and the flourishing of literary brilliance around the turn of the sixteenth century.
This study asks us what lessons we can learn today from Shakespeare’s Latin grammar school. What were the cognitive benefits of an education so deeply rooted in what Demosthenes and Quintilian called "actio"―acting? Because of the vast difference between educational practice then and now, we have not often followed one essential thread: the focus on performance. This study examines the connections relevant to the education offered in schools today.
This book will be of great interest to teachers, scholars, and administrators in performing arts and education.
CETA Website Photo Submissions!
CETA is revitalizing its website and is looking to represent our CA schools by featuring your students on the site! If you have great quality production, rehearsal, or classroom photos that you feel would be amazing to feature on our website (and you have permission to use them) please upload them HERE!
Monthly Student & Teacher Highlights!
We want to continue celebrating our CA theatre students and teachers in our monthly newsletters! If there is a student, teacher, or administrator you feel should be highlighted, please submit them to us below!
Follow us on Social Media
"It's communication - that's what theatre is about" -Chita Rivera
Please take a moment to follow CETA on Social Media. This is the best way to stay connected to our events, advocacy efforts and important information regarding theatre education.