CFB News & Updates

Nov 2022

November Newsletter 

The season of gratitude is here. A time for restfulness and reflection on the passing year. A time to take stock of what you appreciate. A time to celebrate the end of harvest season with a hearty meal surrounded by loved ones.

We are so very grateful for everyone in this amazing community who make our work at the Community Food Bank possible. Unfortunately, the holidays is not always a joyous affair for everyone. And many folks could use a hand making a holiday meal a reality without breaking their budget. We are here to help.

This is always our busiest time of year and we are working around the clock to get ready -- running food drives, collecting and sorting donations, inventorying supplies, creating the pantry layout and delivery box packing lists, and running to pick-up hundreds of turkeys to hand out to our neighbors in need.

Next week we anticipate serving over 300 households during our holiday food pantry hours, and another 100 households will receive 100 holiday food boxes delivered to their doorsteps. We anticipate serving around the same volume during Christmas. Our hope is to provide holiday meals for over 3,000 individuals this year. It is our honor to carry out this important work for our community -- thank you for helping make it happen.

To our lovely volunteers and donors, we truly would not be able to meet our mission without each and every one of you. 

On behalf of our full CFB team and the clients we serve -- thank you. 

Alisha Wenger 

Executive Director

(970) 640 - 0336 ext 3

Executive Director Alisha and food bank baby Olivia hiking hanging lake  

Stocking freezer full of frozen turkeys for our holiday pantry!

Local Holiday Foods 

We are proud to be supporting Colorado farmers and producers this Thanksgiving!

Beautiful winter squash and red potatoes will be available this year thanks to the Food Pantry Assistance Grant and our friends at Early Morning Orchard.

Beautiful winter squash varieties grown by Early Morning Orchard!!

Colorado potatoes

heading for holiday tables!!

GJ Sentinel Spotlight

Did you catch this week's All About Food column from Christine Gallagher? She gave a great spotlight on our holiday food drive efforts! Follow this link to read the article

There is still time to support our holiday food drive efforts this year! We will be accepting any community donations at the warehouse this Saturday 11/19 from 10am - 2pm. AND we will be continuing to collect donations through December for our Christmas service.

So many ways to get involved and support CFB this holiday season - jump in for a volunteer shift, encourage a friend to host a food drive, sign-up to help at the next in-person food drive on Saturday December 10th at the North Ave. Walmart!

Holiday Food Drive Fun!

Volunteers from Western Colorado Pediatrics volunteer at last weekend's food drive with Walmart Rimrock :-)

Collected 1,200+ lbs of food

Raised $100+ in donations

Katelynn, Alex, Steve, & Joan collecting donations at

the Broadway Safeway!!

Collected 600+ lbs of food

Raised $200+ in donations

October Volunteer of the Month - Peggy & Butch S.

Peggy, Butch, and Rhonda the pug!

Super Volunteers!!

Butch & Peggy are two core members of our Friday morning Packer/Stocker crew - working hard each and every Friday to make sure home deliveries run smoothly. They also take a delivery route each Friday and help deliver food boxes to some of our houseless clients! And if that was not helpful enough they take the goat food scraps along on their way out...amazing.

So far in 2022 Butch & Peggy have served over 130 hours! They truly help in every way and we are so grateful to have them as part of our volunteer team. 

1. Are you from the valley? If not, where? and what brought you here?

We were both born in Albuquerque and prior to moving to Grand Junction we lived in Colorado Springs. We were looking for a place to retire and when Peggy's parents moved to Grand Junction we decided to move too.

2. What is your favorite thing about the Grand Valley?

The friendliness of a small town, the spectacular natural setting and the great climate that is conducive to outdoor activities year round.

3. What do you like to do when you’re not at the Food Bank?

We are avid cyclists, skiers and pickleball players. The climate here is perfect for all three activities. We have made so many friends who share our love of the outdoors.

4. What motivated you to get involved in the Food Bank, and how long have you been volunteering with us?

We have been working at the food bank for about 3 years. Because we worked in restaurants when younger and have a passion for food and cooking, we were looking for a way to serve the community that involved food. The food bank was and is the perfect fit for us.

5. Anything else you’d like to share with the rest of the awesome volunteer team?

We came to the food bank to help those in the community that are struggling with food insecurity but look forward to working every week because of the staff and other volunteers that we have had the pleasure to work with. We appreciate the honor but everyone that we work with is equally deserving of this award.

Thank you for all that you do Shaws! 

Sign Up to Volunteer Today! 

Take Action Today

Support the Community Food Bank! 

Become a Community Food Bank Harvest Member!! 

Monthly donations to the Community Food Bank are the most effective and impactful way to support our work to end hunger in Mesa County. 

We are experiencing record high demand, with unprecedented food costs.

We need your help to make sure no one goes hungry in our community. 

With an average cost per meal of just $0.25 your monthly donations can make a big impact. Every $1 donated helps provide 4 nutritious meals to our Grand Valley neighbors!

Please consider becoming a monthly donor, every donation makes a difference. 

Become a Harvest Member Today!!

Donations in lieu of tickets

benefitting the Community Food Bank!!

Thank you Kannah Creek!!

Many thanks to everyone over at Kannah Creek and all our awesome volunteer and supporters who came out to support the Community Food Bank on Monday 11/7!!

The event raised a total $256 from beer sales. We all had so much fun at the event and look forward to adding more of these fun social opportunities in 2023.

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