Women Helping Women for a Better Future
Education | Action | Advocacy

CFUW Ontario Council News

In this Issue

  • Message from Ontario Council President Teresa Habs
  • February 24 - Speakers Series
  • March 23 - OC Advocacy Committee Special Event
  • Advocacy Survey 2024
  • Ontario Council AGM 2024
  • Ontario Council Proposed Resolutions
  • Club News & Events

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Message from the Ontario Council President

Happy winter 2024! It’s February here in Ontario, yet the energy and ingenuity I see so many Ontario Clubs display is amazing! When I read the club newsletters I know that clubs are busy planning the rest of our meeting year with events of all kinds! At Ontario Council we are keeping up the pace too!

Many of you have already registered for OC’s next Speaker Series February 24 on AI (aka Artificial Intelligence). Our guest speaker comes at the subject from a philosophical background and this alone is intriguing enough to make it worthwhile. If you haven’t already done so, please register for February 24 for what we think will be a great learning experience. And many thanks to our Advocacy Committee for this event!

Recently OC held our “Welcome 2024” event and I want to thank everyone who attended. We heard from two very engaged women working to help other women and we spent time talking to each other about the good things happening in our clubs. I left the Zoom Party exhilarated and already thinking of next year’s!

Two big outreach events, of the many that happen locally this time of year are approaching fast. The Coldest Night of the Year (also February 24) is marked by so many clubs in the province. And of course, International Women’s Day (March 8) is right around the corner! Don’t forget to send OC News pictures of both events for our club news section.

OC is busy planning for AGM 2024 on May 24/25 in Windsor. We haven’t met at an AGM since 2019, so I am really hoping you plan to send your club delegate in person. In 2023 you told us in a survey we should wait for another year to meet in person. Well, 2024 is here!

Ontario Council has a few conference incentives already in place – we have a $1000 cash incentive for the club travelling the furthest to attend, we refund membership fees to clubs with 60 or fewer members if they send a delegate in person, and we are working on a few more, and asking our club presidents what they would like to see. We’ll also have membership awards with increased cash prizes!

The Windsor LAC is finalizing a program planned to entice you to come in addition to well-priced hotel accommodations and registration costs. This year we have two resolutions to debate, a few bylaw amendments to take care of, and some elections to hold, and of course, a party to host!

On the subject of elections – the “phrase “leadership fatigue” has many clubs worried. Thankfully, many have found great solutions to the issue – don’t give up, and don’t think we at OC haven’t the same concerns! The OC Nominations Committee will be meeting in February and if you are interested in a particular board position, please contact me! It’s important we have “new blood” too – just like in your club so don’t be shy and don’t think you’re not up to the task! At OC, I’ve seen how a team approach is so helpful, and I hope you’ll consider becoming an OC board member. Stay tuned for more details on vacancies and possibly a call from yours truly!

Thanks again for everything you do for CFUW!

Teresa Habs, OC President 2022-2024

February 24 Speakers Series

Our next Speaker Series in on February 24th and will focus on Artificial Intelligence. For more information about the event, click here.

Saturday February 24, 2024

10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on ZOOM


The Ethical Issues Surrounding Artificial Intelligence

Registration is now open!

Click here to register.

Professor Joshua Skorburg, from the University of Guelph, will speak about the PROBES model. The PROBES model highlights six of the most important ethical considerations relating to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): Privacy, Responsibility, Opacity, Bias, Equity, and Sustainability.

Hope you can join us!

March 23 Special Advocacy Event

Save the Date for an Ontario Advocacy Committee Special Virtual Event!

March 23rd, 2024 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. on ZOOM

 Title: Canada’s Food (In)Security – Why We Are All at Risk!

 Three amazing experts will address the flaws in Canada’s food systems, why we are ALL at risk for food insecurity and what we can and should do about it.

 More details to come.

Advocacy Survey 2024

During the second week of February, the Advocacy Committee will be sending out the 2024 Advocacy Survey. The results from this survey will inform advocacy initiatives undertaken by Ontario Council for the next four years. Your Club’s participation is extremely important. We ask that the Club President, Advocacy Committee Chair or Designate complete the survey following membership consultations - one survey per Club. Sufficient time has been given to allow for membership discussion and the closing date for the survey is April 1. The survey takes five to seven minutes to complete after the membership consultation has been completed. Thank you for your continued support!

Ontario Council Advocacy Committee  

Ontario Council AGM 2024

The 2024 AGM & Conference will take place at the DoubleTree Windsor Hotel located at 333 Riverside Dr. West. Registration for the AGM & Conference will be available soon, but hotel reservations can be made now.

A block of rooms for conference attendees has been reserved at the DoubleTree's sister hotel, the Best Western Plus Waterfront Hotel, located at 277 Riverside Dr. West. The special room rate for the AGM is $149 for check-in on May 24, 2024, and check-out on May 25. This rate is for single or double occupancy. In order to book a room, please call 519.973.5555 and ask for the CFUW Windsor Conference Group or use the Block code 2405CFUWW when speaking with the front desk. Reservations cannot be made online.

As Teresa mentioned in her message, there will be a number of cash prizes to encourage clubs to send an in-person delegate to Windsor. More details on that to come!

To get all the information about the 2024 AGM & Conference, please click here.

Ontario Council Proposed Resolutions

Two clubs, CFUW Muskoka and CFUW Windsor, have submitted resolutions to be voted on at the 2024 AGM. Clubs may now consider the proposed resolutions and determine whether to support them as written, or to propose amendments.


CFUW Muskoka Resolution


Protecting Ontario’s Vulnerable in Cold Weather Conditions


RESOLVED, That CFUW Ontario Council strongly urge the Provincial and Municipal governments to adopt a policy that:

  1. Mandates a safe and reasonable temperature at which Warming Centres will open to ensure the health and safety of our vulnerable citizens.
  2. Mandates this temperature to be -5⁰C to 0⁰C.
  3. Mandates these Warming Centres to be open 24/7 when such temperatures occur.


You may view/download CFUW Muskoka's submitted resolution, including Background and Bibliography, by clicking here.

CFUW Windsor Resolution

The costs of medical appliances, which enhance the quality of life of all citizens in Ontario require legislative regulation.


RESOLVED, that CFUW Ontario Council urge the provincial government to expand the definition of health care to include medical appliances and those appliances be recognized as an integral part of health care.


RESOLVED, that CFUW Ontario Council urges the provincial government to regulate the costs of medical appliances in the Province of Ontario as health care necessities.


RESOLVED, that CFUW Ontario Council urges the provincial government to establish a Medicine Appliances Review Board under the authority of the province to regulate the scope of medical appliances that are medically necessary and the costs of these medical appliances.

You may view/download CFUW Windsor's submitted resolution, including Background and Bibliography, by clicking here.


Club Review & Amendments

To submit an amendment, please use the Resolution Amendment form. An amendment is a proposed change meant to strengthen, clarify and support the original resolution.

  • It must be relevant to the subject of the Resolution.
  • No new subject may be introduced an an amendment

A separate Resolution Amendment form should be completed in Word for each Resolution being amended and returned to the CFUW Ontario Council Resolutions Chair no later than April 1st.

The proposed resolutions and the amendment form are also available on the Ontario Council Policy & Resolutions page of the OC website.

Club News & Events

There's lots going on with Ontario Clubs! Please send your club news & events to [email protected].

CFUW Haliburton

Each year, CFUW Haliburton, decorates a tree in the Haliburton Sculpture Forest with pine cones rolled in peanut butter and bird seed, and laminated CFUW information cards tied to the tree with ribbons. It’s become a cherished tradition of great fun and laughter, and is very much a team effort! We leave the decorations on the tree until spring and always return to leave it as we found it. We now have had several members who have joined CFUW as a result of the encouraging welcoming message on the trees tags! Read more here.

CFUW Kitchener Waterloo - Winter Storytelling: A Celebration of Indigenous Film

This event features 3 films screened at the Princess Twin Cinema in Waterloo. Beans is the 2nd film in the series and will play on Monday February 12. Bones of Crows, will play on Wednesday February 28. Get all the details here.

CFUW Etobicoke

On February 14th, CFUW Etobicoke will be hosting a Stop the Violence Fundraiser. This is a Zoom event. The guest speaker will be former Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne. Tickets are $35 and are available at cfuwetobicoke.ca/stop. You can get all the details here.

CFUW Oshawa & District

CFUW Oshawa & District invites you to join them on Wednesday February 14th, when Steve Burrows, author of the best-selling Birder Murder mystery series, will take a light-hearted look at the worlds of birding, publishing and research abroad. All guests are welcome! Free admission. Read more here.

CFUW Nepean

CFUW Nepean invites you to join them for their upcoming Speakers Series on February 15 at 7 p.m. Ottawa Police Constable Martin Riopelle will speak about scams and fraud systems directed to seniors.  To request a ZOOM link please e-mail [email protected].

CFUW Perth & District

CFUW Perth & District is pleased to invite you to our presentation on fraud prevention Monday, February 19 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. In this presentation by Kim Carroll from Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, you will learn about fraud and how to prevent yourself from becoming a victim. To request a ZOOM link e-mail [email protected].

On February 24, CFUW Perth & District is hosting a Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) walk in Perth. The Lanark County teams will be walking to raise money for Cornerstone Landing, a non-profit organization that supports youth who are homeless or at risk of homelessness across Lanark County. Last year, participants in the CNOY event raised over $25000 for Cornerstone Landing and this year we hope to top $30000. For more information or to donate, click here.

CFUW Cambridge

CFUW Cambridge invites you to join them at their annual IWD breakfast on March 2, 2024. Their guest speaker is David Menary, founder of It Happened in Cambridge and co-founder of the Cambridge Sports Hall of Fame. Tickets are $75 per person and a $30 tax receipt will be issued after the event. Purchase tickets through Canada Helps. Proceeds will be directed to the Club’s Scholarship Fund. Get all the details here.

CFUW Toronto area clubs would like to invite you to their IWD celebration:

Get all the details here!

You can get all the details about upcoming club events on the OC website at Club Events | CFUW Ontario Council (cfuwontcouncil.org).

And catch up on the latest club news at Club News!

Women Helping Women
Our vision for Ontario Council can be summed up in the following key words: 
Education. Action. Advocacy.
Ontario Council News is a newsletter for and about our Ontario Clubs.
  • Because Ontario Council includes close to 50 clubs, we are not able to publish club meetings, AGMs, scholarship winners and other charitable giving.
  • Club newsletters are published on the OC website under Club Actions & Events
  • To help you help us, click the link below for all the information you need about our publication schedule, submission deadlines, and preferred format.
Click here for information and submission deadlines
Click here to join our mailing list

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