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CFPAC's Working Group Meeting and Community Meetup

DATE: Saturday, November 17th 

TIME: 9:00am-12:00pm

LOCATION: Iron Street Farm, 3333 S. Iron Street    

RSVP: [email protected] or 773.376.8882 

*Breakfast and Child Care will be Provided* 

Join us at the Chicago Food Policy Advisory Council's Quarterly Meeting on Saturday, November 17th to share and learn, vision and problem solve, and meet others passionate about creating good food access and economies for everyone! 

CFPAC convenes citizens and government officials to provide a comprehensive examination of the local food system.  We strive to bring together a wide group of stakeholders, from public and private organizations to community based activists, to discuss strategies to further the development of responsible food and agricultural policy recommendations and actions that create just food for all.

At this meeting we will hear updates from the CFPAC Board and CFPAC's three working groups:
- Urban Farmland and Compost Policy
- Neighborhood Action Councils
- Local Food Supply Chain and Economic Development 

More information and agenda will be coming soon, but make sure to save the date!
Iron Street Farm is accessible via CTA (Orange Line, Ashland Bus, and 35th Street Bus) and there is free parking available onsite.  You're more than welcome to stay the afternoon and work on the farm - Tours every Saturday at 1:00pm and volunteer opportunities until 4pm!

Stay connected by liking us on Facebook - Chicago Food Policy Advisory Council.

Please forward this invite to a friend - All are welcome to attend!
Hope to see you there!

Mission: The Chicago Food Policy Advisory Council (CFPAC) will facilitate the development of responsible policies that improve access for Chicago residents to culturally appropriate, nutritionally sound, and affordable food that is grown through environmentally sustainable practices.
Chicago Food Policy Advisory Council
c/o Growing Power
3333 S. Iron Street
Chicago, Illinois 60608