Member News
CFCA would like to welcome new member PT Risk Management Insurance Services!

We would also like to welcome Lakeview Petroleum back into the CFCA family!
Member Benefits
CFCA Lands Big Flavored Tobacco Win in Elk Grove

After a long past few months, CFCA can report the the city of Elk Grove has decided to table their conversations about a new flavored tobacco ban and tobacco retail license restrictions, indefinitely.

Last year, the city announced that they would be moving forward with looking into a new ordinance to ban flavored tobacco products and impose greater tobacco retail license restrictions for new TRL applicants. After a promising planning commission session, CFCA and members met with each of the councilmembers to discuss the ordinance and the ramifications it would bring.

After a number of these meetings, councilmembers were eager to hear industry concerns and engage in possible compromise for the ordinance. By yesterday morning, the council had proposed an ordinance that cut many of the most troubling aspects of the ordinance, and was workable for businesses.

Ultimately, however, immediately prior to the meeting yesterday evening, the council decided to pull the ordinance entirely, and indefinitely.

This marks a significant win for CFCA and for conversations moving forward with localities seeking similar policies.
CFCA Employer Vaccination Resources

As the COVID-19 vaccine begins to become available, employers, especially in essential industries, are exploring options for employee vaccination policies and programs.

At the request of several members, CFCA has reached out to our experts at Fisher Phillips to help create guiding documents for employers looking to take this route with the COVID-19 vaccine.

Below are two resources for you to use when exploring these options for your business. The first is a FAQ sheet for vaccination. The second is a model mandatory vaccine policy. Fisher Phillips also has a non-mandatory model policy as well.

They have also offered a full vaccine packet for CFCA members at a special reduced rate of $500. This would include guidance and forms for employees who seek to opt-out as a religious or medical accommodation. 

CFCA's Webinar Series brings experts from various fields to provide our members the latest knowledge they need to keep their businesses up to date on California's ever-changing business climate. Whether discussing new COVID regulations and vaccine discussions, the EMV deadline, or general HR topics, CFCA has you covered.

Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Webinar - Emergency Temporary Standard

The Cal/OSHA Consultation Unit is pleased to announce the scheduling of our COVID-19 Webinars for the Emergency Temporary Standard.
To register, please visit our COVID-19 Webinar website to view all available dates and to self-register or view the dates below.
You may also want to download and install the Zoom app or web client in order to ensure that there are no delays with viewing the webinar.
Attendance is limited to 1000 registered participants per Webinar session.
A question and answer session will follow after the presentation.
The intended audience for this webinar is geared towards:
·        Business Owners
·        Managers
·        Supervisors
·        Human Resources Staff
·        Environmental, Health and Safety Staff
Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (HD I/M) Program Workgroup Meeting on Proposed Regulatory Concepts – Compliance Requirements, and a Request for Participation in a HD I/M Program Development Survey

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff invites you to participate in a HD I/M workgroup meeting, via Zoom, on February 22, 2021. At this workgroup meeting, staff will continue the discussion on previously proposed regulatory concepts for the HD I/M program and solicit input from interested parties. As mentioned in the December 17, 2020, workgroup meeting, this discussion will focus on concepts related to thresholds for determining high emitters and compliance requirements for regulated entities such as fleet owners, emission testers, and freight contractors. Staff will also discuss penalties and the proposed administrative hearing process. Additionally, staff will also formally request alternative proposals, including potential costs and emission benefits, to the draft proposed regulatory HD I/M concepts.
DATE:        February 22, 2021
TIME:        10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Upcoming Events
NACS Day on the Hill Coming Up This March!

"Every day, members of Congress work on legislation that can have a very real impact on you and your business. The annual NACS Day on the Hill, formerly known as the Government Relations Conference, educates you on how to be the best advocate for your business and brings you face to face with your policymakers. The conference gives you the opportunity to explain your business and share how policies will directly affect your business and our industry.
We’re Going Virtual in 2021.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Capitol Hill isn’t open to visitors currently. However, lawmakers and their staff are still having virtual meetings with their constituents.
As a Virtual Day on the Hill attendee, you’ll still learn about the pressing issues affecting our industry, but you’ll be able to do it from the comfort of your home or office. Meetings will be structured similarly to how they would be for an in-person Day on the Hill, but they they’ll take place behind a screen instead of face to face."

California News
CFCA in the News: Legislative Corner: California, Kentucky, Minnesota, New York & Pennsylvania
February 5, 2021

Convenience stores face legislative and regulatory challenges from all levels on a daily basis. Convenience Store News canvasses local trade associations and news sources to cover the latest issues affecting the channel.

Hero Pay — According to the California Fuels & Convenience Alliance (CFCA), recent "Hero Pay" proposals from localities across the state will ultimately bring greater harm to more employees than it helps. "One needs only to look at the state $15-per-hour minimum wage increase to realize that this proposal is not rational, especially in the midst of a pandemic," CFCA said. 

When the state legislature increased California's minimum wage from $10 to $15 per hour, it set a gradual increase over the course of six years to allow businesses to make necessary accommodations.

"An additional surge right now is simply not tenable," the association said. "Ultimately, this mandate will consume any of the remaining assistance businesses have received since the impacts of COVID first took hold. If it is the intention of lawmakers to provide assistance to frontline workers, it should be they who provide it, without further endangering businesses reeling through this pandemic."

Newsom Shifts into Defense Mode as California Recall Takes Shape
February 11, 2021

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has shifted into recall defense mode this week with daily appearances up and down the state, complete with local officials praising his work and swiping at his would-be opponents.
The Democratic governor still refuses to utter the word “recall,” as if doing so acknowledges his vulnerability. But his actions suggest he's well aware the effort to place the recall on the ballot has a strong chance of qualifying and derailing a political arc that many believed could lead to the White House.

In the past eight days, Newsom has held news conferences touting mass vaccination clinics in Oakland, San Diego, Santa Clara and Fresno. Apart from two budget briefings, for the first time since March, he opened access Tuesday to all media in person, rather than relying on a pool reporter or taking questions only through a tightly controlled virtual news conference.

The recall has become real enough that President Joe Biden weighed in Tuesday. White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Twitter that "@POTUS clearly opposes any effort to recall @GavinNewsom."