Fairs Year-round Information  May  2K19 / May is California Fairgrounds Appreciation Month! 

How Convenient!
S pecial Events Program Receipts are Fill-in-Able Online! And credit cards are accepted for coverage payment.  

DAA Fair Excluded Employees are Included:
Long-term disability insurance is available to excluded-classification employees at District Agricultural Association fairs. 
  One Ticket: Two Fairs! 
Hear about the Two-Fair Toofer? Two Southern California fairs are partners on an admission ticket deal offering two fairs for the price of one. 

Spotlight on: Animal Exhibitor Group Insurance
Discover the advantages of purchasing Animal Exhibitor Group Insurance for your fair's exhibitors. 

Does your Fair Participate in the General Liability Pool Program?
Double check that your fair's Exhibitor Entry Forms include the required liability release language. It is for your own benefit! 
Monthly Reminders:
+ Help CFSA Help You: Send your Fairgrounds'  May Contract Logs to CFSA.
+ Progress Reports: Keep your fair's Risk Control specialist in the loop about  Pre-Fair Inspection  Report repairs, improvements and plans of action.  
SpecialThe Special Events Program Receipt is Fill-in-Able Online!  

Save time when filling out Special Events Program receipts by filling them out and submitting them online. You'll find a fill-in-able form on CFSA's website:    www.cfsa.org/cms/special-events-coverage-receipt/ 

Type in the required event and vendor/facility user's information, click the  Submit button at the bottom of the screen and it's done. Your form is automatically delivered to Mario Castagnola, CFSA's risk analyst. When Mario receives your completed form, he will review it and then promptly send you a copy with a receipt Control number. 

To print a copy of the receipt at the time you fill it out, you must print it BEFORE submitting it to CFSA, otherwise you will have to wait for your copy from Mario. If you need an immediate copy or if you would like any additional copies of the receipt, contact Mario and he can email them to you.

CFSA also accepts credit cards for Special Events coverage payments. Offer your clients the convenience of paying with a credit card - all you need to get started is to call Raechelle Gibbons, CFSA's controller, to set up your account. Then, when it's time to collect a payment, log into your fair's account, type in the purchaser's credit card information and you're done. (Raechelle will give you step-by-step instructions to follow.) You can reach her at 916/263-6143 or rgibbons@cfsa.org

Short on time? You can also call Mario and read him the credit card information over the phone. You can reach him at 916/263-6145.  

Group Long-Term Disability Insurance is Available to Eligible Excluded* DAA Employees  

In partnership with CalHR, CFSA reminds all district agricultural association (DAA) fairs  that group long-term disability (LTD) insurance is available to all eligible excluded* employees.
Sponsored by the state of California, the Long-term Disability program  is an employee-paid benefit program designed to provide replacement income should you become disabled due to a covered illness or injury and be unable to perform the duties of your normal job (or maybe any job) for six months or longer.  
To be eligible for this coverage you must be:
  • an active, excluded employee in a permanent half-time or greater position. 
  • a citizen or resident of the United States or Canada.
  • in an eligible constitutional officer, managerial, supervisorial, confidential or excluded/exempt job classification. 
For full classification and program details, please read the online Group Long-Term Disability Insurance booklet at: https://www.standard.com/eforms/10386_643146.pdf. Another excellent online LTD resource is CalHR's website: http://www.calhr.ca.gov/employees/Pages/long-term-disability-(LTD)-insurance.aspx
The open enrollment period for current employees wishing to sign up is in the fall and runs concurrently with the healthcare open enrollment period (this is new!). Watch the fyi newsletter for reminders as we get closer to the open enrollment period.  Newly hired or newly eligible employees have 60 days from their day of hire/eligibility to provide a completed enrollment form to CFSA.
At this time, DAA fair employees cannot enroll online. Whether you're able to enroll now or need to wait until fall, please use this LTD Enrollment FormCFSA has an agreement with CalHR to process all DAA LTD contributions, so once your form is filled out, 
please em ail or fax it to Martha Manriquez at CFSA: mmanriquez@cfsa.org or (fax) 916/263-6189. Martha is in charge of deducting premium payments from participating employee paychecks, so you don't have to worry about making a monthly payment. For this convenience  CFSA charges a small per employee administrative fee.  
Questions about eligibility or program benefits? Please contact  Monica Hernandez at CalHR, LTD@calhr.ca.gov, 916/324-0533; or Andrea Wiese, account specialist for CalHR at Standard Insurance Company, socltdforms@standard.com , toll free: 888/641-7193 .    

Excluded employees are permanent or probationary employees excluded from collective bargaining, have a time base of half-time or greater and meet certain designation criteria. You'll find full details online:  http://www.calhr.ca.gov/employees/Pages/long-term-disability-(LTD)-insurance.aspx Represented (rank and file) and excluded employees who are appointed to permanent-intermittent positions are not eligible for LTD.   

Two Fairs for the Price of One!
The Santa Barbara Fair & Expo
and the Ventura County Fair
Team Up for Two-Fair Toofers 
Here's a clever idea sure to have fun-in-the-sun entertainment seekers visiting at least two California fairs this season. A program called "Two-Fair Toofers," offered by the Santa Barbara Fair & Expo and the Ventura County Fair offers fair goers one admission to A Country Fair with Ocean Air - the  Ventura County Fair, July 31 - August 11 - when they present an admission ticket stub from the Fun-O-Saurus 2019 Santa Barbara Fair, held earlier this year on April 24-28.      
CFSA salutes the Santa Barbara Fair & Expo and the Ventura County Fair for their twice-the-fun fair admission idea. We're proud to have you both in the CFSA Risk Sharing Pool Program!  

spotlightSpotlight on:
CFSA's Animal Exhibitor Group Insurance Coverage

If your fair requires animal exhibitors to have general liability coverage, consider the benefits of providing them with Animal Exhibitor Group Insurance available through CFSA. 
Providing the coverage saves time - your fair doesn't have to collect insurance certificates from every exhibitor. And it cuts down on paperwork. Whether you are covering five or 555 FFA, 4-H, Grange and/or independent exhibitors, only one Special Events receipt needs to be generated. Plus, it's a great community-spirit gesture!

By providing the coverage, you've ensured that the animal's owner and family are covered, as is your fair in the event that an exhibited animal injures a fair visitor or damages someone's property,  And, if there's an incident and your fair is a member of the General Liability Pool program, your General liability loss history (and annual fee) isn't affected. 

For more information about this coverage, please contact Mario Castagnola, CFSA risk analyst, at 916/263-6145 or mcastagnola@cfsa.org.

Entry Form Double Check for General Liability Pool Participants:
Does Your Fair's Exhibitor Entry Form Include the Required Liability Release Language? It is for Your Own Benefit.  

To help ensure that all CFSA pool member fairs are adequately indemnified from any losses connected to livestock and/or other exhibitor participation at your fair, CFSA fully endorses the entry form liability release language included in the 2019 State Rules for California Fairs publication issued by the California Department of Food & Agriculture. 

In fact, this liability release language is required on all livestock and/or other exhibit/exhibitor entry forms used by fairs participating in CFSA's General Liability Pool program (effective January 1, 2015). Your support and compliance with this requirement provides an additional layer of liability protection for your fair and for the General Liability Pool, and in addition, it provides state-wide consistency of entry form liability release language. If your fair's entry form needs updating to include this liability release language, feel free to send a copy of the revised entry form to CFSA's risk analyst, Mario Castagnola. He will serve as a second set of eyes to ensure your form is ready to go. 

Please check your fair's entry forms for the following language (from the 2019 State Rules publication, Section II Eligibility, Item 16):

"16. The exhibitor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Fair, the county and the state of California from and against any liability, claim, loss or expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of any injury or damage, which is caused by, arises from or is in any way connected with participation in the program or event, excepting only that caused by the sole active negligence of the Fair. The Fair Management shall not be responsible for accidents or losses that may occur to any of the exhibitors or exhibits at the Fair. The exhibitor (or parent or guardian of a minor) is responsible for any injury or damage resulting from the exhibitor's participation in the program or event. This includes any injury to others or to the exhibitor or to the exhibitor's property."

If you have any questions about this indemnification language or if you would like a free review of your current or revised entry form, please contact Mario Castagnola at 916/263-6145 or mcastagnola@cfsa.org

Remember to Send a Copy of Your Fairgrounds' Monthly Contract Log to CFSA by the 15th of Every Month

Has your fairgrounds sent its May contract log to CFSA yet? If you have, thank you for helping us help you keep claims costs down! If you haven't, please do so as soon as you can. This General Liability Pool requirement asks that all General Liability pool program participating fairs fax or email a copy of their monthly contract logs to CFSA. Doing so by the 15th of each month gives Mario Castagnola, CFSA's risk analyst,  ample time to review your log and to get back to you if there are any questions. Fax your contract logs to: 916/263-6159, Atten. Mario or email them to Mario at:  mcastagnola@cfsa.org.

We know you're busy and that this is one more thing to squeeze into your day, but we wouldn't ask you for the logs unless they played an important role in reducing claims costs, in protecting your fair's loss history and in keeping annual pool fees down. And they do!  ( To see an example of a  contract log, please contact Mario.)

Keep Your CFSA Risk Control Specialist in the Loop with Post Facility Inspection Updates

After you have repaired, adjusted or developed a plan of action for any problematic areas identified in your fairgrounds' Pre-fair Inspection Report, and before your fair or event takes place, remember to send a copy of the correction sheet with the current status of the recommended actions to your Risk Control specialist.  (The correction sheet is attached to your Pre-fair Inspection Report.) 

Then, when your Risk Control specialist returns to your fairgrounds during the fair or after, he or she knows they can focus on other safety needs such as staff training, instead of using valuable time going over what they just went over.

Have questions about your fairgrounds' report or not sure where to begin? Contact your fair's Risk Control specialist or Tom Amberson, Risk Department manager, at 916/263-6180 or tamberson@cfsa.org.      

Thank you for reading the  fyi newsletter. If there is something we can do to make  fyi more valuable to you, please  let us know: mthurber@cfsa.org.