CETA Members

I would like to say "Happy Back to School" but let's face it, for some of us, that was weeks ago. Regardless I hope you have found some balance, excitement, and are ready to guide students on a most excellent theatre journey.

Please take some time to look through the information below. This newsletter features the following:
  • 2023 High School Theatre Festival Registration
  • Prop 28: Vote Yes for the Arts
  • National Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month
  • California Celebration on October 1st!
  • Membership Corner
  • Legislative Update

On behalf of the CETA Board of Directors I want to remind you that CETA is here to serve you. Please do not hesitate to let us know what we can do for you. As always, thank you for your membership. If you have any thoughts or suggestions please do not hesitate to email me at mdespars@cetaweb.org
Michael J. Despars
President, California Educational Theatre Association
Register now before standard registration closes on September 10th.

Late registration September 11-15 for increased fee.
Before you register:
  1. Renew your CETA Membership-https://ceta-membership.eventbrite.com
  2. Read the updated rules-https://docs.google.com/document/d/1khn-02j1r9wr2cQEjX7ivomOWgkGs47k_axI2LAFaKc/edit?usp=sharing
  3. Download the CETA Logo for all your publicity-https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_9QfZ2SB4Y1VDNQQ2dMbTZEVms?usp=sharing
Please recommend adjudicators in your area! We need your help to find qualified adjudicators. http://cetoweb.org/ceta/about-hstf/ 
Registration link for fall adjudication:
Vote Yes on Prop 28
This proposition on the November ballot will transform Arts and Music education in California by providing nearly $1 Billion a year in dedicated funding for public schools to use for arts and music education. This is the funding we’ve been fighting for to provide more arts and music teachers, training and supplies to ensure our students receive this critical piece of their development and education.
National Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month
BACKGROUND: Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.

The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988, on the approval of Public Law 100-402.

The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this 30 day period. (SOURCE)

  1. Advocacy With Purpose: Using Data & Storytelling for Arts Education. (Professional Learning)
  2. Finding Voice - New Works for Young Theatre Artists of Color (Professional Learning)
  3. Latinx Theatre for Young Audiences: Where We Are and Where We Must Go (Essay)
  4. Latinx and Latin American Theatre for Young Audiences (Essay)
  5. 10 Latinx, Hispanic, and Chicano/a Playwrights You Should Know (Article)
  6. Drama: Latinx Playwrights (UCI Database)
  7. 8 Hispanic and Latinx Plays to Read for National Hispanic Heritage Month! (Article)
  8. Latino Theater Co (Los Angeles Theatre Company)
  9. Full Length Plays (Dramatic Publishing)

Do you have an additional resources you would like to share with other CETA Members? Email links and files to mdespars@cateweb.org or share it with us on social media @CaTheatreEd.

Join us on Saturday, October 1st for a special California Celebration at at this years EdTA/CETA Educator's Conference.

  1. Special presentation by John Lithgow.
  2. State of the Arts.
  3. Funding Sources from the State Budget.
  4. Making Connections.
  5. Special California treat!
  6. Special Giveaways!
  7. ......and much much more!

All California attendees of the conference should attend.
A message from Gai Laing Jones,
CETA Membership Chair

We at CETA miss your membership.

Hope that you can go to cetoweb.org and renew your 2022-2023 membership at a discount now. 

If you feel that you have received this as an error, please send me a kind email gai.jones@sbcglobal.net

If your 2022-2023 membership was processed, you should have received a welcome letter from CETA president Michael Despars. 

If you submitted a membership and said Pay by Check, this is a reminder that your membership cannot be activated until your payment is received. 

Hope that your academic year is off to a great start.  

Arts and Music Block Grant – The budget agreement includes $3.48 billion in one-time Prop 98 funding for an Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Discretionary Block Grant to be allocated to all LEAs based on ADA and can be used for specified purposes, including professional development, instructional materials, and operational costs related to arts and music.

This money can be used for professional development and instructional materials. Ask your administrator's about these funds and how they can be used to support you in the classroom.
Follow us on Social Media
"It's communication - that's what theatre is about" -Chita Rivera 

Please take a moment to follow CETA on Social Media. This is the best way to stay connected to our events, advocacy efforts and important information regarding theatre education.

Facebook: CATheatreEd
Twitter:  @CATheatreEd
Instagram: CATheatreEd
California Educational Theatre Association | http://cetoweb.org/ceta/